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Flip a Judge off and this is what happens


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Geeze, many female sexual offenders get less time than this. I guess it's better to show your t ts than the middle finger in court.

Illinois Man Gets 6 Months in Jail for 1 Middle Finger

An Illinois man found out the hard way that giving a judge the middle finger while being sworn in isn't nice — and won't go unpunished.

Kane Kellett, 24, landed in jail for six months after he raised his right hand, middle finger extended, before Judge G. Martin Zopp in McHenry County Court, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Tuesday.

The Crystal Lake man was there Saturday on home-invasion charges. Since his nonverbal "outburst," he is now serving half a year for contempt of court, according to McHenry County State's Attorney Louis Bianchi.

In the original case, Kellett is accused of breaking into the house of an acquaintance and attempting to hit him over the head with a flashlight, the Sun-Times said.

Kellett was surly from the start, according to the state's attorney.

"When they brought him out of the lockup he looked very unhappy. He was looking down all the time," Bianchi said. "The judge asked him 'Sir, do you have an attorney?' and he said 'F—- no.' "

Zopp ignored that comment but after the middle-finger incident, Assistant State's Attorney Patrick Kenneally asked that the defendant be held in criminal contempt of court.

Zopp agreed, handing down the six-month sentence.

"I'm hoping that this sends a message to all those who appear before our judges here that they must show some respect for the court and the court system," Bianchi said.


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If he was there for a traffic ticket I don't think this would have happened. Still 6 months for giving the finger seems like its maybe a little stiff I don't really know.

I think it's fine.. sends a message.. He wanted to be a big dumb bad ass, well hope he's happy for being so stupid.

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I saw something like that happen in traffic court in Arlington. I can't remember the judge, but he looked just like Frank Perdue and was the niceist Judge you'd ever want to go in front of. He dismissed most peoples tickets for compliance (correcting expired plates, licenses, defective equipment...)

So they bring this young african american male out from behind the baliff, and he was wearing an orange jailhouse jumpsuit. The Judge reminded the

accused man that he was arrested on a bench warrant, from the Judge himself, for failing to appear in court for driving on a suspended license.

The Judge gave him 6 months for the driving on suspended charge (3rd time) and asked the young man what he thought about the sentence.

The man responded "I can do 6 months standing on my head".

The Judge very quickly said "Is that right, well let's make it a year in jail, so that you'll have an additional 6 months to let the blood drain back into your body". The whole court room went "Whoa" all at once. :hysterical:

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Remember the guy from Virginia who threw a herbicide on a historical oak tree down in Huston Texas as a protest or something. The judge gave the guy life in prison for killing a tree. I think the guy ended up doing 9 years. Now that was harsh.

Most folks who murder people only do 4 years in this country.

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Wondering where in the world you could have come up with that claim.

Top of my head...I think I read it somewhere... I'll seek a link.

Here is the link to sentencing guidelines. If you have not other felony charges adult or juvinile, the guidline cals for 10 years sentence. Time off for good behavior and halfway house/home confinement you can get that down to six or seven years of actual jail time.


Found another link which says average muder gets 15 years.

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