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ACORN "Pimp" Tries to "Punk" Seduce a CNN Reporter

Dan T.

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James O'Keefe's credibility crumbles further...

Lusby, Maryland (CNN) -- A conservative activist known for making undercover videos plotted to embarrass a CNN correspondent by recording a meeting on hidden cameras aboard a floating "palace of pleasure" and making sexually suggestive comments, e-mails and a planning document show.

James O'Keefe, best known for hitting the community organizing group ACORN with an undercover video sting, hoped to get CNN Investigative Correspondent Abbie Boudreau onto a boat filled with sexually explicit props and then record the session, those documents show.

The plan apparently was thwarted after Boudreau was warned minutes before it was supposed to happen.

"I never intended to become part of the story," Boudreau said. "But things suddenly took a very strange turn."

O'Keefe is best known for making a series of undercover videos inside ACORN offices around the country in 2009. The 40-year-old liberal group was crippled by scandal after O'Keefe and fellow activist Hannah Giles allegedly solicited advice from ACORN workers on setting up a brothel and evading taxes. The videos led to some of the employees being fired and contributed to the disbanding of ACORN, which advocated for low- and middle-income and worked to register voters.

But prosecutors in New York and California eventually found no evidence of wrongdoing by the group, and the California probe found the videos had been heavily and selectively edited.

O'Keefe's next big splash ended with his arrest after he taped associates entering Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in New Orleans posing as telephone repairmen. He ended up pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of entering a federal office under false pretenses and is now on probation.

But he continues to do undercover projects through his organization, which is called Project Veritas.

The incident occurred in August, when Boudreau agreed to meet O'Keefe to discuss CNN's request to be present on set for a music video shoot in which O'Keefe stars.


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Dude is a fraud and always was a fraud. He lied about everything he did.

People don't care. His "ACORN was nothing but a giant criminal enterprise" lie has taken full root in the subconscious of the American public, and there is no way to dislodge that nonsense anymore.

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Dude is a fraud and always was a fraud. He lied about everything he did.

People don't care. His "ACORN was nothing but a giant criminal enterprise" lie has taken full root in the subconscious of the American public, and there is no way to dislodge that nonsense anymore.

O'Keefe is the M. Night Shyamalan of conservative attack videographers. His ACORN ploy was his Sixth Sense. Now he's just embarrassing himself chasing an encore.

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We've discussed this clown here before. This guy was a conservative hero until they just decided to pretend they didn't know the guy when the truth started to come out. I don't blame conservatives for this because the guy was convincing and telling them what they wanted to here. This piece of **** cost people their jobs and slandered their character in the worst ways. I hope Karma catches up with this criminal.

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This ******* is now trying to pretend it was something it wasn't.



Too bad the truth on him doesn't get publicized more. Especially the doctored videos of his past.

He needs jail time.

Lots of it.

That's the worst excuse I've ever heard. He basically admits he was going to do it but not that bad and not without her knowing about it... despite the fact that she went there and he didn't tell her, a person from his own organization warned the reporter at the last minute, and CNN has the entire 13 page plan. His enabler and documented fan of dishonest video editing Breitbart pops ups to show his support for his padawan.
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