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Spartacus: Blood and Sand


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Judging by the trailer, a better question is how many hot women do I get with?
Well-played sir :notworthy

Gotta love the rating:

-Adult Content

-Adult Language

-Graphic Violence


-Strong Sexual Content


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Watching this right now. Uh, it seems like they were desperate to try to recreate the most recent sword-and-sandal flicks. You can definitely see the 300 influence, as well, replete with the slow dance naked chicks and sexual intercourse. I might check it out just for that. A somewhat higher form of Skinemax.

Even some of the lines like "give them something they've never seen before" as the Roman legatus says something about spilling Thracian blood in the arena. But I'm not so sure that's even historical about the Thracian thing but that is right out of Gladiator.

Could you have a Marine-style buzzcut during those days? (The Gallic gladiator.)

Special note: Glaber is played by the actor who played Haldir the Elf in the Lord of the Rings (he dies in Two Towers.)

It is certainly inferior in dramatic quality to Rome but I guess it's not really trying to be that. I know that Lucius and Titus in the arena was one of the most powerful things I'd ever seen on television. I don't imagine ever feeling that attached to these characters or this show but it could be a fun diversion.

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So the show is pretty fun, if not great?

I still need to see the premiere.

It's visually fun, I mean, I like seeing naked, writhing women licking other womens' nipples and having intercourse as much as the next guy but I'm hoping it picks up.

In fairness, while I felt Rome was more real, I didn't immediately love the two protagonists. I think when they bring Spartacus into contact with his fellow gladiators, it'll be more interesting and we may actually start to give a crap about Spartacus' journey (through the flesh, blood and bone of other gladiators. ha)

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