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Pelosi Warning Against Political "Violence"


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For the lols or just to be funny etc.

Ahhh, thanks!

You want to know what was different?

Back then, when some a-hole anarchist bike messenger said or did something repulsive like in some of those pictures, mainstream liberals and leftists did not support it. Liberal talking heads did not endorse it on TV or the radio. I was sad about the war and I opposed it, but I did not get on this message board and start posting nonsense about "watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots." None of us liberals ever did, with the sole exception of Crazyhorse who only lasted about two weeks on here.

Well, look at how many fringe posters from the right we have, people who believe things that just aren't true, people who are so angry that they are barely coherent? A hell of a lot more, and you know it.

What percentage of the left was fringe back then during the Bush years? What percentage of the right is fringe right now, already, when Obama has been in office less than a year and has not started a war or passed hardly any legislation? That's the distinction.

ahhh, you are just upset that the anger is directed towards a guy you supported. There isnt any more extremism on the right than there ever was, maybe more vocal protest that you arent used to seeing from agroup that is traditionally silent until riled up.

You are jumping at shadows man

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Ahhh, thanks!

ahhh, you are just upset that the anger is directed towards a guy you supported. There isnt any more extremism on the right than there ever was, maybe more vocal protest that you arent used to seeing from agroup that is traditionally silent until riled up.

That is a weak response.

What percent of the left do you think was pushing the fringe bubble 5 years ago, in the height of the Bush years?

What percentage of the right do you think is pushing that bubble right now?

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That is a weak response.

What percent of the left do you think was pushing the fringe bubble 5 years ago, in the height of the Bush years?

What percentage of the right do you think is pushing that bubble right now?

What is the definition of "fringe" bubble that you would like to use.

I would use the "advocate violence" stance as the fringe delineator.

Under that definition, the percentages are probably the exact same.

(sorry you thought my post was weak, but I know i cant always please those that disagree with me, especially when I'm correct;))

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What is the definition of "fringe" bubble that you would like to use.

I would use the "advocate violence" stance as the fringe delineator.

Under that definition, the percentages are probably the exact same.

But you already ignored the Secret Service getting 400 pecent more threats against Obama than against Bush. I guess that means nothing.

(sorry you thought my post was weak, but I know i cant always please those that disagree with me, especially when I'm correct;))

You'll believe what you want to believe.

After all, to you both sides are equal. They have to be, since only Ron Paul provides truth. :laugh:

oh what a cheap shot I'm sorry

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But you already ignored the Secret Service getting 400 pecent more threats against Obama than against Bush. I guess that means nothing.

You'll believe what you want to believe.

After all, to you both sides are equal. They have to be, since only Ron Paul provides truth. :laugh:

oh what a cheap shot I'm sorry

You still didnt define fringe? Are you using the same definition as me?

cant be cheap if its true!:)

I didnt ignore the "more threats" thing, in fact I think I said I was inclined to believe the story (even though it was never validated via the secret service)

It's simply fact that there hasnt been violence nor even attempted violence against the president, just like there wasnt with Bush.

It's the same!! You just arent seeing it because you arent used to seeing it come from the right as vocally, until recently its been all from the left.

either way, its all fringe if they are even thinking about committing violence. The mainstream of either party/belief system isnt like that.

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I don't think you are understanding quite what is going on. There is no huge following of talking heads on the liberal side. No one really gives a **** what Olbermann has to say, ha ha you're a witty guy etc.. but no one is really listening to what he says and acting on it.

There are multiple people, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, these people, as much as you want to claim they don't, command people. Some more than others, but they have huge followings that actually believe full heartedly the vitriol that comes from these talking head entertainers. It's a big problem, a bigger problem than most want to address.

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I don't think you are understanding quite what is going on. There is no huge following of talking heads on the liberal side. No one really gives a **** what Olbermann has to say, ha ha you're a witty guy etc.. but no one is really listening to what he says and acting on it.

There are multiple people, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, these people, as much as you want to claim they don't, command people. Some more than others, but they have huge followings that actually believe full heartedly the vitriol that comes from these talking head entertainers. It's a big problem, a bigger problem than most want to address.

sure they have a big following, still doesnt mean that they are advocating violence.

I've gotta admit, this is really strange for me to see this fear of the folks on the right who have finally spoken out after all these years. I honestly think that many of you guys are just taken by surprise that these voices are speaking now.

No worries! Most of these folks are simply upset, but many people get upset and dont resort to violence.

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After all these years of what? Failure of the President? 7 years of straight up failure, now they want to jump on the anti-government bandwagon? Get it straight, you joker. This was never about big government, because government got bigger than ever under Bush. This is because we have a black President that has a big D next to his name and that "fear" has been instilled in them by the talking heads.

edit: To claim that the talking heads do not advocate violence is silly. They perpetuate mistruths and sometimes complete lies in order to enrage people. I would be enraged too, if I did not know better. It's a huge problem.

