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is redskins stadium a dump?

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This is second-hand info, but if it's any consolation, I was talking to a guy once who worked on the Ravens' stadium, and he admitted that the thing was put up in such a rush that it was shoddily built. He said that that in 15 or 20 years the stadium could need a major overhaul. Like I said, it's second-hand info but still...

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Originally posted by GGB81

We need to find a way to fill the friggin' club level seats. It's an embarassment when they pan to a shot of the stadium and there are hundreds of bright yellow seats that are empty. That's my biggest gripe with FedEx.

The yellow seats will never be "filled." The problem is you have these idiots who pay wads of $$ for club seats but then watch the game inside the club concourse on big screen TVs or in the cigar humidor. Why anyone would pay good money for prime seats, then deal with the traffic and parking, only to watch the game inside on a television, is beyond me. I don't understand it and probably never will. But as long as these people exist, the yellow seats will remain bright yellow for all the world to see.

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Originally posted by Larry Brown #43

The yellow seats will never be "filled." The problem is you have these idiots who pay wads of $$ for club seats but then watch the game inside the club concourse on big screen TVs or in the cigar humidor. Why anyone would pay good money for prime seats, then deal with the traffic and parking, only to watch the game inside on a television, is beyond me. I don't understand it and probably never will. But as long as these people exist, the yellow seats will remain bright yellow for all the world to see.

I have club seats and I want you to know I would never leave those during gametime, except to use the bathroom. You're right, why do these people watch the games on TVs when they could do it at home? Only time I ever watch those TVs is at halftime to see highlights of our game and others on FOX.

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The stadium is pretty mediocre. It's not a god awful dump, but it has little to no character, and certainly doesnt induce awe upon first sight.

By far the biggest advantage that Ravens Stadium has over Fedex is its accessibility and the convenient parking. Driving to Fedex is suuuuuch a pain in the ass.

I would have much preferred a D.C. stadium, or even one of the proposed sites for a Northern VA stadium across the river that gave sight lines to the monuments.

I'm basically patiently waiting for another 20 years until The Danny decided to build something new.

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Fed Ex in the hood? Not really. Not the nicest area around but far from the worst. Now RFK was in the "hood" and you knew it.

Fed Ex was a privately built stadium with the highest seating capacity in the NFL, affording quality sight lines from almost every seat. The asthetic frills, like those at Ericsson, were left out, and more time and budget were expended on a quality playing surface,, locker rooms, and the like. It's certainly by no means the prettiest or nicest stadium around, but it is plenty good for a home, and the noise will be there when the games begin to count.

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According to the Redskins website, Snyder is thinking about adding 6,000 more seats to help him with the 2008 Super Bowl bid. for those of you wondering where in God's creation would they put the extra seats, at the first preseason game I asked an employee and he said they would be underneath the club level on the visitors side?? He also mentioned that the retractable roof/dome proposal for FedEx is still alive.

Very good posts on this thread. As mentioned, RFK had character, but if you've been to FedEx and then go back to RFK for an event (like a DC United game), you'll probably come to appreciate FedEx more. I've been to Ravens stadium and, apart from the nice exterior, isn't really any nicer than FedEx. As far as the fans and lackof noise go......well, hopefully a winning season will solve that. Anyone who was at the playoff game against Detroit in early 2000 can attest that the stadium can get plenty loud.

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Well, only been there once, (last year for Hogfest :) ), and sat in the 400 level. No problem except maybe the walk up to them, (er...had nothing to do with beverages served at Hogfest :D ). Could see everything and didn't have any loud machinery in my ear. A dump? No. A nice stadium. RFK? No. Btu RFK had TIME to build that. And playoff wins, superbowls, ect...


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There is no comparison. RFK was built for baseball, The House That Jack built ("The Jack"..Please don't use the coorperate bull**** name..we need to change the name of this forum) was built for football. I was there for the first game at The Jack, I've seen games at RFK. Now you are much closer to the action. Other stadiums are similar, I saw the preseason game at the panthers place, great stadium. Please don't mix sentiment with reality.

