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Trade for Ray Rice.


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Ray Rice i good, but he isn't totally established yet. He has good hands and is a good runner, so he could be a good fit for our team if we stay with the WCO.

Maybe Monty and Moss? or Moss and CP. I don't wana see any picks gone, unless they are around the 4th round, but to be honest i rather see us go all OL in this line.


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ravens could use another WR, but they wont give up rice. hes one of their biggest offensive pieces, especially going forward.

Yeah I was going to say that. They would never part with this guy. His upside is too huge for them. If they did trade him the price tag would be ridiculous.

edit: gosh BLC, why am I agreeing with you so much today. A sign of tough times in DC, no doubt.

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We're going to run jumbo packages. Maybe Orakpo was meant to be FB/Half-Back instead of a OLB. M'eh? Cooley and Davis as blocking TE, Sellers/Orakpo backfield? Maybe we see if TJ Duckett wants to play?

RB doesn't matter at this point, unless they can jump over a D-lineman.. Then, maybe - just maybe.

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put ray rice behind this offensive line and you will see him on a stretcher

VERY much disagree with this assesment. People always say that a RB is only as good as his OL-- well, then why would you EVER draft a RB high or pay him anything substantial?

If Adrian Peterson is only as good as the Vikings OL, then Minnesota wasted a draft pick.

IMO, our run blocking has been decent--nothing great mind you, but decent. Pass blocking is another story...

Last Sunday, everyone I watched the game with noticed the same things-- opportunities for Portis to make a few plays-- which he was unable to do.

Any RB can run through gaping holes-- sometimes, you need your back to take a sliver of daylight and turn it into yards.

While I TOTALLY agree that OL is the #1 concern on our roster in terms of building for the future, I also think we need to completely revamp the RB corps as well--- CP is not even one of the 15 best RB's in the league right now....and he will only get worse.

As for the OP's idea.....I'd love Rice, but we literally have no one the Ravens would want in return....

Moss and CP for Rice would be the steal of the century for us....and we aren't exactly experts at pulling off "steals." :)

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My trade proposal is not a ridiculous one.

Not ridiculous, but totally out of the question. Willis McGahee has not been consistant enough, so they've been using Rice as a change of pace back and it's been working for them. He's only in his 2nd year, so they would not want to give him up so quickly. Also, you want to trad Monty, yet the Ravens have a deep and talented D-Line AND they play a 3-4. Where would Monty play? He's not a NT. And to add Moss in, well they might go for acquiring Moss at some point after the season, but their passing game has been alot better than ours and because Mason decided to play, they wouldn't need a WR until after the season when Mason will probably retire for good. If they trade for Moss, it will be a pick and not a player, expecially not Rice.

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Sort of a side issue, but wanted to mention this as food for thought.

He got a ton of carries in college, and I'm curious to see if the work load has an effect on his long term viability in the league. You know how they say NFL RBs only have a certain amount of tread on their tires, I wonder how much tread he wore off in college.

He was a 3 year starter (200[5,6,7]) and carried the ball 195, 335, and 380 times in each year respectively. That's a ton of carries.

By comparison, Portis got 143, 77, 220 attempts in (1999, 2000 and 2001 respectively).

I'll be watching his career, and will be curious to see how many years he lasts in the NFL. Seems like he's already played 1/2 a career with his college carries, which probably explains why he's pretty good right out of the gate. But mayb doesn't bode well for long term viability. Who knows, just something to think about.

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Sort of a side issue, but wanted to mention this as food for thought. As I watched Rice in college, it occured to me that he got alot of carries. And I'm curious to see if his college work load has an effect on his long term viability in the league. You know how they say NFL RBs only have a certain amount of tread on their tires, I wonder how much tread he wore off in college.

He was a 3 year starter (200[5,6,7]) and carried the ball 195, 335, and 380 times in each year respectively. That's a ton of carries.

By comparison, Portis got 143, 77, 220 attempts in (1999, 2000 and 2001 respectively).

I'll be watching his career, and will be curious to see how many years he lasts in the NFL. Seems like he's already played 1/2 a career with his college carries, which probably explains why he's pretty good right out of the gate. But mayb doesn't bode well for long term viability. Who knows, just something to think about.

Wow, I wanted to say exactly what you said when I posted after you but didnt feel like elaborating. You're the man haha

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My trade proposal is not a ridiculous one.

No offense, but it kind of is. Nobody would trade a washed up RB and a WR at the end of his prime for a young, hard nosed RB like Rice. McGahee is approaching Portis territory, and Rice is going to be a big part of their team for the next several years. This isn't fantasy football; you can't make trades like that.

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