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Washington Redskins Owner Dan Snyder Is Over-Bashed

Written on March 02, 2010

No owner in the National Football League is criticized more often than Dan Snyder of the Washington Redskins.

While some of these criticisms have merit, "Snyder bashing" is well overdone in the media.

One of the most prominent knocks against Snyder has been his perceived over-involvement (and interference) with the football operations of the Redskins.

Before he was fired, Vinny Cerrato was portrayed as Snyder's puppet, a figurehead carrying out Snyder's personnel decisions. During the Cerrato era, there were many overpaid free agent signings, questionable draft picks, and a steady procession of new coaches. To some degree, Snyder opened himself up to this criticism.

Now, the reign of Cerrato is now over. Snyder has seemingly given complete control to new coach Mike Shanahan and general manager Bruce Allen. As a symbolic sign of his hands-off intentions, Snyder sat in the audience during Shanahan's introductory press conference.

The new regime change seems to indicate that Snyder is willing to do anything to field a winning team, even give up power over decisions.

This about-face seems contradictory to the media's constant portrayal of Snyder as a pompous, impatient, interfering dictator. While appearing to be a complete change of attitude, these recent moves were actually a continuation of Snyder's motives since he first became owner of the Washington Redskins. He wants to win, no matter what the cost.

While a lot of Redskins fans dislike Snyder, they should appreciate the fact that the Redskins have an owner that wants to win so badly. While some of his moves have been misguided, Snyder has always had good intentions throughout the years. He wants to win a Super Bowl as badly as any Redskins fan.

Snyder has apparently been humbled by his time as an NFL owner. Judging from some of his most recent decisions, he has become much wiser in how a successful organization must be built. He actually listened to the pleas of the fans for a new coach and a new general manager, and he accepted full responsibility for his past failures. Any such man should be respected for owning up to his shortcomings.

After his transparency in admitting his mistakes and making moves to rectify them, Snyder deserves more than the media's constant potshots at his reputation. Unfortunately, like the falsified stories of his recent $600K purchase of alligator desks, the media will continually look for ways to nitpick at Snyder, no matter what he does.

Regardless of the media dogging of Dan Snyder, it looks like he has the Washington Redskins organization back on the track toward respectability. When it happens that the Redskins are once again a perennial contender, as it appears they will be soon, Snyder's critics will be silenced.

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Cry me a river of tears. Consumers ***** when they don't like the product. Get over it. Snyder finally went out and got a real head coach and a real GM. We're proud of him. Hopefully this franchise can weed out the prima donnas and build a real foundation now.

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Snyder gets a lot of heat. A lot is defenitly deserved, however; I think there is a good portion that is uncalled for. I think that he caught a lot of heat for things that Vinny did, and people assumed that it was him.

Hopefully, he will now keep himself out of things enough to where people won't be blaiming him for anything.

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think you got that backwards, Snyder was always the ultimate decision maker.

See I don't know. Snyder always got blaimed for being the decision maker, but I think it was Vinny who pulled the trigger.

Snyder was the one working up the contracts, but Vinny was making the decisions. (I think)

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Snyder is over-bashed. as a previous posters stated, some of it is deserved, but certain media outlets seem to go out of their way to bash him and his approach. Since he is such a reserved person and rarely speaks to the media, how much can we actually say is his doing vs. the media perception of what he supposedly did in a certain situation?

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No owner in the National Football League is criticized more often than Dan Snyder of the Washington Redskins.

Sorry, that honor goes to Al Davis. And Al at least accomplished something in the past.

A lot of the heat on Snyder is undeserved, as several other posters have already said, but I cannot agree that he is the most bashed owner. He just is from a big market franchise so there will always be more media heat than on a small market team.

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I wish i knew Snyder as well as all the people on here who apparently know every intimate detail of the decisions he's made, and know everything that went on behind the scenes here since Snyder has taken over the team. It's amazing how easy some feeble minded people can be brainwashed by the likes of the Washington Post and other media outlets, and turn coat on the owner of the team they supposedly LOVE.....never ever ceases to amaze me. I guess some people aren't happy, unless they're unhappy!

I was listening to the radio this morning coming in to work, and was listening to the local sports radio show, and they were talking about how SNYDER is about to go crazy in this free agency, and blowing him up for all the moves HE made in the past, and they were saying how he's sitting there licking his lips waiting for Free Agency to start......i guess that they forgot that a guy named Mike Shanahan and another guy named Bruce Allen have been given total control over those decisions now........OR, maybe like some of you on here, will probably blame what ever free agents we bring in this year on Snyder too?!?!?!?!?!

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Snyder started off on the wrong foot and made some bad management and personnel decisions that have cost the team dearly. These were criticized and rightly so. Unfortunately he now has a reputation and is being bashed for the reputation as much as anything else. Cerrato was the main orchestrator of the team for the last few years, and while we brought in some talent we also made bonehead decisions as well.

It looks like Synder may have turned a corner with the Bruce Allen/Shanahan hire and especially getting rid of Cerrato. If we start winning than a new reputation will form and the bashing will cease. Until then, Synder just has to get out of the way of the people he's put in place, and hopefully they'll produce.

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The man has done little to avoid being bashed and bashed often.

I know, I know, he fired Vinny and now seems a new man and a new owner, but really. If he were the owner of any other franchise would anyone here still call him overbashed?

He has done two things right in a decade, and "right thing" number two is less than two months old. He has a long way to go before he can worry about being unfairly bashed. Good start yes; but still a long way to go.

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I wish i knew Snyder as well as all the people on here who apparently know every intimate detail of the decisions he's made, and know everything that went on behind the scenes here since Snyder has taken over the team. It's amazing how easy some feeble minded people can be brainwashed by the likes of the Washington Post and other media outlets, and turn coat on the owner of the team they supposedly LOVE.....never ever ceases to amaze me. I guess some people aren't happy, unless they're unhappy!

I was listening to the radio this morning coming in to work, and was listening to the local sports radio show, and they were talking about how SNYDER is about to go crazy in this free agency, and blowing him up for all the moves HE made in the past, and they were saying how he's sitting there licking his lips waiting for Free Agency to start......i guess that they forgot that a guy named Mike Shanahan and another guy named Bruce Allen have been given total control over those decisions now........OR, maybe like some of you on here, will probably blame what ever free agents we bring in this year on Snyder too?!?!?!?!?!

:applause::applause: excellent post HS.

I guess if you keep hearing something over and over again,afterwhile you believe it to be true. If people would sometimes read things for themselves instead of believing what JLc,Jason Reid, B Mitch,Riggins say as the gospel, you'd see they have agendas and bias' of their own in regards to certain

members of the Redskins organization.

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Until things have actually changed: Every day that Snyder IS NOT run out of Redskins Park on a rail, is another day he is under-bashed.

Well said. The Redskins are on proving ground right now. The franchise needs to earn our respect and show us why it is still a product worth buying.

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Until the team, again, has a consistent winning tradition and another Super Bowl trophy I will not change my opinion of Snyder. And even if that happens,.....there's a good chance my option will stay the same.

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