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TG:British threat to Israel over Dubai Hamas assassination


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Yes, Israel screwed up 50 years ago....we screwed up 20 years ago...yet people are trying to use the Israel incident as basis for an argument about weither or not they are a good allie, etc....

Screwed up 5 years ago, twice....

Lied to us about selling sophisticated drones to China resulting in weapons and technology freaze by the pentagon.


Got caught stealing top secret policy papers regarding American policy towards Iran resulting in a conviction of an FBI agent, and prosecution of two IAPAC officials.


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4 pages of interesting and thought provoking stuff, but the most interesting is the final paragraph, when an Israeli caught celebrating as he videoed the 9-11 attacks says:

They were a couple of guys who made their living painting houses. It's pretty hard to blow poor taste and poor judgement by them into an international incident....

I thought Netayahoo's response was worse..

Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.


Again, poor taste from an American persective reading it, but not much more inciteful...

There were also pictures of little Palistinian kids in the occupied territories being given candy in celebration by Palistinians. Poor taste, not something which should affect our foriegn policy.

Now, to document the events of that day would surely require some kind of foreknowledge? And if your number 1 ally knew but didn't tell you, would you still think they were No 1? You dismiss all the other stuff Israel has done against the US on the basis that it is history, is 9/11 recent enough for you?

Well the Israeli's in the white van were working in the area and caught the events on a 100$ video camera. It's not proof of any Israeli foreknowledge of 911.

Hell I got married with the pentagon smoking in the background. What's that prove?

I've seen no creditable evidence of any such fore knowledge, heard lots of unsustantiated rumors though.

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Well the Israeli's in the white van were working in the area and caught the events on a 100$ video camera. It's not proof of any Israeli foreknowledge of 911.

Hell I got married with the pentagon smoking in the background. What's that prove?

I've seen no creditable evidence of any such fore knowledge, heard lots of unsustantiated rumors though.

You don't think their use of the words "document the event" a little odd, and demonstrating some foreknowledge?

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That would be like me saying we stood up for England in WWII. We stood with England in WWII. There is a difference.
Like WWI, WWII, Korea, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, Afghanistan? Name any war Israel has helped the United States in and hasn't recieved billions in aid guarantees in exchange? How can you keep a straight face and compare them to Great Britain?

Thank you for some balanced comments on this (although I swear if people keep referring to Britain/UK as 'England' I'm gonna hold my breath until my face turns blue! :beatdeadhorse::silly:)

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Selling military information to the USSR at a time when WWIII was a very real probability in the minds of people?

Still stealing and selling military secrets now?

Ally? Someone is getting shafted and paying for it to boot.

When I was a younger man I admired the 'balls' of Israel. Older and wiser I liken Israel to a spoilt teenager who needs to be cut off in order to force them to grow up.

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Selling military information to the USSR at a time when WWIII was a very real probability in the minds of people?

Still stealing and selling military secrets now?

I would argue that Israel, is like the US or any European republic in that you have many diverse values and opinions which come together under the umbrulla of Israeli nationalism. The big difference is Israel politics is even more diverse and contentious than Europe or the US.

If you are looking for bad acts you can definitely find them. I don't think it's helpful or accurate to paint those bad acts as acts by a monolithic Israeli population; because that animal just doesn't exist. We have a lot of folks in our country who go the other way and equate Israeli patriotism with American patriotism. I think the truth lies between these two extremes.

I think if you want ten different opinions about something in the middle east get six Israeli's in the room. likely six from the same government coelition.

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You don't think their use of the words "document the event" a little odd, and demonstrating some foreknowledge?

Don't you think it would be more odd if they actually were Mossad agents who just pulled off one of the greatest terrorist acts in the history of the world; then were captured by local police in their target country, yucking it up while filming their handywork in a public park overlooking the disaster? Does that sound like the Mossad?

The most important thing to know about these guys were they were young, and were exhibiting poor taste. That's more informative than the fact they were Israeli. We've got lots of young inappropriot folks in this country; got some in my own family. thoughtless, oblivious.... it's almost a cleche with young adults.

I think the latter explaination is much more plausible than the former. Especially since we know the NY Police did pick these guys up and investigated them.

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After watching the videos, some thoughts and questions :

* Those are some hot *** hotel workers. It's a good thing I wasn't on the "surveillance team, or I would have been surveilling someone other than the victim.