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I hereby call on all Redskins fans to call our stadium The Big Jack both in writing and conversation. It has cache. It has a bit 'o panache. And it celebrates the regime that we still identify with and trade on when we think of our franchise.

If we start it, it will build.

My solemn vow: I will never call The Big Jack anything other that The Big Jack (except mayble TBJ when I'm in a hurry), under penalty of ... well ... something bad to be named later.

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I've been to 5 different NFL parks and ours was definitely one of the best. Trying going to Jax, where they won't let you walk up your aisle to the bathroom, cause it's so congested it's like a Who concert.

The Titans stadium is pretty nice but it got AWFULLY quiet when we we there, last year. ;)

All in all, I like our building and while it may not be the best, it's up there, IMHO.

We also must HEAVILY consider the source, as has been mentioned.


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Fedex Field is just fine. RFK was outdated and needed to be replaced. I think a lot of people let their good memories of the team override the pitiful state of the stadium. You undoubtedly lose something in the process, those friends you made, your normal routine, a sense of family, but that is progress.

When you build a stadium in the middle of the 'burbs, who wants a view? The DC Mayor and others messed with JKC so much he had few options on where to put it. I had to park behind the Cap Center on a blacktop access road for the NO game last year. Didn't complain, just grabbed two beers and walked to the bus stop. At least you don't have to worry about getting mugged going to the parking lot. A metro stop would greatly improve the situation, although tailgating would be tough.

When the stadium gets full and we are winning, that place will rock. All these new stadiums are nice, but being open-ended lets most of the noise escape.

I use my Dad's club seats a couple times a year (NY vs. Skins this year) and the Club Level people do suck. We are second row from the last, right before the suites, so I never have a problem with those "down in front" types. My section is cool, but not the most lively. It is kind of disappointing after going to a VT game and then experiencing the Jack. RFK had an almost college feel. However, when you get to hang out with the Cheerleaders after the game and can get wait service so you don't miss a single play, it makes up for it.

My plan would be to have general admission Club seats, divided by section. Oversell these seats so people know if they leave, they might lose their spot. Then people could rotate in and out as they please, more money is spent in concessions and the seats look filled. (Still working on this plan)

My BIGGEST PET PEEVE is undoubtedly those traitors who sell their tickets to opposing fans. I had to watch some trashy Eagles fans making out in front of the TV in the Humidor. Gross.

I'm tired of hearing "Douuuuuuche" when Staley or Johnston runs the ball. Also, the pepper spray incident wouldn't happen if we had a way to give people on the waiting list first crack at any 'returned' tickets. We need to reward our loyal ticketbuyers as well as provide a "pro-Skins" atmosphere for the players. There needs to be a secret question you can ask to see if someone is a Skins fan.

Rant over.

Bottom line: Win and they will come (and they will be loud)

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Originally posted by National Defense

and how much will those tickets be?

Fed Ex has little character--its up to the fans. I would like to see more banners/posters ---or are they removing them these days?

Good question, ND. I think they do allow them because I see the big D with the Fence up a lot. Last year, before the Philly game the place was BUZZING. I had never seen it like that. Someone even threw a roll of toilet paper following the extra point after Quezzie's punt return. Felt like RFK for about 5 minutes...

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You say the stadium was a buzz at the Skins Eagles game?? Not the word I would have used...There was electricity yes... But there were so many drunkin nasty opposing fans at that game, I left early in the fourth quarter, not only because we were losing badly, but because I thought if I get out of here first all the nasty eagle fans will be the only ones left in the stadium, & it will be safer to get back to the car. Being female, and my husband doesn't follow football, I usually take friends and almost always is another woman. I feared for my life on that long walk back to the car. I am actually thinking of not going to that game this year...

I too have a problem with people selling tickets to other teams fans. I drive all that way to be harassed?? I want to drive all that way to feel at home and to feel a bonding over a team I have worshiped since forever, through good times and bad....

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