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After all these years of what? Failure of the President? 7 years of straight up failure, now they want to jump on the anti-government bandwagon? Get it straight, you joker. This was never about big government, because government got bigger than ever under Bush. This is because we have a black President that has a big D next to his name and that "fear" has been instilled in them by the talking heads.

edit: To claim that the talking heads do not advocate violence is silly. They perpetuate mistruths and sometimes complete lies in order to enrage people. I would be enraged too, if I did not know better. It's a huge problem.

did you just call me a joker? LOL

You will have trouble finding anyone here who would agree with you more n the Bush federal expansion policies. I hated them and still do.

I think you are way overreacting and assuming something that doesnt exist in terms of the president's race.

Let me ask, do you think things would have been any different if say, John Edwards had won instead of obama?

Do you honestly think that the folks who are upset on the right would not be upset if a white man were president?

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I'm not saying you don't like Bush's growth of the Government. I am saying that is what these people are claiming they don't want to happen, and like you said they stayed silent all this time and just NOW they want to start protesting it?

Obviously they would not be as upset if a white man had won. You've got some growing up to do if you think America is in harmony on the race issue.

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This is because we have a black President that has a big D next to his name and that "fear" has been instilled in them by the talking heads.


yup, that's right. It's because the 47mil or so that didn't vote for Obama are racist against black people. Yup, that's the only reason. Wow, I can't believe we've been found out.:doh:

did you just call me a joker? LOL


you're a smoker, a midnight toker....you play your music on the run....

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I remember discussing this stuff before or right after the election. I had several posters, including Predicto telling me I was playing the victim by saying people accuse me of being racist b/c I didn't vote for Obama. That i was being ridiculous to say that.

I TOLD YOU SO. I told you then, and told you now. Anytime someone disagrees with Obama, automatically labeled a racist. ****ing love it.

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I'm not saying you don't like Bush's growth of the Government. I am saying that is what these people are claiming they don't want to happen, and like you said they stayed silent all this time and just NOW they want to start protesting it?

Obviously they would not be as upset if a white man had won. You've got some growing up to do if you think America is in harmony on the race issue.

Really? You really think that none of this would be present if someone like Edwards had won?

I'm sorry, but man you are way off.

You do realize that there were/are many. many, conservatives who decried Bush's actions and they are doing the same now?

Of course, there are some johnny come lately's, and even a few who are the utmost of hypocrites now.

To claim this has more to do with race than policy, undermines your legitimate points and paints you (I use you as in all who think like you are now)

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You want to argue semantics. Stop putting words in my mouth, I NEVER SAID THAT NO ONE WOULD BE PRESENT.

Why do you want to argue something that I never said? Grow - up.


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I don't think you are understanding quite what is going on. There is no huge following of talking heads on the liberal side. No one really gives a **** what Olbermann has to say, ha ha you're a witty guy etc.. but no one is really listening to what he says and acting on it.

There are multiple people, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, these people, as much as you want to claim they don't, command people. Some more than others, but they have huge followings that actually believe full heartedly the vitriol that comes from these talking head entertainers. It's a big problem, a bigger problem than most want to address.

And Again

Reagan Shot....Ford multiple attempts

Just becaue the Conservatives are Pissed doesn't mean THEY will go to an extreme......unless you want to admit the anti-war (liberal) movement caused the attempts on Ford?

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You want to argue semantics. Stop putting words in my mouth, I NEVER SAID THAT NO ONE WOULD BE PRESENT.

Why do you want to argue something that I never said? Grow - up.


glad you put in the edit because I had no idea what you were talking about!

I didnt put words into your mouth ...

you said:"Obviously they would not be as upset if a white man had won"

I respond with a resounding REALLY?

Is it truly your position that the entire conservative outcry is based on racist talking heads?

(btw, count to 10, breath deep and imagine something cute and peaceful, like kittens and sunny vista's. You are way too riled up!)

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Sorry, I don't live in the 1970's and I don't follow people with delusional obsessions of lesbians.

If you think people screaming "Kill Him" and the Secret Service proclaiming there is a problem, quadruple that of Bush's during a trickster war.. You've got some issues man that you need to deal with. These are the 2000's, in the 2000's the "Liberals" are not controlled in masses by talking heads, the Right-wingers are. I don't hear you arguing against that point, because you can't.

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I remember discussing this stuff before or right after the election. I had several posters, including Predicto telling me I was playing the victim by saying people accuse me of being racist b/c I didn't vote for Obama. That i was being ridiculous to say that.

I TOLD YOU SO. I told you then, and told you now. Anytime someone disagrees with Obama, automatically labeled a racist. ****ing love it.

With all due respect that's BS. You and a bunch of others here disagree with just about every single thing he does and I've yet to see the race card dealt here. Just to be clear, I don't think you're a racist and not to speak for him but don't imagine Predicto thinks so either. Misguided perhaps, but a nice person. ;)

I argue in real life with people that don't like him all the time with no mention of it except in the context of a national discussion. There ARE racists out there to think otherwise is naive.

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