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Help getting a J.O.B.


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Friends, DMVians, Redskins fans:

I graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville last May with a Master of Science in Communication and Information: Journalism and Electronic Media. Since then I have completed an internship (unpaid) and worked as a freelance writer for a few publications and blogs. However what I have not been able to do is secure proper employment ... You know the type that you could call a career. In the current economic climate you have to look for any way to get ahead and that is why I am posting this thread.

I would very much like to move to the DMV area to play my craft, but I don't know many people in the area leaving me short on contacts and sending resumes through email seems fruitless. So if any of you, my fellow ESers, work somewhere that is looking to hire someone with my skill set, know anybody that does, etc. I would really appreciate the help. I am not just interested in journalistic endeavors. I am also interested in public affairs work, communication positions, writer-editor, marketing, PR, working for a government agency and any other field my degrees could be applied to. Thanks to those that read this and any help you can offer in advance.


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usajobs.gov. search the jobs there. create an account. Don't aim too high. Just get your foot in the door. Once you get a Government job, you can move up quickly through the lower levels, or make lateral transitions to other agencies.

Unfortunately, your timing is very bad. Competition is fierce right now. Apply for as many jobs as you possibly can. Your current full time job should be applying for jobs. And then some.

Also, read this document:


It will help you tailor your resume and answer the questions the way the Government hiring people want to hear it.

In particular, scroll down to page 20 and look at the buzz words. They are organized by the type of job you are looking for. Cram as many of these words into your resume as possible. Government human resources departments work on computerized databases. If you don't have these buzz words already in there, chances are an actual human being will never even see your resume.

Good luck dude! HTTR

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Another suggestion: Don't worry about what your degree is in. Nobody really cares right now unless you're going into a very specific field, and you shouldn't be leaving any box unchecked.

I know people with master's degrees who are managing Hollisters. I know a guy with a graphic design degree who is a computer tech. It goes on.

Try the VA as well. Lots of vets coming back need lots of services!

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usajobs.gov. search the jobs there. create an account. Don't aim too high. Just get your foot in the door. Once you get a Government job, you can move up quickly through the lower levels, or make lateral transitions to other agencies.

Unfortunately, your timing is very bad. Competition is fierce right now. Apply for as many jobs as you possibly can. Your current full time job should be applying for jobs. And then some.

Also, read this document:


It will help you tailor your resume and answer the questions the way the Government hiring people want to hear it.

In particular, scroll down to page 20 and look at the buzz words. They are organized by the type of job you are looking for. Cram as many of these words into your resume as possible. Government human resources departments work on computerized databases. If you don't have these buzz words already in there, chances are an actual human being will never even see your resume.

Good luck dude! HTTR

I have been plugging away on usajobs.gov. It would be great to get in with a government agency. Perhaps even worth the rather tedious application process. Thanks for the link on KSA writing. Hopefully it will help me improve my KSA answers.

Indeed.com is a great site ive been looking lately and that site has tons of listings

I have been looking on there a lot and I apply apply to all relevant listings. However it seems that applying via email is fruitless. I am thinking about tagging along with my girlfriend when she heads to DC at the end of the month for interviews for the Presidential Management Fellowship. Maybe if I apply in person it will help my chances of employment.

Another suggestion: Don't worry about what your degree is in. Nobody really cares right now unless you're going into a very specific field, and you shouldn't be leaving any box unchecked.

I know people with master's degrees who are managing Hollisters. I know a guy with a graphic design degree who is a computer tech. It goes on.

Try the VA as well. Lots of vets coming back need lots of services!

Funny thing is I worked at Hollister for a while during undergrad. I had a chance at taking a management position, but decided to go to graduate school instead.

Thanks for the help ... I look forward to more suggestions and insights.


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Don't mean to highjack the thread... but hopefully this can be a great way for Redskins fans to help out fellow job hunters. I'm looking for a marketing/advertising position in the Richmond, VA area. If anyone has any leads, I'd appreciate it.

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If you want to stay local, make a list of the three places you would love to work.

Walk into all three in a professional manner, and ask for the job in person. Stop mailing. You are more than a piece of paper, in a pile of 100 other pieces of paper.

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I've been unemployed here for almost a year now. I apply to about 3-5 jobs per day. It sucks and I suck.

Keep your head up; there are a lot of good people out there that can't get jobs right now.

Is there anything you can do on your own for people that they'll pay you for? Think about that for a while; you may be able to start doing something you love as your own business. It'll take more time (but you have it anyways now) and no one will ever pay you like you'll pay yourself.

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The only problem with gov't jobs is that it takes FOREVER to hear something back. I applied for a job with DCAA almost a year ago. It took 6 months just to find out what I scored on the application process (a 95 by the way). The e-mail they sent made it seem like I would be hearing something soon. I tried contacting people but no one could help me. Needless to say, I still haven't heard anything from them.

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