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Don't Over React


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I agree. I ain't overreacting, especially this early in the season. Week 3, people. Week 3.

I'd start overreacting if we lost those later season games though. Lot of key divisional games in the 2nd half of this season, if you start losing those games then I'll hop on the overreacting bandwagon and clamor

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Inspiring. Thanks for putting us in our place.

You get a pass for being 19 and not knowing any better. The mediocracy you've witnessed your entire life is clearly all you know, and have come to expect.

On behalf of all of us who have known the franchise for what it once was, we are sorry.

Exactly! Those of us who have been fans of this team for greater than 40 years have seen this team at its highest .. and its lowest. I can safely say that we are currently resting in the realm of "the lowest."

I expect this team to at LEAST make an effort to win each week and drive to the playoffs each year. We have done neither so far this season! I am sick of excuses! There are 31 other teams in this league and at least half of them (many with less overall talent than us) go out and make an effort each week. THIS TEAM?!!!

"Don't over react?!" :stop:

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I agree. I ain't overreacting, especially this early in the season. Week 3, people. Week 3.

I'd start overreacting if we lost those later season games though. Lot of key divisional games in the 2nd half of this season, if you start losing those games then I'll hop on the overreacting bandwagon and clamor

I think the reason why so many of us are so angry is that if THIS is the best we can do against possibly THE worst team in the league -- we have NO chance against better teams that we will play later in the season.

This season gets progressively harder starting next week. *WHO* shows up?! :whoknows: And given this type of performance in the remaining weeks .. who CARES?!

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i know thats what hurts the worst. Thats like throwing salt on open wounds. The lion are 0 -19 and they have never beat the redskins until now. WTF:mad::mad::mad::doh: i dont know what the hell all these optimistic people are taking, but I may need some!

They seem to accept mediocrity crap as the norm. And I was like that even being a fan since '80'. I would say over and over its gonna get better, I see some positive things from this team. Deion is a great addition to our Skins.

Mediocrity and absolute ineptness rules this organization. Its deep. And the fan base has had enough in a way that seems unprecedented to me. Ive never seen such anger.

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10 years since a division title.

1 10 game winning season since 1999.

A future completely mortgaged away on lousy washed up players.

Overpaying for Haynesworth.

Drafting horrible receivers.

Not addressing our weaknesses.

You rally behind this goat rope you call a team. As for me, they will never get a penny from me until it changes.

Not ONE single jersey. Not ONE single hat. Not ONE single ticket. NOTHING until Vinny and the rest of this crew are gone.

I've never paid a dime to go to Fed Ex and I never will. I refuse to give Danny money. You suckers keep doing it. Bankrupt Danny and I bet money he sells the team.

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all things being said, it's time for fans to rally behind the team rather than point fingers. With the ship sinking we could start yelling for zorn's head or calling for Blatche to be fired or talk about TCollins starting over Campbell but when things are down, now is the time to realize we just got out played and out coached.

It's a loss, yes a painful one at that but only a loss. The season hinges on what we do from this point forward. Does anyone really think that firing zorn will save the season? No, if anything it will make it worse.

all things being considered now is the time to stick together band together and move on. our season can still amount to something good, win next week against tampa, take care of kc and carolina and we're 4-2 going against philly.

so don't pani, don't over react, band together and maybe something good can still happen

Vinny is that you? :doh:

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..... it's not appropriate to coddle players and coaches and "rally" behind them. It's time to get pissed and start kicking peoples' asses...hell fire and brimstone speeches and attitudes. It's time to start benching, firing, and blowing things up to break the cycle of sucktitude...at least that's my train of thought.......
One BIG concur here

The "Medium" attitude of this team is epic

A "Mundane" coach leading a QB with NO leadership is getting pathetic

A military style *** whooping is called for

Bring Back Marty

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I have been a Redskins fan since 1972.

Back then, I was in second grade.

I have suffered through complete seasons that yielded one or two wins. I’ve watched great football games. I have watched Redskins games that looked as if mentally challenged Fiddler Crabs were dressed up like the Redskins players and everyone was running amok in total chaos.

Today…the Fiddler Crabs played the Lions.

Redskin’s fans (indirectly) paid Albert Hainsworth 100 million dollars to stop the run.

Today, Albert Hainsworth’s fat, non factor, pumpkin looking $#% threw up in his own mouth because he was gassed, trashed and worn out in the very first quarter and left the game with a “hip’ injury.

Meanwhile, every Redskins fan watching suffered from severe wallet bleeding while puking jalapeno nachos through their eyeballs at the laxidasical and lack-luster version of the Dead-Skins that appeared on their big screen TV sets.


Jason Campbell was rushed, flushed, and could not make his down the field reads because there were other people on the football field besides his team mates. This confused him throughout the entire game. It confused me that there was not a backup quarter back playing for the Redskins in the second quarter.


It was third down and six, third down and ten, third down and fifteen…it didn’t matter…it could have been third down and negative six hundred…and the Redskins would be punting on the next down. I think they should punt on first down this year…be different, go for the record. I want to see the redskin’s defense stay on the field until they stop someone...it could be months...years...I don't care...LEAVE THEM ON THE FIELD UNTIL THEY STOP SOMEONE!

“D.C. Barf Bags! Who wants one? Three? Need three…here take these ma'am…how many sir? Five?”

Meanwhile, the Lions have third down and 20, 14, 9, 10, oh and the Redskins Defense had them on the ropes... until the Lions reached third down that is…then the Redskin’s defense wafted, wandered and waffled around on the playing field in a confused state of wet toilet paper so the Lions could keep the drive alive with a nine thousand yard screen pass.

I have to admit, that one play the Lions did, where they lined up in Yugoslavia and passed for twenty seven hundred miles for a first down was pretty impressive. I never saw the oil tanker on the field until it was too late.

So tomorrow…Monday…I will have to endure jibs and jabs, verbal back hands and forehands, gut punches and ear thumps from Bengals and Raider fans along with the typical Cowboy fan noise I’ll get from …well Hell…damn near everyone that lives on the surface of the planet Earth…maybe even some subterranean dwellers I know will surface just to rake my % over the coals.

I wasted beer, time, chips, and three sacrificial chickens for nothing this Sunday.

I knocked on wood, my head and my TV…well…I knocked OVER my TV…but that was in the third quarter. I shot it in the forth…26 times with a high caliber weapon.

Tonight, I will try to go to sleep…but know I won’t be able to because I’ll still be mad about the Redskins game…

Don't over react...HOGWASH!


Maybe that's what we needed to do for years!

Sorry folks if I don't vent...I'll explode...or vice verse ah.

I hate Mondays.

Go Ice Bats!

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all things being said, it's time for fans to rally behind the team rather than point fingers. With the ship sinking we could start yelling for zorn's head or calling for Blatche to be fired or talk about TCollins starting over Campbell but when things are down, now is the time to realize we just got out played and out coached.

It's a loss, yes a painful one at that but only a loss. The season hinges on what we do from this point forward. Does anyone really think that firing zorn will save the season? No, if anything it will make it worse.

all things being considered now is the time to stick together band together and move on. our season can still amount to something good, win next week against tampa, take care of kc and carolina and we're 4-2 going against philly.

so don't pani, don't over react, band together and maybe something good can still happen


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I'd rather not rally around a team full of no count slackers who are only here for a paycheck. There is no hunger on this team. No drive. No heart.

Get a team in here who "fights their guts out" and I'll rally around them. This team is just going through the motions and it's only week 3.

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