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Dear Fox **** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I want to give a big EFF YOU to Fox for taking the game off up here. 506 website http://the506.com/nflmaps/ had the Redskins on for this market up until about Wednesday, but just the other day, they decided that we are to be blessed with the Cardinals and Bears. :wtf: Who in the hell gives a FLYING **** about the Cards or Bears in this part of the country. Yea, I know that the Redskins are an organizational nightmare right now, but GODD DAMNIT, if the Eagles aren't on in the same time slot, let me see My Redskins! I am constantly surrounded by ****ing Ravens, Eagles and Steelers fans asking me "Dude, what's wrong with your Redskins" Problem is I can't give them an accurate analysis .... IF I CAN'T SEE THE ****ING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bears and Cardinals? Really???????? Ponderous, Just ****ING PONDEROUS!!!!!!!

Screw it, I'm going golfing today!:cuss::rant:

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Yea... I know I know. "You can go to a sports bar and watch it" Online seems to work sometimes" I am just sick and tired of bait and switch up here. God forbid if they ever did that with an Eagles game.

And it is supposed to be gorgeous today. I can't, in good conscious, sit inside and watch a football game that includes two teams that I could give two ****s about!

So, I am going to hit the links. **** it!

12:30 tee time. Later taters!

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Yea... I know I know. "You can go to a sports bar and watch it" Online seems to work sometimes" I am just sick and tired of bait and switch up here. God forbid if they ever did that with an Eagles game.

And it is supposed to be gorgeous today. I can't, in good conscious, sit inside and watch a football game that includes two teams that I could give two ****s about!

So, I am going to hit the links. **** it!

12:30 tee time. Later taters!

Enjoy. Also, enjoy that empty feeling on a February Sunday when you feel like you missed out on that one extra football Sunday.

I do have to admit, if it's anything like it is here up there, it IS perfect golf weather.

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