* I realize those cameras don't originally include sound, but with no sound, and just captions, it makes it slightly less interesting. So, couldn't they have added either some Mission Impossible Soundtrack, or a mysterious narrator voice, like someone who sounds like Robert Stack. Plus, I kept turning the volume up, thinking there was an audio problem !

* If this victim is so "important" then why doesn't he have his own security team, or at least in disguise ? He seems to casually walk around alone, in plain sight, with not even a hat or sunglasses to shade himself from would-be assailants.

* How did the suspects lock it from the inside with the latch and chain locks, after gaining access to it and leaving thru the hallway ?

* So, it was suggested that these were Israeli agents, using British passports. Yet they all "appear" to be Westerners or Europeans in their mugshots, and before they "disguised" themselves. They do not have Israeli sounding names either. So are the names shown in the video actually aliases ? And their appearance : was every single shot of them actually them in disguise ?

* How did they kill the guy ? Suffocation ?

* The one dude's flight departed Dubai TWO hours after the murder was committed. That's interesting, because typically you're supposed to be AT the airport 2 hours prior to departure. He must have had a fast getaway car.

* The video starts out by saying the team was highly skilled in these operations, as there were no traces left behind to reveal their identities. Yet they have names for them all in the video - I assume those are the aliases, and they still have not identified the ACTUAL names of the ones involved ??

It still boggles my mind how they locked the door from the inside. These guys were ultra bad ass professionals. Even though their faces were shown I do not believe their true identities were revealed as claimed by the Dubai police. They probably planned it so anyone watching security footage would not notice them, but that failed. Even though if I were watching the footage it would be pretty frickin difficult to piece this whole thing together like they had done.

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The USS Liberty is by no means the only "incident" with Israel they have sold secrets and weapons to the Chinese, ignored our calls for a halt to settlements, and quite a few other things that an ally probably shouldn't be doing. They are an ally but they are far from an ideal ally.

LOL the US should never be telling anyone they are a bad ally, perhaps you need to speak to the montangards or the Kurds about what a bad ally is or the afgans LOL.

Another thing that is amusing is that early on america actively kept Israel from getting too strong, we have argued this previously in another thread but an american pilot who recently died was declared a criminal for flying a surplus bomber that he bought to israel.

either way its one less terrorist and we have israel to thank for that.

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Another thing that is amusing is that early on america actively kept Israel from getting too strong, we have argued this previously in another thread but an american pilot who recently died was declared a criminal for flying a surplus bomber that he bought to israel.

Two thoughts... (1) Truman gave Israel 300 million dollars in aid along with surplus military equipement in 47 when Israel declaired herself a country. Truman waited less than a day to recognize and aid Israel. Don't think Truman gave any aid to any of Israel's antagonists in 47.

(2) Like it's an unreasonable thing to want to regulate the arms leaving the country? Guess you wouldn't have had a problem if an Arab American purchased and wanted to fly a few B-17's over to Syria in 1947? That would have been a criminal act too, but I'm guessing you'd be ok with the law in that instance.

either way its one less terrorist and we have israel to thank for that.

Are you sure this is Israel? Sincere question. Seems kind of sloppy for the Mossad. Not the execution, but using Israeli's passports who have duel citizenship seems to be extremely sloppy.

another thing brought up was how many times the US has used it veto in support of Israel, please do some more rresearch, the majority of those vetos came in obvious anti semitic situations a sad but true fact. the US has also voted against Israel several times.

The United States has used it's veto in the United Nations Security Council 32 times to veto resolutions critical of Israel since 1981. More than all other Security Council members have used their veto's combined in that time period.

So you are saying the entire UN security council is anti semetic?... I just don't believe that. I believe antisemism exists in the world, but I don't believe the majority of any security council member hold those views.

I don't even think anti semitism, hatred of the jewish religion explains the majority of the critsim of Israel. I think Israel as a temporal state has made her share of controversial decisions. Reaction to those decisions explains much of the critism Israel has faced..

It also seems to me you are suggesting the US hasn't beena good ally to Israel, which is idiotic. Hell every time Israel has had a major war, it's been the United States which has doubled, trippled, or quadroupled already very generous aid in order to rebuild their damned economy.

