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CNN's Rick Sanchez Puts FOX NEWS in their place


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Please enlighten us on the "more truthful news channel". Be careful now you do know Fox hasn't been around for that long of a time to built up their duplicity reserves.

How do enlighten the blind? You are, after all, posting on a thread that demonstrates a bold lie by Fox, and your response is to talk about Fox's ratings.

The effort isn't worth it.

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Please tell us where all that unbiased reel news is.

Watch CNN for a few hours and maybe you will understand. Watch one of their investigative shows on Afghanistan. Watch Christiane Amanpour. See some real journalists in the field and in action. And I am not talking about in the middle of a tea party.

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Just the market who aren't capable of finding a different, more truthful news channel.

It is amusing how the conservatives treat this as a joke . . . until they rail about the "lies of the main stream press."

Its actually scary. Murdoch saw a market and hit big.

Since when the the news become about ratings? If we end up with News that is all bias then people will have a hard time getting facts and being able to make up their own minds.

Fox only fuels tension and anger. They hide behind the phrase "America is under attack."

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How do enlighten the blind? You are, after all, posting on a thread that demonstrates a bold lie by Fox, and your response is to talk about Fox's ratings.

The effort isn't worth it.

Ok I'll accept that as you can't. And by the way is this a "lie" to you so brazen that is just rocks your senses of unfairness to the core or perhaps can it be attributed to the well documented fighting that is currently ongoing among these business adversaries?

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Being caught again in a blatant falsehood will not stop our resident Republicans from trusting FOX news.

Why would it?

Our fellow Republicans (I love you guys to death!) are so entrenched in their hatred for Obama that I would not expect something like the truth to stand in the way of what they watch.


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This is worse then an Eagles Cowboys pissing match thread

Lets just pull out the rulers, and get this over with already

See, here is the thing: I had joked at one point that "Fox will probably say CNN didn't cover this event" as I watched it on that channel. And they did.

This is like the times when Fox News claimed scandalous, fallen Republicans were (D), as in Democrat. Every time Fox does this, we're stunned, though not really surprised.

So, no, it is not a pissing match. It is more so, "I cannot believe they did it. Again."

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Ok I'll accept that as you can't.

What? Can't what?

And by the way is this a "lie" to you so brazen that is just rocks your senses of unfairness to the core or perhaps can it be attributed to the well documented fighting that is currently ongoing among these business adversaries?

As I said before, every time Fox lies, it's a "there they go again" sort of moment.

I still notice that, to you, this is just another walk in the park for Fox. Because I sure see a lack of any other response.

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I find the Huffington Post to offer the most moderate, accurate reporting on earth. And without bias.

Behind that.....any website that ends with .org I usually find to be extremely professional.

I read HuffPo daily -- it certainly has some interesting articles.

I also read thinkprogress.org, but it has a bit of a leftist slant (though moderate in nature).

TPM and the Daily Beast are OK, but they are, once again, more liberal in nature.

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Fox is proof that the free market favors them... but all those other sources you are convinced are left wing, free market had nothing to do with that.

Great logic.

Most of those go under.

Or are bankrolled by George Soros....then go under.

Just so they keep my huffingtonpost alive.....I am ecstatic.

Huffington/Pelosi 2012

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See, here is the thing: I had joked at one point that "Fox will probably say CNN didn't cover this event" as I watched it on that channel. And they did.

This is like the times when Fox News claimed scandalous, fallen Republicans were (D), as in Democrat. Every time Fox does this, we're stunned, though not really surprised.

As you were typing that I was searching



They did it to Larry Craig and even Hurricane Katrina

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As I said before, every time Fox lies, it's a "there they go again" sort of moment.

I still notice that, to you, this is just another walk in the park for Fox. Because I sure see a lack of any other response.

Remember Dan Rather? He lost his job. It's called accountability, a concept that is completely lost in the "alternative" media.

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Fox is proof that the free market favors them... but all those other sources you are convinced are left wing, free market had nothing to do with that.

Great logic.

Umm, I was comparing Fox to CNN and not the universe of news informational outlets. Please follow along.

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Most of those go under.

Or are bankrolled by George Soros....then go under.

Just so they keep my huffingtonpost alive.....I am ecstatic.

It seems you are just talking about the actual fringe media. On that we agree. Fringe left news sources do go under... there aren't enough extremists to keep them thriving like FOX enjoys. :)

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