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Challenging all Sig Makers... All-out competition.


What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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Whichever time of the day or night that you may be viewing this thread, it's purpose is to attract designers more than just showcasing one's impeccable craft.

Before beginning, this thread was already granted permission by TK so there should be no moderating interference occuring ;). Precluding the primary themes of the threads, we will just get to the point!

Here is mines:


Here is Leftcoasts:


We will be aiming for a number of 100 votes... whoever is first to achieve this feat will have to take ownership of the other's sig for three of the next 'Skins games. So, please place your votes before December and if you are looking to break loose of your art craft, this is the time to let us know who you are. :D

You're still the best Left. ;)

Edit: Since the poll has been continuing in the voting count, we are going to wait until November 1st. to decide an actual winner.

Thank you all for making this entertaining and there will be another showdown in the near future.

Edit: The competition between Left and I had been finalized but ever since Left's unexpected hiatus, we were never able to settle the ownership score.

I am bringing to the surface a new challenge for anyone that is up for the task... Soup, Gibbs, Sixx, Hone? Come on y'all! :D

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I am going to make it smaller now.

Your actual sig also exceeds the allowable. The image itself is at max allowable dimensions, but the added text pushes you outside the boundaries.

Signatures should not exceed 550 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height.

It is the standard dimension for the entire signature size a member can use. Regardless of the quantity of photos posted, the sum area of all the photos must not exceed the stated size limitations. In addition, signatures should not contain any more than 10 lines of text. The sum total of the height (ie. 200 pixels) INCLUDES text or any combination of images and text.

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Your actual sig also exceeds the allowable. The image itself is at max allowable dimensions, but the added text pushes you outside the boundaries.

Signatures should not exceed 550 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height.

It is the standard dimension for the entire signature size a member can use. Regardless of the quantity of photos posted, the sum area of all the photos must not exceed the stated size limitations. In addition, signatures should not contain any more than 10 lines of text. The sum total of the height (ie. 200 pixels) INCLUDES text or any combination of images and text.

Is this better Aussie?

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I voted for Left....... for obvious reasons :D

Seriously... I like them both but I think Left's flows a little better. The JC pic appears to be disconnected (that may be a statement in and of it's self) from the rest of the sig. Nice work from both of you. I am just starting to figure this GIMP program out and when I do I'll be back :silly:

For the record WhoR:That sig you did for D'KanSkinFan is sick!

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I voted for Left....... for obvious reasons :D

Seriously... I like them both but I think Left's flows a little better. The JC pic appears to be disconnected (that may be a statement in and of it's self) from the rest of the sig. Nice work from both of you. I am just starting to figure this GIMP program out and when I do I'll be back :silly:

For the record WhoR:That sig you did for D'KanSkinFan is sick!

Thank you Capt. Kaos... that means alot because I have been doing alot of experimenting with these sigs.

I am now using Photoshop which is what I did the Bruce Lee sig in. But, occasionally I may switch between GIMP to see if I still have that touch ;).

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