Likewise Israel is the only country on earth that American tax payers can make donations too and write those donations off on their American taxes. I love hearing you claim we aren't a good ally... Kind of proves my thesis. Israel is blessed with many diverse political opinions even about issues which most folks don't find very controversial.

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It still boggles my mind how they locked the door from the inside. These guys were ultra bad ass professionals. Even though their faces were shown I do not believe their true identities were revealed as claimed by the Dubai police. They probably planned it so anyone watching security footage would not notice them, but that failed. Even though if I were watching the footage it would be pretty frickin difficult to piece this whole thing together like they had done.

In the video they said it was possible that they posed as hotel staff. Is it possible that they somehow gave him a drug or poison or something and when they left the victim locked the door himself?

Or would something like that show up in the hospital records and such.

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another thing brought up was how many times the US has used it veto in support of Israel, please do some more rresearch, the majority of those vetos came in obvious anti semitic situations a sad but true fact. the US has also voted against Israel several times.

Do you want to defend this claim at all or are you going to claim that every other member of the security council is anti-semitic and we had to use those vetos? Why don't you source some of these anti-semitic things we had to vote down, because frankly just claiming that the United States used the vetos in obvious anti-semetic situations without any proof or examples or anything ireally s really not helpful to the discussion.

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Do you want to defend this claim at all or are you going to claim that every other member of the security council is anti-semitic and we had to use those vetos? Why don't you source some of these anti-semitic things we had to vote down, because frankly just claiming that the United States used the vetos in obvious anti-semetic situations without any proof or examples or anything ireally s really not helpful to the discussion.

Antisemitism is rife in europe, it always has been and any student of history could tell you that, some of the thing I recall off the top of my head were economic sanctions proposed by the Ussr until israel removed its troops from the Golan heights, France deciding that noone should sell arms to Israel while selling to egypt (which was funny because France still sold them on the down low to israel.) I am not Jewish but I know that the world has not been kind to those people.

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Antisemitism is rife in europe, it always has been and any student of history could tell you that, some of the thing I recall off the top of my head were economic sanctions proposed by the Ussr until israel removed its troops from the Golan heights, France deciding that noone should sell arms to Israel while selling to egypt (which was funny because France still sold them on the down low to israel.) I am not Jewish but I know that the world has not been kind to those people.

So you aren't going to provide actual U.N. resolutions that the United States vetoed?

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So you aren't going to provide actual U.N. resolutions that the United States vetoed?

I'll take a crack at it... Here is a list of the United Nations Security Council resolution critical of Israel which the United States has veto'd and when we did so over the last 3 decades. I also included a short description of what the bills were about. I don't see any of these bills as anti semetic. Definitely bills not in Israeli's interests, but not anti semetic.

