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The Bingo Offense


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So, I've been thinking. With the hiring of our new bingo minded offensive consultant. And Zorn's horrid playcalling, there's only one logical combo of the two fronts.

This will make the team unpredictable and quite possibly unstoppable.

Zorn will pace the sideline with his "consulant" pushing a rolling bingo cage behind him. Each offensive play will be corresponding with a bingo ball. B1 will be run to the left, B2 QB sneak, etc.

Zorn will spin the wheel, his "consultant" will pull the ball and hand it to the caller, the caller will yell out "B4!! B4!! " and then the stadium will flash it up on the big boards. The fans will be given a bingo card upon entering the stadium. The first fan to get bingo will get to be the caller for the rest of the game.

The offense cant' get much worse, and I think this idea may actually help us.


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What happens if they draw the G-5 (punt ball) in the redzone does he have to go through with it? OR IS THAT PART OF BINGO OFFENSE ZAZZ!?!

Well that's the beauty. There is no punt option. That's right, no punting. On the plus side there's always the excitement of drawing the fullback dive (that would be I-22 for those playing at home) on 4th and 38 from our own 2.

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Well that's the beauty. There is no punt option. That's right, no punting. On the plus side there's always the excitement of drawing the fullback dive (that would be I-22 for those playing at home) on 4th and 38 from our own 2.

Man, I hope we add the O-66(that would be QB sneak) on first and ten. Then we'll have to sign the big boy JARED LORENZEN!!

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Since Sherm is going to draw the ball from up above and call the play to Jim for QB relaying, they ARE going to have to devise some sort of abbreviated system. Jim will be converting it to the actual play call by reading from his wrist band into the QB radio. Mind as well go with B1 etc.

B1 - Portis Left

B2 - Portis Left

B3 - Moss Slant

B4 - Betts Screen

And I was just tweeted that Zorn will help load the ping pong balls into the machine. He must be so excited.

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