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fastcompany.com: Redesigning The Worst NFL Helmet Graphics


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Pats redesign = total fail. It does indeed look like Wonder Woman's leotard.

Bucs redesign = color fail. Needs more crimson, less white.

Skins redesign = total fail. Redeagleskins design absolutely SUCKS. Maybe having the same two feathers of our iconic logo start at the top of the facemask and break off to the left across one side of our helmet might work. Let the other side be plain burgundy. Asymmetry hasn't hurt the Steeler's look any.

Skins Spear Helmet = Florida state = No thanks.

Skins "R" Helmet = Sorry if this offends old fans with fond memories of the helmet, but yellow helmets just aren't us anymore. And the "R" logo looks like we bought a nice expensive helmet, but couldn't afford to buy a decent logo to put in the circles on the sides.


Whever I see the old R helmets, with the R in the circle I can only think of Radio Shack.

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I know this has already been said, but the guy lost me when he declared the Bengals the best looking helmet. Ever since I was a small child watching football with glassy eyes, I've found the Bengals helmets to be ridiculous. The design and colors are just...tacky.

That said: The guy just falls off the fail cliff after that, and hit every ledge on the way down. I cannot believe that any rational, thinking being in their right mind would ever consider that Patriots helmet design to be anything less than absolutely, inexcusably horrendous. Not to mention tacky.

And those things he calls feathers on the 'skins helmet look like indecipherable blobs of nothing close to anything designed to be ascetically pleasing or make any semblance of sense whatsoever.

And then he went the daring route and removed Tampa's flag and blew up the skull? And set it off center favoring the back and bottom of the helmet? And he finds these things to be improvements?

The whole thing is such fail that fail cannot being to describe the amount fail that fail of a failure fails.

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Clearly the only taste the guy writing the "article" has is in his mouth. If,if,there would be a change,I think the spear helmet would be okay. Otherwise,leave the present one alone. Looks just great to me.

QFT. That's my favorite.


I also like the one they wore in the early 60s. That feather is a unique design.


and the Lombardi helmet is sharp too.


I like all these better than the current model. We'll surely keep it, and that's cool, but I wish they would go back to the 82 feather curl graphic. That's when the good times got re-started. Might be some good karma.


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Yeah not really feeling that helmet. Best of luck with trying to convince anyone that that helmet should even be a remote possibility. If they are going to change the helmet, then go back to the spear helmets or the feather on the back but don't create some that looks like you have been tared and feathered.

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I love this one too, but my real favorite is this:


Mainly I love it because it's the one they wore when I first became a fan.

I have to admit though that the spear is a better design, but just barely. My understanding of the gold R helmet is that it was designed to mimic the Green Bay helmet. It's certainly a nice classic design.

Good call, I think both of these are an upgrade over what we have.

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I figured he wouldn't need to throw, but you're right. Stats ARE important.

Maybe they could put a wall of steeply inclined treadmills on the line of scrimmage. And if the defensive line gets past that, there's a gap that they have to handbike across. THEN they get to battle the offensive line, joust-style.

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I figured he wouldn't need to throw, but you're right. Stats ARE important.

Maybe they could put a wall of steeply inclined treadmills on the line of scrimmage. And if the defensive line gets past that, there's a gap that they have to handbike across. THEN they get to battle the offensive line, joust-style.


That is much more reasonable.

And, oddly enough, doesn't sound that far fetched.

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