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Relationship Advice


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IMO once you seperate you are heading for divorce. If that is what you want you should tell her that and not just jerk her chain around.

This whole proccess it no fun trust me. My divorce will be final in a couple of weeks, after being seperated for a year, and just shy of being married for 10 years.

Are kids involved? That just makes it even harder.

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You don't. not disrespect meant, but you man up and ask her to go to marrital counseling in order to find out what is causing this rift in your marriage.

I would venture to bet that it isn't just her. But that is what the counseling is for. Marriage is work, and when you encounter problems, you don't run away, you face them and work on them TOGETHER. Just my 2 cents :)

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Please elaborate on the robot part.

Is she making you like one? Just giving you orders and pushing your buttons?

What about the kids? (if you have any).

Edit: I have been married for 12 years and I normally get a break from the wife and the kids when she goes up north to visit her brother and family during the summer vacation for 2.5 months. :)

Also buy/download a book called: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. There is a part in there that talks about how men want to go into their caves and don't want to be bothered. In another words we all need some space. How you work out this space issue is between you and your wife. There has to be understanding to why you need the space.

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you don't. Not disrespect meant, but you man up and ask her to go to marrital counseling in order to find out what is causing this rift in your marriage.

I would venture to bet that it isn't just her. But that is what the counseling is for. Marriage is work, and when you encounter problems, you don't run away, you face them and work on them together. Just my 2 cents :)


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You don't. not disrespect meant, but you man up and ask her to go to marrital counseling in order to find out what is causing this rift in your marriage.

I would venture to bet that it isn't just her. But that is what the counseling is for. Marriage is work, and when you encounter problems, you don't run away, you face them and work on them TOGETHER. Just my 2 cents :)

what if you had to wake up to this every morning?


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this looks like the typical 'post a question and run' thread :silly:
Guy starts a thread like this and never returns lol. I guess he had all the answers, afterall.

yah, this one is done.

I think we should start giving people extended breaks for this kind of thing. Not a whole lot of difference between this and trolling.


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