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Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting


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Originally posted by ThinSkin---I don't know if this will fall on deaf ears, but Mods, I give you permission to lock this thread.

Well since you mentioned "mods", I'd prefer to use the phrase "these eyes miss little" as opposed to the "deaf ears" thing, since it is primarily a visual medium. I've been reading all the normal claptrap off and on since this a.m. And no, we usually don't lock a thread simply because the OP is taking a share of non-rule-breaking heat, especially if at all merited by their own handiwork in the matter.

I'm sure all the left leaning folks hope you keep up the good work, ThinSkin. I figure they appreciate the unintentional yet beneficial dynamic you bring "their side" with many of your efforts to date. :)

Besides, 81ArtMonk might end up needing a replacement (hope not---big shoes to fill). :laugh:

10fttall & Spiff make intelligent comments right on the first page from the "no fan of Obama's" perspective.

I have noted much of your ongoing posting (in my analysis) brings certain undesirable characteristics that we already have plenty of in our forum and in our nation (right/left/whatever): oft-ignorant consistently reactionary hackish crap. But that's not against the rules unless it evolves into other issues. That's hard to accomplish in the tailgate. You can be quite nutzo here for years, and in a variety of ways, and survive---even prosper to a point.

But such is part of the legitimate downside of freedom of speech and our cultural habits regarding "opinionating."

P.S.--since you, ThinSkin, feel comfortable giving TJ an eval on overall forum credibility, I'll state (from an infinitely more competent purview--and not just forum-wise) that while I've given TJ a fair share of tough reviews over time, you have displayed a more genuinely crippled cognitive functioning in your content. I also suggest you refrain from implying someone has to be hitting the bottle to propose you're coming off as a fool in a post. For instance, I don't even drink. :)

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The reason I said I wanted to "think before responding" is simple: Everyone already knows I'm a filthy liberal nazi who doesn't have an open mind very often.

I've created that perception. No doubt about it.

I think the problem I have is getting too emotionally involved in this political BS. I'm probably not the only one.

So I wanted to take a moment and think about your original post.

But then I realized that there is really nothing to think about. Except for maybe one thing.

I'm accustomed to the Rush Limbaugh's and Glenn Beck's of the world spewing this nonsense. It's okay for them to do it now because I know better than to give anything they say any serious thought.

But here you are, ThinSkin. I don't know you personally. Nobody on here does. The internet is, for the most part, completely anonymous. I'm sure that outside your narrow minded political beliefs (I'm guilty of this too) you're a swell guy.

You're just a little.. lost. That's my opinion. And I know that, given your posting history now, you won't give that thought (or anything else I have to say on politics) the time of day.

Which is okay. I'm pretty sure if you tried to convince me that Palin is right for this country you couldn't do it. That's not to say I wouldn't try to have an open mind about it.

It's just that I know better.:)

So, in the future, please don't confuse me saying "I'm going to post my thoughts later" as meaning I am hoping and wishing that everyone here will cling to my every word. Those days are gone my friend. I simply wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and see if there was any merit to your post.

There isn't. And there won't be. And again, that's okay.

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The reason I said I wanted to "think before responding" is simple: Everyone already knows I'm a filthy liberal nazi who doesn't have an open mind very often.

I've created that perception. No doubt about it.

I think the problem I have is getting too emotionally involved in this political BS. I'm probably not the only one.

So I wanted to take a moment and think about your original post.

But then I realized that there is really nothing to think about. Except for maybe one thing.

I'm accustomed to the Rush Limbaugh's and Glenn Beck's of the world spewing this nonsense. It's okay for them to do it now because I know better than to give anything they say any serious thought.

But here you are, ThinSkin. I don't know you personally. Nobody on here does. The internet is, for the most part, completely anonymous. I'm sure that outside your narrow minded political beliefs (I'm guilty of this too) you're a swell guy.

You're just a little.. lost. That's my opinion. And I know that, given your posting history now, you won't give that thought (or anything else I have to say on politics) the time of day.

Which is okay. I'm pretty sure if you tried to convince me that Palin is right for this country you couldn't do it. That's not to say I wouldn't try to have an open mind about it.

It's just that I know better.:)

So, in the future, please don't confuse me saying "I'm going to post my thoughts later" as meaning I am hoping and wishing that everyone here will cling to my every word. Those days are gone my friend. I simply wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and see if there was any merit to your post.

There isn't. And thee won't be. And again, that's okay.

Fair enough.

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Well I'm no conservative, and I don't think Obama did anything terrible or frightening, but the moment did seem awkward. Obama didn't exactly do anything WRONG, but what he did do was miss an opportunity, albeit a small one, to truly lead in a time of crisis.

Here's an article from The Boston Globe that pretty much sums it up.


Obama’s delayed empathy

IN TIMES of national tragedy, Americans expect their president to capture the mood and moment with the right blend of emotion, empathy, and urgency. It’s a delicate act of timing and tone. And President Obama, despite his eloquence and dignity, has yet to master it, as illustrated by his awkward response to the deadly shootings at the Fort Hood Army Base in Texas.

Not a huge deal, but I hope he does better next time. That's all.

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Pulling at the slimmest of straws. Disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself. I don't get why you people abuse every situation to take a dig at someone you have allowed yourself to get into a hate filled fervor about. You've been brain washed, stop acting like a kid.

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No genuinely human Commander In Chief of our service men and women who have sacrificed so much for this country, would take ONE FREAKING SECOND to worry about whether he was "absolutely sure he would not misspeak".

I did a lot of volunteering with a group called America's Heroes of Freedom from 2003-2005, enough that it could have qualified as a full time job. We arranged supplies for the wounded, got flights, hotels, and necessities for the families, managed events to bring entertainers like Colin Quinn to Bethesda Naval, etc. In my role, I was by many a sick bed and with hundreds of family members including seniors, children, and adults. I probably have interacted with over a thousand marines who were recovering from their wounds in hospital beds and I don't want to think about the number that didn't recover.

I suspect you have no idea the pressure you feel to do no harm, to be a friends, but not screw up. The first time I was in that hallway and saw a 6 year old outside of a room kneeling and crying I felt totally lost. The first time a soldier begged me not to get him a Christmas gift, but to see if I could get something for his son because his son was too young to understand and he wanted to make sure his Daddy loved him, I learned a lot.

You couldn't be more wrong that you have to carefully choose your words, but it's not because you are being calculating or insincere, it's because you understand how fragile the people you are talking too are and that you need to be comforting, strong, supportive, and a whole bunch of other things. This was the weight I had as a volunteer dealing with people one on one. In someways, that's probably harder... in other ways it's much easier because when you're in the room with someone and they can see, hear, and feel you they can tell more. TV screens create distance.

If you want to go Republican/Democrat on this, I'll give you fodder. In our group, I was pretty much the only hands-on liberal. There were tons of libs who donated money and stuff as there were conservatives, but the hands-on people were mostly conservatives. I can also tell you to that soldier in the bed they cared much more that I came than who I voted for. They also often seemed heartened that a liberal did care about them, because people try to foist the nonsence that libs didn't give a damn.

In the hospital situations at BAMSEY, Walter Reed, Bethesda (National Naval), etc. I saw a lot and to be honest a lot of my agitation with Republicans came from these guys not getting what they deserve and not being treated as they should, but that's another thread.

There's at least one guy in this thread who is hurting and he has told it to you in this and other threads. You can't seem to hear him. I wish you would try and that you would choose your words a little more carefully.

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