  1. 4/30/1980 (S/PV. 2220 para 151 ) USA veto'ed bill recognizing rights for Palistinians.
  2. 1/20/1982 S/PV. (2329 para 162) USA veto'd bill dealing with the Golan Heights which Israel captured in 1968 and which they have since annexed
  3. 4/2/82, (S/PV. 2348 para 9) USA veto bill critical of ISrael for dismissing two elected officals, Mayors of Nablus and Ramallah.
  4. 4/20/82 (S/PV. 2357 para 101), USA veto bill critisizing attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
  5. 6/8/82 (S/PV. 2377 para 23) USA veto bill critical of Israel's invasion and occupation of southern lebenon.
  6. 6/20/82 (S/PV. 2381 para 12) USA veto'd another bill about Lebonon and Israel.
  7. 8/4/82 (S/PV. 2391 para 38) Another bill about Lebonon
  8. 8/2/83 (S/PV. 2461 para 238) Bill about Israel occupying Arab land
  9. 10/6/84 (S/PV. 2556 para 49) Occupation of Lebonon
  10. 3/12/85 (S/PV. 2573 para 208) Lebonnon
  11. 10/13/85 (S/PV. 2605 para 170) Occupied Arab Territories by Israel
  12. 1/17/86 (S/PV. 2642 p. 38) Complaint by Lebonnon against Israeli agression.
  13. 1/30/86 (S/PV. 2650 p. 31) Violation of Haram Al-Sharif (Jerusalem)
  14. 2/6/86 (S/PV. 2655 p. 114), Syrian Complaint against Israeli Interception of Libyan Civilian Aircraft
  15. 1/18/1988, (S/PV. 2784 pp. 39-50), Complaint by Lebonon against Israel
  16. 2/1/1988, (S/PV. 2790 p. 42) Occupied Arab Territories
  17. 4/15/1988 (S/PV. 2806 p. 53) Occupied Territories
  18. 5/10/1988 (S/PV. 2814 p. 58) Occupied Territories complaint
  19. 12/18/1988, (S/PV. 2814 p. 58) Complaint by Lebonon against Israel
  20. 2/17/1989 (S/PV. 2850 p. 34) Complaint about Occupied Territories
  21. 6/9/1989 (S/PV. 2867 p. 31) Complaint about Occupied Territories
  22. 11/7/1989 (S/PV. 2889 p.32) Occupied Territories
  23. 5/31/1990 (S/PV.2926 p.36) Occupied Territories
  24. 5/17/1995 (S/PV.3538 p.6 ) East Jerusalem
  25. 3/7/1997 (S/PV.3747 p.4 ) Calling upon Israel to refrain from East Jerusalem settlement activites
  26. 3/21/1997 (S/PV.3756 p.6) Demanding Israel's immediate cessation of construction at Jabal Abu Ghneim in East Jerusalem
  27. 3/27/2001 (S/PV.4305 p.5) on establishing a UN observer force to protect Palestinian civilians
  28. 12/14/2001 (S/PV.4438 p.30) on the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Palestinian-controlled territory and condemning acts of terror against civilians
  29. 12/20/2002 (S/PV.4681) on the killing by Israeli forces of several United Nations employees and the destruction of the World Food Programme (WFP) warehouse
  30. 9/16/2003 (S/PV.4828) on the Israeli decision to "remove" Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat
  31. 10/14/2004 (S/PV.4842) on the security wall built by Israel in the West Bank.
  32. 3/25/2004 (S/PV.4934) on the condemnation of the killing of Ahmed Yassin, the leader of Hamas
  33. 10/4/2004 (S/PV.5051) on the demand to Israel to halt all military operations in northern Gaza and withdraw from the area.
  34. 7/13/2006 (S/PV.5488) on the demand for the unconditional release of an Israeli soldier captured earlier as well as Israel's immediate withdrawal from Gaza and the release of dozens of Palestinian officials detained by Israel.
  35. 11/11/2006 (S/PV.5565) on the Israeli military operations in Gaza, the Palestinian rocket fire into Israel, the call for immediate withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and a cessation of violence from both parties in the conflict.

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"Legacy of 1975: Anti-Israel Infrastructure Remains

However, the legacy of 1975 remains fully intact: UN committees, annual UN resolutions, an entire UN bureaucratic division, permanent UN exhibits in New York and Geneva headquarters -- all dedicated to a relentless and virulent propaganda war against the Jewish state. Together, they have made the UN into Ground Zero for today's new anti-Semitism, which is the irrational scapegoating of Israel with the true intended target being Jews. Not only do these anti-Israel measures incite hatred against Israelis and Jews everywhere, but they have done not a thing to help the Palestinian situation. On the contrary: they give strength and succor to extremists.

Paradoxically, one of the greatest violators of the UN Charter's equality guarantee has been the UN body charged with establishing and enforcing international human rights, the Human Rights Council. (For more on the bias of this body, formerly known as the Commission on Human Rights, click here.)"

Anti-Israel Bias in the UN System

The UN's discrimination against Israel is not a minor infraction, nor a parochial nuisance of interest solely to those concerned with equal rights of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Instead, the world body's obsession with censuring Israel at every turn directly affects all citizens of the world, for it constitutes (a) a severe violation of the equality principles guaranteed by the UN Charter and underlying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and (B) a significant obstacle to the UN's ability to carry out its proper mandate.

None of this means Israel should be above the law. Every country, including every democracy, commits human rights violations, and states should be held to account accordingly, both domestically and internationally. Yet Israel does have the right to be treated equally under the law. The UN Charter and the rules of natural justice demand no less. It is legitimate for UN bodies to criticize Israel, but not when they do do so unfairly, selectively, massively, sometimes exclusively, and always obsessively.

