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Spartacus: Blood and Sand


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Man I hate that blond hair ***** made spartcus kll his friend. She will get hers. Awesome show!

I couldn't believe it either, I kept going no Bartiathas stop him! It's an exhibition! Hell, hes worth more than that, save him for no other reason than that!

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where you at JMS? what did you think of the last episode?

I liked the episode. I always knew Sparticus's buddy had to die. He was a gladiator by choice, and thus wouldn't have willingly taken part in the uprising. I also knew Quicksus and Sparticus wouldn't kill one another, because Quicksus is destined to become a leading voice in the gladiator revolt which Spartucus leads.

Things are starting to take shape. You can see how Quicksus is going to be brought around to want his freedom. He loves the slave girl. That's going to eventually cause him to rebell. Sparticus now has his own reasons for rebelling.

It's interesting to me how much character development they've introduced in this series and the slave revolt is nowhere on the horizon yet. Good stuff.

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Just now catching up through NetFlix. I'm not going to lie -- I didn't see Spartacus killing Varro. Great twist.

The first few episodes were terrible...however, they have really picked up the storyline and turned it in to one of the best shows on TV.

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The first few episodes were terrible...however, they have really picked up the storyline and turned it in to one of the best shows on TV.

Couldn't agree more. I wasn't the biggest fan after the first couple episodes but it starts picking up and getting really good really quickly (esepcially after the "shadow of death" fight)

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by "Quicksus" you mean Crixus right? Or is there an inside joke I'm missing?

I'm pretty sure the gladiator in 71 BC spelled his name with a 'Q' not a 'C'.

I'm also pretty sure that their is no accepted way to spell common foreign names in the English language, much less the names for obscure deceased slaves from two millenium ago...

I know this because the State department employs teams of phd's in order to perform name recognition for our terrorists watch programs... Precisely because folks spell Kadafi, Quadafi, or Gaddafi numerous ways regularly and correctly. More than 50 ways just in the newspapers last year for instance......

So while I admit I'm a poor speller. I'll own that. On proper names I think your objections are incredible pedantic. More so than usual. FYI.

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I thought they would keep Dominus around. I thought he and his wife were pretty good bad guys. That was a little disappointing. It was nice to see the kid get his.

So basically the entire first season was character development, now we are on to the slave army, they chase, and the battles...

And we all know ultimately how it ends.

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I'm pretty sure the gladiator in 71 BC spelled his name with a 'Q' not a 'C'.

I'm also pretty sure that their is no accepted way to spell common foreign names in the English language, much less the names for obscure deceased slaves from two millenium ago...

I know this because the State department employs teams of phd's in order to perform name recognition for our terrorists watch programs... Precisely because folks spell Kadafi, Quadafi, or Gaddafi numerous ways regularly and correctly. More than 50 ways just in the newspapers last year for instance......

So while I admit I'm a poor speller. I'll own that. On proper names I think your objections are incredible pedantic. More so than usual. FYI.

I think he was only asking because that is the way the names are spelled on the show. Per IMDB:


(Series Cast Summary - 17 of 38)


Andy Whitfield ... Spartacus (13 episodes, 2010)MV5BNTUyMTI4MjU5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjQ4NTE4._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

Manu Bennett ... Crixus (13 episodes, 2010)MV5BMTk0NzA3ODU5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzgwNzQxMQ@@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

John Hannah ... Batiatus (12 episodes, 2010)MV5BMTk1OTU4NDcwMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTQyMjk5Mg@@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

Lucy Lawless ... Lucretia (12 episodes, 2010)MV5BMTI0MDQ5MjkwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFyZXN1bWU@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

Peter Mensah ... Doctore (12 episodes, 2010)MV5BNjQ4NDExMDgwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDg4ODA4Mg@@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

Nick Tarabay ... Ashur (12 episodes, 2010)MV5BMTYwNzA1MDE3NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDE1NDcxMw@@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

Lesley-Ann Brandt ... Naevia (11 episodes, 2010)MV5BMTM0MTMzMDIxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzYwMDcxMw@@._V1._SY30_SX23_.jpg

Viva Bianca ... Ilithyia (11 episodes, 2010)no_photo.pngJai Courtney ... Varro (10 episodes, 2010)

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What an amazing ending, great show and I cant wait until next season.

HBO typically runs these things for 3 seasons.... Showtime has run series much longer... Do you think they should wrap this thing up in 1 or 2 more seasons.... Or do you think they should extend it out like Giligans Island... or Wagon Train, Entering a several season of flight from the Roman pursuers?

The actual revolt lasted 2 years, from 73 to 71 BC. This series spent a year just on background...

Although I'm enjoying the series, I hope they don't strech it out for too much longer..

The only show I thought they stopped too soon was HBO's deadwood... That show was just coming into the interesting part of the towns history when they stopped it.

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well season 2 is pretty dependent on whether or not andy whitfield can beat his cancer wouldn't you say?

I don't think so... they could definitely bring in another actor. I like Andy and all, but I don't think he's a show stopper if he needs to take time off to deal with his health.

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