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6 Teens Drown in Louisiana

Kosher Ham

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Here's an interesting article - ironically dated just a week before this tragedy - about black Olympic swimmer Cullen Jones' work to teach more African American children to swim:


He's working with USA Swimming and Conoco Phillips on the Make a Splash series that promotes water safety among minority youth.

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I grew up with a giant pool in my backyard when I lived in NOVA plus most of my extended family lives on the Patuxent River in Maryland. Needless to say I 've spent easily 50%(if not much more) of my life in water. Everyone should know how to swim though. About 75% of the world is covered by it after all.

Dude. You have not spent 50% or more of your life in water. Think about it Aquaman.

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I read this story this morning and it makes me ANGRY. Its such a waste of life in such a stupid manner.

1- WHAT KIND OF RETARD TAKES CHILDREN TO A DEEP RIVER WHEN THEY THEMSELVES CANT SWIM? and the ones who paid for this stupidity? the kids.

2- what kind of moron lets the kids run around in the river without knowing how to swim? are you serious?

3- how the hell does anyone who lives near water not know how to swim or teach their kids or at least get them lessons?

I grew up on a ranch up a hill from the chinchaga river, I learned to swim at 3 years old. My fathers method of teaching me consisted of throwing me in the river after I was dancing around on the river bank yelling at him and my uncles and cousins and yelling because I wasnt allowed in the water. I admit that there were several people within arms reach but I was up and dog [paddling in about 5 minutes. by the end of the summer I was swimming breast strokes underwater. its not hard and its actually natural.

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Exactly, from the parents and the teens. I saw it on the news this morning and just said, WTF ?

I learned to swim well at around 6-7 years old. It amazes me that people can't swim. Prior to that I could dog paddle and float at least.

Agreed. I've been able to swim since I was around that age too. But ya know, my dad can't swim, but he knows what to do if he goes underwater, he doesn't freak out. He said he never learned to swim b/c there were no pools were he grew up, so what could he do? It's not his fault. I guess that's the same case here.

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