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This loss is entirely the fault of management - chiefly, Vinny Cerrato. Here's why


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Getting rid of Cerrato won't do any good if all Snyder's gonna do is pick somebody who'll let him play GM. Cerrato can be called the player personnel guy, but you're crazy if you think Snyder's not heavily involved in player personnel as well. He needs to divest himself of player personnel altogether, and until he does that, dumping Cerrato is just a band aid.

I completely agree. Nothing will change until Snyder gets out of the day to day football operations. Snyder is a fan and he runs the team like a fan. Cerrato is his avenue to do it.

He needs to hire a competent football guy and get out of the way. Let the football guy hire the coaches and pick the players. Right now, Snyder is a huge distraction.

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Nothing will change until you start hurting Danny's wallet. He doesn't care if you complain till you pass out as long as you keep paying $8 for a Bud and $30 to park your car to watch the team lose.

The only way Danny will sell this team is if it becomes unprofitable.

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Nothing will change until you start hurting Danny's wallet. He doesn't care if you complain till you pass out as long as you keep paying $8 for a Bud and $30 to park your car to watch the team lose.

The only way Danny will sell this team is if it becomes unprofitable.

I totally agree with this. My 6 year contract runs out this year. Can't wait to be out from under that $6000 payment. They're begging people to buy them now. Snyder has to know he can't keep this circus going forever.

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This loss is on the refs IMO. That no call was a joke. That said, this is accurate as to WHY this team will not be able to succeed in the long run. No depth where it counts. Batiste was ABUSED when he was left alone and made dumb penalties. Zorn had to use Cooley to block all game because of that and it took away one of our best weapons.

It's sad but true - unless changes are made at the top, we will continually go nowhere.

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For the record: if we had not traded away our 2nd round pick for Jason Taylor, we would have been able to draft stud right tackle Phil Loadholt - currently playing superbly in Minnesota and picked 54th overall. We could have also drafted highly touted center/guard Max Unger (49). The first guard was selected by Buffalo 51st overall, Andy Levitre - we could have had our picking of any guard in the draft.

Could have, if Vinny Cerrato hadn't made the boneheaded decision to trade away a top pick for a 34 year old defensive end who didn't fit our system in the first place (and paid him $8 million on top of that). And we wouldn't have had to make that trade if he had done a better job acquiring depth along the defensive line, rather than trade picks for veterans over many years.

A long series of poor decisions over many years has culminated in the atrocious offense we see today. Dan Snyder needs to sit in a corner, stop meddling in team affairs and watch from his glass booth. Vinny Cerrato needs to be axed and a true general manager needs to take charge, one that knows that blowing up the team is NOT in the franchise's best interests. One that knows how to build a team from the inside out. One that keeps our draft picks and makes sensible decisions rather than swoop for the sexy instant-fix.

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I don't wanna sound like Larry Michael, but about 25% of the problem is management.

The coaching has been subpar since 1991...period.

1) running wide against peppers with heyer as ur RT, is idiotic

2) the 4th and 3 was brutal..a slant to moss with the corner at the line of scrimmage, will not work....do we ever see a slant and go?....if you wanna throw a slant, how about using kelly or thomas?

3) using orakpo at linebacker....ridiculous.

I can keep going...

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OP has it right on the mark.

Great thread

Unless Snyder comes to the realization that he doesn't know football and should hire guys that do know football and get out of their way- We are going to be the heir apparent to the Detroit Lion's title as the biggest joke franchise in the NFL.

The other option already mentioned in an earlier post would be for all true Redskin fans to force Snyder's hand by not spending any money on this team and hit Snyder in the only place where it really counts for him...his wallet.

-but I don't see that happening.

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I totally agree with this. My 6 year contract runs out this year. Can't wait to be out from under that $6000 payment. They're begging people to buy them now. Snyder has to know he can't keep this circus going forever.

Im glad some people understand this. Snyder, by trade, is a private equity manager. His job is to buy profitable corporations, milk them for every cent he can, then sell the dry husk to someone else when the corporation is at rock bottom. He walks away with all the profits. Look at his job with Six Flags! This football club is no different. Danny may be a Redskins fan but he's a businessman first, a good one even, and he's raking in the cash from his purchase of the team. He's not changing anything at all until his purchase becomes unprofitable. Only then will he sell the franchise to someone else who's interested in rebuilding the team back to glory (and therefore fresh revenue). IT'S A BUSINESS AND I WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD UNDERSTAND THIS! Nothing ever changes at a business until it starts losing money.

Witness the signings and draft picks. Lots of names, lots of flash, very little substance. O-linemen don't sell jerseys. Receivers and past their prime veterans (Jason Taylor, Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders, etc) do.

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This loss is on the refs IMO. That no call was a joke. That said, this is accurate as to WHY this team will not be able to succeed in the long run. No depth where it counts. Batiste was ABUSED when he was left alone and made dumb penalties. Zorn had to use Cooley to block all game because of that and it took away one of our best weapons.

It's sad but true - unless changes are made at the top, we will continually go nowhere.

The problem on that Punt was Randle El! He shouldnt have been anywhere NEAR that ball because the punt was so short, and he should have been screaming for his teammates to clear out as well. Another stellar punt return from Randle El...

