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Now 3D has invaded my Directv!


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Just had my receiver update and tell me I can now watch the World Cup in 3D (which I hate soccer) but also I think it said something about watching ESPNHD in 3D now - yes awesome cause how much I hated watching Sportscenter because it was too flat - now everything can be so much more real and in my face.

I mean scores just did not pop - I want to watch the bottom ticker and be like WHOA!

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I still don't even have HD :(. I gotta be the last holdout.

I was with you until about 2 months ago. Most of the time it's not THAT much greater, but on sports and certain shows (like Deadliest Warrior, lots of blood/gore), it does make a difference and you can tell. That said, I don't see 3-D catching on commercially for at least another 5 years, minimum.

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I was with you until about 2 months ago. Most of the time it's not THAT much greater, but on sports and certain shows (like Deadliest Warrior, lots of blood/gore), it does make a difference and you can tell. That said, I don't see 3-D catching on commercially for at least another 5 years, minimum.

Anything in full HD (1080i/p) is way better than 480i.

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The fact that they are working so hard at trying to bring this home is comical. Until they can perfect this illusion without the use of glasses, it will remain nothing more than a novelty.

Totally agree. I'm not gonna sit around with glasses on all night and watch tv. Pointless. Plus 3D looks great on a movie screen. A 50" TV, probably not as much.

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The fact that they are working so hard at trying to bring this home is comical. Until they can perfect this illusion without the use of glasses, it will remain nothing more than a novelty.

You are crazy.

First, a 3D tv makes your regular HD channels look much, much better. That alone blows away current HD.

Then, whenever you want to watch a game, or anything else in 3D, you can put the glasses on. The glasses are like raybans. Not those in the theater.

99% of people would rather see Avatar in 3D, than in normal.

This is no different.

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You are crazy.

First, a 3D tv makes your regular HD channels look much, much better. That alone blows away current HD.

Then, whenever you want to watch a game, or anything else in 3D, you can put the glasses on. The glasses are like raybans. Not those in the theater.

99% of people would rather see Avatar in 3D, than in normal.

This is no different.

But there's a HUGE difference in watching 3-D on a movie screen than on a 50-60 inch TV. I highly doubt you'll have the same experience.

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Congrats. It will be huge.

Monday Night Football will also be in 3D next year. You will be the star of the neighborhood.

I mean sure my TV I am going to buy is 3D ready - but it's not why I am buying it. It's because well it's my dream TV - the 73" Mitsubishi

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You are crazy.

This coming from the guy that tried to sell me that Ladell Betts was better than CP. Okay

First, a 3D tv makes your regular HD channels look much, much better. That alone blows away current HD.

Aside from live events, gaming and movies with mostly CG, I really don't see how it would make it THAT much better.

Then, whenever you want to watch a game, or anything else in 3D, you can put the glasses on. The glasses are like raybans. Not those in the theater.

I don't have an issue with the look of the glasses but just the simple fact that they are needed. Could you imagine having folks over for a Skins game and having to share the glasses because there aren't enough?

99% of people would rather see Avatar in 3D, than in normal.

I'll quit while I'm ahead. I don't want to go pissing anyone off with my thoughts on Avatar.

This is no different.

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But there's a HUGE difference in watching 3-D on a movie screen than on a 50-60 inch TV. I highly doubt you'll have the same experience.

Stop by Sears or Best Buy. You won't believe it.

That's just like saying there's a huge difference between watching any movie at a theater, or watching on tv at home.

The technology and appearance are identical.

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Cyfar, everything will soon be in 3D.

Including your computer screen.

I'm aware. Apparently 2 of the tvs I own are 3d ready, but I don't think it'll be as big of a leap as SD to HD. In all honesty, I was more impressed with TrueMotion (or whatever it's called by various companies) than anything else.

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I was with you until about 2 months ago. Most of the time it's not THAT much greater, but on sports and certain shows (like Deadliest Warrior, lots of blood/gore), it does make a difference and you can tell. That said, I don't see 3-D catching on commercially for at least another 5 years, minimum.
My Comcast STILL doesn't have Spike HD (yet of course it has Faux News HD) :mad::mad:

EDIT: Sports in HD=win.

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I'm aware. Apparently 2 of the tvs I own are 3d ready, but I don't think it'll be as big of a leap as SD to HD. In all honesty, I was more impressed with TrueMotion (or whatever it's called by various companies) than anything else.

Keep an open mind, and stop by Best Buy(I know they are showing 24 WC games live, Sears might be too) this weekend.

You will **** yourself.

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How does it make your HD now look better? I haven't seen that anywhere

google: consumer reports 3D televisions

They have a video report.

Or, just stop by the store.

It gives regular, HD tv pictures much more depth.

Even without glasses on, your HD tv will now look like 2 1/4 D.

Not quite 3, but much better than current.

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My problem is the price of the 3D glasses more than anything.

Other issues, are the lack of programming, the need for a new blu-ray player (or so i've heard), the cost of the sets.

And McD, how would it get your regular HD 2 1/4 ? Thats just silly talk.

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Part of the reason I got rid of Comcast and went with FiOS. Comcast has the least amount of HD out of FiOS and DirecTV
My apartment has no FIOS, and I'm not switching to satellite...I like having my TV during storms.
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My apartment has no FIOS, and I'm not switching to satellite...I like having my TV during storms.

Oh please. Severe storms here on Sunday, I lost my signal for all of 3 minutes. At this point that excuse is becoming an old wives tale. It's cheaper and better.

In the 13 years that I have been with DirecTv the longest I ever lost signal was for about 15 minutes. And I have lived in DC, Boston, Hartford, and Charlotte during that span of time.

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My problem is the price of the 3D glasses more than anything.

Other issues, are the lack of programming, the need for a new blu-ray player (or so i've heard), the cost of the sets.

And McD, how would it get your regular HD 2 1/4 ? Thats just silly talk.

Kosher, a few things here.

1. Right now, there is only 1 single movie out on 3D. Avatar isn't even coming out on 3D until next year. So, there is no need to get one yet. Current prices on a 3D blu-ray are $390. However, Sony has already announced that much like you can get a blu-ray with their current playstation, they intend to do the same with the 3D next year. So...no need to even worry about one yet. And when you do want one? They will be much cheaper, or combined with a game system.

2. 3D glasses are $100 a pop on AMZN. When you purchase the tv, there are deals where you can get one or two pairs for free with purchase. If you need more than 2, you can buy on AMZN or EBAY.

As with any other tech, those prices too, will drop. I would imagine $50 a pop by the holidays. Probably $25 a year from now. Not a big deal.

3. 3D tv greatly enhances a regular, HD picture. Not by a little, but by a lot. The components are higher quality, and new. You don't need to wear the glasses to watch a much improved HD picture. Everything on your screen will have much more depth to it.

Even if you hate soccer, this weekend, DirectTv will be shown in Best Buy stores. They are showing 24 games in 3D, and they will let you test the glasses.

Stop by the store during a game. The US plays England at sometime around noon. You won't believe how kickass it looks.

It isn't a question of if it is better, or will it catch on. Prices are plunging on HD tvs right now, because everyone wants to upgrade to 3D.

Check it out. You will love it. And with only one exception I know of, the sets are surprisingly affordable. They don't cost a whole lot more than the old technology, a regular HD tv.

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