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Official ES Rant Thread (KC). Don't Start A New Thread. Post Here. Avoid Bans/NNTs


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Here's your life-ring for KC week, boyz, and hopefully we win solid so it gets minimal usage :silly:

Use this as another option to any game thread for your ranting instead of starting new threads (and likely getting banned or NNT'd) in the frenzy during the game, and those first few hours (or longer) after the game. You still have to stay within the rules even when ranting. ;)

Make real sure if you IF YOU DO start a new thread today, it is unique enough in theme/topic that it isn't being currently discussed in an existing thread on the first two pages at minimum.

Make sure you have specific developed content in your opening post. Make sure you follow all the thread-starting rules for formatting.

This requires more thought, judgment, knowing the rules, and much less emotional spazzing. :)

Hint: 9 times out of 10, your thread won't merit being started by these criteria on gameday.

Let's heal a litle bit today with a big win! :point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky :point2sky:point2sky

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OMG... we are SO GOOD!!!>.... I can't believe how GOOD we are. I'm watching this game and I just can't believe the AWESOMENESS i'm seeing in this game. This is like SUPER BOWL freaking play right here.... i'm just so freaking psyched about how GOOD we are.

WOW... I just haven't seen this much ridiculous offensive explosiveness in YEARS....

We are just plain and simple AWESOME....

sorry for the rant.

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