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The depth is a joke. Spending three picks on receivers, with one being a TE when you have a Pro Bowl TE is all you need to know. This team cares about the flash and not the substance.

it's good marketing.

Shanahan is not comming here, I can't imagine ANYONE who would want to coach for Snyderrato

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I agree

Jim Zorn and Jason Campbell have no shot to succeed.

Unless changes are made at the very top of the organization, no coach that comes in here has a chance to succeed

Agree completely. And no half-decent coach is going to come within miles of the Redskins. Why sign on to this mess? Who would want to coach this offensive line, a past-his-prime running back, and a quarterback who can't throw down field? Not to mention the front office and ownership mess.

I mean, really, we'll be lucky to get Jim Fassel from the Las Vegas Locomotives.

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Nothing will change until you start hurting Danny's wallet. He doesn't care if you complain till you pass out as long as you keep paying $8 for a Bud and $30 to park your car to watch the team lose.

The only way Danny will sell this team is if it becomes unprofitable.

Danny takes bad advice from Vinny...

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So lets see who people blame so far for this weeks loss:

"the defense gave the game away": You mean the defense who set us up at the 13 and 1 respectively, so our pathetic offense had a chance to score? Lets face it, if not for our defense we would probably have scored only the field goal because it was the only good drive they put together. And even though DHall sucked badly on that last tackle (and on many other plays since he joined our team), it was him making a play to bring it to the Carolina 1 so Portis could jump it in two plays later.

"the oline sucks": We know that for a couple of years now, and this isnt a problem of the last offseason. Problem is that the line isnt making JC look good, but its the same the other way around. Ultimately the bitter truth is that management thought, and hoped, that Bugel could turn roster fodder into pro bowlers. A guy like Heyer has no business to be a starter, and we know that for quite some time too.

"Portis has lost a step": He probably has lost two steps but he still scored two times on the chances he got. But seriously, how much more aggressive does Mason look when he gets a carry? Thats the fire i'm missing with a few guys on offense.

"Jim Zorn needs to be fired": With the way the offense has been put together and the way its playing the last 13 regular season games (8 last season, 5 this season), it could be "Holmgren needs to be fired" or "Shanahan needs to be fired" or "Cowher needs to be fired". It doesnt really matter.

"Greg Blache needs to be fired": Unlike some others, Blache and his defense seem to progress from game to game.

"Randle El sucks": Well, yeah he does. Big time.

"The referees cost us the game": So it was the referees who were responsible for the following drives (excluding the scoring drives) - 6 plays, 21 yards, punt - 6 plays, 10 yards, punt - 2 plays, -1, safety - 6 plays, 20 yards, punt - 10 plays, 43 yards, downs - 3 plays, 9 yards, punt - 7 plays, 29 yards, punt.

Finally, let me give you a list which players i think have no business being on this team anymore:

Campbell (not the answer), Portis (lost more then one step), Randle El (most useless player), Fred Davis (a turnover waiting to happen), Heyer (revolving door of a blocker), Rabach (no power at all), Daniels (experience is great but obviously its not everything), Smoot (give him a radio show or something where he can talk smack all day, but please dont let him cover anybody) and last but definitely not least i would love to see a new owner and a new GM, for the reasons people like devil421 are posting. I doubt Snyder gives a damn about the result on the field as long as cash comes in. He was the worst thing that could have happened to this franchise, and Vinny is just the "Yes, Dan" puppet next to him.

We could easily be 0-5. The two games we won, we won because of our defense.

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Zorn and Campbell can do amazing things with a real o-line: just look at last season, when we started off 6-2, before the line fell apart. Great post, SkinsTillIDie.

Agreed. Great coaching, no matter how great, cannot overcome lack of talent. Thanks D. Snyder.

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Awesome post. I agree 100%. The arrogance to NOT draft any linemen is proof enough. Danny has to go. Cerrato DEFINITELY has to go. Zorn prob has to go also but not until the season is over. Its asinine to bring in someone else and then have insanity for the rest of the season. It all starts with Snyder. I appreciate the kindness he shows to players but im tired of the futility. Its the same thing for the past 5-6 years... Im tired of players lining up for the big payday here over and over again also... I love this team to death but this is the first year I have REALLY just said NO MOREEEEE.

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I place all the blame on 'ol Danny boy and his trusty sidekick, Vinny. These two bozos have totally dismantled everything that made this organization great. We can sit and blame Campbell, or Zorn, or Randle El, or the O-line...we can go on and on, but ulitmately, the blame falls on the two buffoons running this team. They assembled this mess. They are a complete embarrasment. The circus antics seem to becoming fast and furious out of Redskins Park.

I can only imagine the conversations that occur among the inner circles of the NFL about the dyanmic duo. I'm sure they all get a good laugh over how Dan and Vin conduct their business.

I have been a die-hard 'Skins fan since I was a little kid and I always will be....I bleed Burgundy & Gold. Unfortunately, this is the kind of mentality that Dan the man wants to see from the fans as he is allowed to fail in building a real team, but is still able to make his money hand over fist. You gotta love blind faith.

We can only hope that little Danny will eventually sell the team someday to someone has the same deep pockets as does he, but yet has the sense to hire people who actually know something about football and how to build a strong organization.

I know...I know...it will never happen, but a guy can dream, can't he?

Hail To The Redskins.

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