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MSNBC: Halliburton admits skipping test on Gulf well cement


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Halliburton Co. acknowledged late Thursday that it skipped doing a critical test on the final formulation of cement used to seal the BP oil well that blew out in the Gulf of Mexico.

The company, which was BP's cementing contractor, said that BP at the last-minute increased the amount of a critical ingredient in the cement mix. While an earlier test showed the cement was stable, the company never performed a stability test on the new blend.

The cement's failure to prevent oil and gas from entering the well has been identified as one of the causes of the April 20 disaster.

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Why shouldn't it begin.

How about we don't stop with just pointing the finger, how about we punish them? How about we hold them to the same standards of personal responsibility that we all want to hold everyone else to, I say.

They should be responsible for every single dollar they cost anyone for the mess they made with their own willful negligence. Charge the decider with manslaughter or negligent homicide for the lives lost when it blew up.


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Why shouldn't it begin.

How about we don't stop with just pointing the finger, how about we punish them? How about we hold them to the same standards of personal responsibility that we all want to hold everyone else to, I say.

They should be responsible for every single dollar they cost anyone for the mess they made with their own willful negligence.


Seriously. You forget or decline to do your job and if something goes wrong you should get more than a finger pointed at you.

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I remember when Obama wanted to impose new regulations on Off Shore Drilling and Sarah Palin had her Tea Party cohorts picket him with Fascist, Communist, and Hitler Signs. So the question is, when is it ok for the fed to impose rules that private corporation must abid by for public safety?

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Did Halliburton skip the test or did a person, or a few people, working at Halliburton choose to skip the test? The reason people get away with this crap is that we look at the company like it's a person, it's not. The company should be punished but more importantly the individuals involved should be punished.

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Boobie, we already have rules in place that would have prevented this

more rules is not always the answer

It's clear that BP was able to get around the rules, like most corporations. But in this case, BP business put the whole world at risk. That maybe exaggerated, but BP put the general public at risk.

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I tend to agree with TWA.. the fault isn't in the lack of rules, it's in the lack of responsibility to the rules, both by BP and those in charge of overseeing the project for the various safety and protection agencies. BP and Halliburton didn't want to follow the rules because it would hurt their bottom line, so they partied with the regulators to keep them looking the other way.

And those regulators should be held responsible for their failing as well.


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I always found it interesting that those who support being tough on crime and support strict penalties for personal crimes seem to always want to give a free pass to corporations and those who commit crimes on behalf of corporations.

If i went into the street right now and stole $1,000 from a store I would most likely spend at min. 1-2 years in prison. If I were to go outside and cause thousands of dollars of damages to public or private property I could face serious jail time.

I want the names of every single person at Haliburton who knew about this situation. I want prosecutors to read their emails and interview witnesses. I want to know exactly who knew what and why they did it.

**** suing Haliburton for a couple of million dollars based on damages. That does not stop anything.

Lets put people in jail for 20-30 years.

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