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Sacramento Bee - Leading Off: Redskins can be called Raiders of East Coast

The Evil Genius

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Sadly - some of the opinions are spot on, right now.


By Victor Contreras


Published: Monday, Sep. 28, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 1C

Last Modified: Monday, Sep. 28, 2009 - 8:30 am

It's official.

The Washington Redskins have become the Raiders of the East Coast.

All they need is put a black patch over the eye of the chisel-faced Native American on their logo and you couldn't tell them apart.

Need evidence?

� They were once a symbol of excellence, winning three Super Bowls, the same number won by the Raiders.

� They have a meddlesome owner named Dan Snyder, who is as quick to fire a coach as he is to file a law suit a la Al Davis.

� Their offense is offensive, consistently ranking near the bottom of their conference see Raiders.

� They throw huge money at free agents during the offseason for little in return just like the boys from the East Bay.

And now the lowest of all lows losing to the 0-19 Detroit Lions on Sunday 19-14.

What's next for the Redskins?


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Not even close.

Spare the melodramatics.

I've been out here a grand total of three days but I can tell you that nothing is as bad as the Raiders organization.

Just give it time -- it will be.

At least the Raiders have gone to the Super Bowl in the past decade.

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I never thought I'd read something so depressing.

I sat in the stands at Super Bowl 18 and watched the raiders celebrate as we were destroyed 38-9 back in 1984. Then we went on to win 2 more super bowls and they fell flat on the face for years and years. I hated the raiders almost as much as the cowgirls, now with this we have become them. just the thought makes me want to puke.

what a terrible time to be a Redskin fan. :doh:

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Thanks for this post. I have been deciding which team to root for, since nothing will change as long as danny is the owner.

I will still love my Skins, but I wont let myself get invested in what they are doing since I see nothing good on the horizon.

I will now cheer for the Oakland Raiders. Why? they suck, kinda like the Skins, have a crazy meddlesome owner, just like the skins.

But the one major difference is that the Raiders owner stands a chance of dying in the next 5 years, whereas it looks like Danny will be able to ruin this team for decades to come.

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When valid points are brought up to compare your team to the Raiders that is just plain sad.

We are the Raiders of the East. We are not as bad as the Raiders, but does it really matter. Like the Raiders we are going no where with no future in sight. They have the same record as us and we get to find out this season which team is actually better.

Just plain sad.

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