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New Bin Laden Pic (fail)


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They look EXACTLY the same.

lol,, You know, now that you mention it, if it weren't for the darker complexion, broader nose, completely different beardline, heavier eyelids, more pronounced ears, thinner eyebrows, thicker lips, bulbed cheeks and wrinkles, they could be twins!

Hell, based on that, he looks like me, too!


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cheers to the democrats, the US is bad. Its been along time since a democrat win, you cant ride obama forever.
Have you been drinking? :hysterical:
never mind....................

come on, tell us what you had to say....it had to be better than what dreamingwolf said :silly:

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lol,, You know, now that you mention it, if it weren't for the darker complexion, broader nose, completely different beardline, heavier eyelids, more pronounced ears, thinner eyebrows, thicker lips, bulbed cheeks and wrinkles, they could be twins!

Hell, based on that, he looks like me, too!


you handsome devil! ;)

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If Obama really wanted to hide he'd put on a $4000 business suit, shave, and get a professional hair cut. He could hide in plain site all over the world.

I figured you might wanna go ahead and fix that little typo.

I'm personally in the camp of "Osama is dead, and has been for a while" due to the fact that the man who never found a video camera he didn't like suddenly hasn't made an actual video in a long time. But I agree with what you said. The man has a definative look with the robes, beard, turban, etc. If he dressed up like a buisnessman, got a haircut and a shave, and relocated to the west, 99.9% of the world would never know the difference.

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