Likewise, it is perfectly legitimate to call attention to the rights of the Palestinian people and their often difficult conditions. But it is something else entirely to abuse their cause for the sole objective of scapegoating Israel and the Jewish people.

General Assembly Ignored Sudan, But Condemned Israel 22 Times

The countless anti-Israel resolutions and related debates consume an astonishing proportion of the UN community's precious resources. This year, during the 61th Session of the General Assembly (2006-2007), the time spent by ambassadors on enacting the 22nd anti-Israel resolution of the year was time not spent on passing a single resolution on Sudan's genocide in Darfur. Diplomats at foreign ministries or UN missions have a limited amount of time to devote to any particular UN session. Because every proposed UN resolution is subjected to intensive review by various levels and branches of government, a direct result of the anti-Israel texts is a crippling of the UN's ability to tackle the world's ills.

UN bias against Israel is overt in bodies such as the General Assembly, which each year passes some nineteen resolutions against Israel and none against most other member states, including the world's most repressive regimes. The World Health Organization, meeting at its annual assembly in Geneva in 2005, passed but one resolution against a specific country: Israel was charged with violating Palestinian rights to health. Similarly, the International Labour Organization, at its annual 2005 conference in Geneva, carried only one major country-specific report on its annual agenda -- a lengthy document charging Israel with violating the rights of Palestinian workers.

In the summer of 2004, the UN's International Court of Justice at The Hague issued an advisory opinion that followed the script of a political campaign orchestrated by the PLO representative at the UN, Nasser al-Kidwa. The busiest corridor of the Palais des Nations, the European headquarters of the UN in Geneva, displays no less than ten larger-than-life panels devoted to the Palestinian cause. The clear message, that the Palestinians are the world's greatest human rights victim; the clear implication, that Israel is the world's greatest human rights abuser.

There are three special UN entities dedicated to the Palestinian cause. The oldest is the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, created in 1968. In 1975, the General Assembly added the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. Supporting its work is the Division for Palestinian Rights. Lodged within the UN Secretariat, the Division boasts a sixteen-member staff and a budget of millions, which it devotes to the constant promotion of anti-Israel propaganda throughout the world.

Although Secretary-General Kofi Annan has made important pronouncements against anti-Semitism, and even -- before a Jerusalem audience -- against some aspects of the UN's anti-Israel bias, his regular statements on the Arab-Israeli conflict are disproportionately critical of Israel. Senior aide Lakhdar Brahimi publicly described Israel as a country whose policy constitutes "the great poison in the region."

Time to Take Action to End Bias and Injustice at the UN

The anti-Israel apparatus within the UN, therefore, is of considerable magnitude, and cripples the functioning of the organization. The overt bias practiced against one state undermines the UN's credibility and integrity. Anyone who truly cares about the UN must take action to end this gross injustice and criminal distraction from world pandemics such as disease and poverty. Given the current period of UN reform, now is the time. Many more UN officials, member states, NGOs, and others need to speak out and actively oppose this longstanding inequality. To begin taking action, click here.

To read UN Watch's report on the UN and anti-Semitism, click here

I used to be a staunch supporter of the Un while I was in university but after reading a lot and seeing the facts and numbers I can see that its pretty much a joke..

Now im waiting for someone to say " look at the source", the source merely collated the data, the data cannot be argued. So yes there is ample evidence that the UN has a strong antisemitic bias.

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btw this is the source

Mission & History

UN Watch is a non-governmental organization based in Geneva whose mandate is to monitor the performance of the United Nations by the yardstick of its own Charter. UN Watch was established in 1993 under the Chairmanship of Ambassador Morris B. Abram, the former U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva. UN Watch participates actively at the UN as an accredited NGO in Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and as an Associate NGO to the UN Department of Public Information (DPI). UN Watch is affiliated with the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

UN Watch believes in the United Nations' mission on behalf of the international community to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" and provide for a more just world. We believe that even with its shortcomings, the UN remains an indispensable tool in bringing together diverse nations and cultures. UN Watch is keenly aware that member states often ask the UN to fulfill mandates and tasks that are neither feasible nor within the means provided. While it would be unrealistic to ignore the UN’s weaknesses, we advocate finding ways to build on its strengths and use its limited resources effectively.

