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Lots of curiosity about this John Beck guy...


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I have noticed a significant interest in John Beck. So, as a long time BYU guy I thought it would be interesting for you guys to get to know Beck's history a little bit more in detail.

John's story is a little bit different than most BYU QB's. He came into a BYU program that was in complete meltdown mode. He started the same year he returned from his mission as a freshman.

{John completed his mission and as anyone who knows what it means to be an LDS missionary understands, missionaries get up at about 5-6 am to do scripture study and then leave the appt early to begin proselytizing which goes on till about 9pm everyday. They have one day to do laundry and take care of personal issues like shopping etc. That doesn't leave much time for self. If they are really dedicated they can squeeze in a short (1/2 hr) workout before leaving. On your mission you eat just about anything you can get your hands on, (Ramen noodles, Ramen noodles with ketchup, Ramen noodles with Ketchup, lime and eggs, etc.) Living on $450/mo. (total) makes for lean times my friends. Meals are whatever you and your 19-21 year old companion can scrounge up. You live for the times when a family invites you to dinner. Two years living like that plays hell on an athlete.}

Any way he comes back into a program that was in complete disarray. Coaches disagreeing, bickering etc. One big identifier of the program during this time was the complete inability to protect the QB. During this 4 year stretch in BYU's history many highly touted QB's failed miserably amid the coaching carousel and inconsistency. They throw Beck in as a frosh and he displays a madman's willingness to stand in and take a hit to deliver the pass and literally gets beaten to a pulp and ends his year injured. Coming back the next year he was gunshy and developed happy feet as he was constantly pummeled. They "allow Gary Crowton" to quit and Bronco Mendenhall takes over. Becks junior year with Bronco at the helm he made some strides but still displayed happy feet. He clearly was damaged goods but he showed flashes of absolute brilliance. His Senior year John started settling in but still had moments of happy feet. This was the year of "make or break" and honestly while we were all pulling for him many of us began to doubt he would become one of the true greats at BYU. Finally after absorbing some wicked shots he sat out the Utah State game (with 2 sprained ankles IIRC) and watched as his back up dismantled a hapless USU team. That game was the turning point in John Beck's history. He sat and watched, studied and consulted with his coaches and I believe learned A LOT about himself. He went on to destroy TCU with both ankles taped up so much he could hardly walk and went on to have a great season culminating with that incredible play at Utah (

) then The Vegas Bowl destroying Oregon. He has a great strong arm and is very accurate. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=dHBy7uIV_iE&feature=relatedand ) He, more than any other BYU QB, can thread the needle and is not afraid to give it a try because he is a student of the game and he comes up with explanations why he tries certain passes that boggle the mind but are completely crazy but make perfect sense. See his comments following a TD pass in camp where he did just that.

Then he gets picked up by Miami....:doh: (see Gary Crowton years)

Then Baltimore... Not his style of O...

Now the Skins. This is a great fit for his abilities.

IMO, If the Skins :logo: give him their confidence (this is important because of his history) and build a good to great line for him he will become a franchise QB for you guys.

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LOL. I hope not. As a newbie that was just creepy! Beck has some potential but he still has a long way to go. Having seen his progression up close I believe he CAN do it. But will he?

Thinking the Cult was creepy?

Admitting Beck might not be the next Montana?

Thinking rationally about the difficulty of becoming an NFL QB while still throwing support behind your guy?

I like you already, IceBlue. :D

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Would love to see us keep him, but Shanny has a history of only carrying 2 QB's on his roster. I am guessing that Grossman makes it over him. Maybe Kyle can get his dad to change his mind, and carry 3, if he thinks that Beck can be his QB of the future.

If we cut Beck, someone will pick him up.

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Wow man thanks for the info. I think a lot of us are very curious to see what he has in him. He seems like someone who in the right scheme can produce and be a viable asset for us but we don't know yet but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough on friday night along with the rest of the preseason

Something else I left out is that he reminds me of Michael Jackson. (yeah, creepy I know and a weird analogy) But like MJ he learns relatively slowly because he is meticulous about details. He will take a few Months, but will eventually Grasp it very well. Don't get frustrated if he struggles at times. It is his way. Give him till next year to REALLY get the system down. Being similar to BYU will help a lot!

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LOL. I hope not. As a newbie that was just creepy! Beck has some potential but he still has a long way to go. Having seen his progression up close I believe he CAN do it. But will he?

Thanks for the info. in the OP IceBlue, and welcome to the site. I've publically admitted here that i've developed a bit of a mancrush on this guy. From what i've read on the web wrt his background and hardwork, which you obviously reaffirmed here, along with what Mike & Kyle Shannahan have indicated, I believe the guy has some good attributes. Whether or not that translates through camp and the preseason is still yet tbd. I hope he does well, he seems like a good guy. But obviously just being a good guy doesn't earn him a spot on the team.

We'll see how he performs in these preseason games, if he does well, I wouldn't be suprised to see him stick around until at least until the final cut. Even then however, as it's been discussed before, MS may only take 2 QB's into the year with him, which right now would appear to be #5 and Rex. So he's gonna have to beat out Bartel, to even have a chance to be considered, and even then he might be lucky if he gets put on the PS. But who knows, i'll guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Again, welcome to the site, and thanks for the info. Great first thread!



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We'll see how he performs in these preseason games, if he does well, I wouldn't be suprised to see him stick around until at least until the final cut. Even then however, as it's been discussed before, MS may only take 2 QB's into the year with him, which right now would appear to be #5 and Rex. So he's gonna have to beat out Bartel, to even have a chance to be considered, and even then he might be lucky if he gets put on the PS.

Might be mistaken, but I don't think Beck is eligible for the practice squad.

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Settle down there, I'm not putting up shrines or anything just yet. As i've indicated before, if I start to get out of hand with the Beck nonsense, you have my permission to begin commencement with the "Code Reds" :D


In all seriousness, I too, was initially pumped about this guy as a young, talented, developing up and comer of a QB, and then I read that he's 30. 30?!?!?

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In all seriousness, I too, was initially pumped about this guy as a young, talented, developing up and comer of a QB, and then I read that he's 30. 30?!?!?

Hey I didn't hit my prime until I was 30, unfortunately it only lasted until I was 31, now its all down hill :D

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