UN Watch is foremost concerned with the just application of UN Charter principles. Areas of interest include: UN management reform, the UN and civil society, equality within the UN, and the equal treatment of member states. UN Watch notes that the disproportionate attention and unfair treatment applied by the UN toward Israel over the years offers an object lesson (though not the only one) in how due process, equal treatment, and other fundamental principles of the UN Charter are often ignored or selectively upheld.

Headed by Ambassador Alfred H. Moses (Chair), former US Ambassador to Romania and Presidential Emissary for the Cyprus Conflict, UN Watch is governed by an international board whose members include: Per Ahlmark (European Co-Chair), former Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden; Professor Irwin Cotler, international human rights advocate and former Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada; David A. Harris (Co-Chair), AJC Executive Director; Ambassador Max Jakobson, former Permanent Representative of Finland to the UN in New York; and Ruth Wedgwood, professor of international law and diplomacy at Johns Hopkins University.

not exactly a bunch of crackpots

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The Negroponte doctrine basically says that the United States will not allow the United Nations to pass a resolution against Israel without also condemning Palestinians:

A robust condemnation of acts of terrorism and all forms of incitement to terrorism.

An explicit condemnation of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades as organizations responsible for acts of terrorism.

Call for dismantling the infrastructure, which supports these terror operations, wherever located, in compliance with UNSC Resolution 1373.

Call upon all parties to make a commitment to pursue a negotiated settlement.

A recognition that the issue of Israeli withdrawal to the September 28, 2000 positions is connected to an improvement in the security situation through reciprocal steps by the Palestinians and Israelis, as called for by the Quartet.

That is a state abusing its veto power right there.

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didnt you say something about how you doubted the entire un was anti semitic? so I posted irrefutable evidence that you were wrong and now you just want specifics?

You have shown an anti Israel bias in several of these threads, usually citing numerous sources that also have such a bent, the UN is biased, saying that Israel is in the wrong because they are constantly censured by the Un is idiocy in its purest form

answer me this...

Emergency Special Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly are rare. No such session has ever been convened with respect to the Chinese occupation of Tibet, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the slaughters in Rwanda, the disappearances in Zaire or the horrors of Bosnia. In fact, during the last 15 years they have been called only to condemn Israel. And the UN has met to condemn Israel 856 times. Roughly 61% of all UN resolutions are against the nation of Israel. One would think that the tiniest nation on this earth is bullying all of its bigger neighbors, according to the UN actions on Israel. So now tell me how YOUR argumnet that Israel is wrong because the UN said so is anywehere near correct?

I posted the list of total UN resolutions regarding Israel, the US has supported Israel simply because Israel for the most part is in the right. every country has the right to defend itself and for the most part the US recognises that and votes accordingly.

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didnt you say something about how you doubted the entire un was anti semitic? so I posted irrefutable evidence that you were wrong and now you just want specifics?

You have shown an anti Israel bias in several of these threads, usually citing numerous sources that also have such a bent, the UN is biased, saying that Israel is in the wrong because they are constantly censured by the Un is idiocy in its purest form

answer me this...

Emergency Special Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly are rare. No such session has ever been convened with respect to the Chinese occupation of Tibet, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the slaughters in Rwanda, the disappearances in Zaire or the horrors of Bosnia. In fact, during the last 15 years they have been called only to condemn Israel. And the UN has met to condemn Israel 856 times. Roughly 61% of all UN resolutions are against the nation of Israel. One would think that the tiniest nation on this earth is bullying all of its bigger neighbors, according to the UN actions on Israel. So now tell me how YOUR argumnet that Israel is wrong because the UN said so is anywehere near correct?

I posted the list of total UN resolutions regarding Israel, the US has supported Israel simply because Israel for the most part is in the right. every country has the right to defend itself and for the most part the US recognises that and votes accordingly.

So you aren't going to post any actual resolutions? Just more generalizations and not a single resolution that the United States vetoed that was anti-semitic.

Once again you said:

another thing brought up was how many times the US has used it veto in support of Israel, please do some more rresearch, the majority of those vetos came in obvious anti semitic situations a sad but true fact. the US has also voted against Israel several times.

You have not pointed out a single resolution that the United States has been the sole veto vote on that has been anti-semitic. If the United Nations is so anti-semitic it should be easy to point out a single resolution that the United States was the sole veto vote on that was anti-semitic, correct?

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