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Pelosi Warning Against Political "Violence"


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I just can't see it that way. Maybe I just lurk out on extremist websites too much. The stuff I read on FreeRepublic and resistnet these days is really, truly scary. No joke.

I agree with you on the stuff found there man. Totally.

Though, I see just as scary stuff on demo underground, huff po, etc. too.

I honestly and truly dont think anything is different beyond the teams switching ends of the field at the half.

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You grew up in the former USSR? Thats pretty cool (for me at least, maybe not for you! LOl)

I'd love to pick your brain on any number of things sometime. I absolutely LOVe getting a different cultural perspective on things. I often feel rather limited in my views due to only oin overseas once for a summer and to Canada and Mexico periodically. I dont think I have a large enough world view at times.

Thanks for that cool tidbit about yourself!

Yeah when we were moving I had some US coins from somewhere, maybe a quarter and a dime... (okay, I can figure out a quarter-dollar... but what the heck is a DIME? Why no number on money? Very strange.) I was going to spend it on something at the airport before leaving. My uncle told me that maybe I should instead wait till we get to the USA so I can get me some American Beer. I was almost 16 at the time with maybe 2-3 years of experience w/ alcohol behind my belt. That idea of buying American Beer sounded great. I was in for a cruel surprise :mad: :)

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Yeah when we were moving I had some US coins from somewhere, maybe a quarter and a dime... (okay, I can figure out a quarter-dollar... but what the heck is a DIME? Why no number on money? Very strange.) I was going to spend it on something at the airport before leaving. My uncle told me that maybe I should instead wait till we get to the USA so I can get me some American Beer. I was almost 16 at the time with maybe 2-3 years of experience w/ alcohol behind my belt. That idea of buying American Beer sounded great. I was in for a cruel surprise :mad: :)

LMAO!!! Great story! :D

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LOL, we might have been seeing two totally different america's during those years then! I remember just as much vitriol, hatred and protest as now, (honestly maybe even more).

I think that the 9/12 event really should have eased the lefts fears of violence though. That many people in one place with very, very, very strong opinions and anger, yet zero arrests, zero violence and as far as I know, zero crime.

The 9/12 march did little to ease my misgivings.

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Yeah when we were moving I had some US coins from somewhere, maybe a quarter and a dime... (okay, I can figure out a quarter-dollar... but what the heck is a DIME? Why no number on money? Very strange.) I was going to spend it on something at the airport before leaving. My uncle told me that maybe I should instead wait till we get to the USA so I can get me some American Beer. I was almost 16 at the time with maybe 2-3 years of experience w/ alcohol behind my belt. That idea of buying American Beer sounded great. I was in for a cruel surprise :mad: :)

Aw -- poor guy! LOL. Amusing story, though. :D

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I'm sure it will too. Still no reasonable expectation of violence because of it. No more than expecting violence during the Bush years when many felt just as helpless and of "losing their country".

I don't recall any left-wing protesters bringing firearms to anti-war rallies. There has been a desparate atmosphere created by the demogogues of fear that "we're losing our country" and "we may have to do something to 'take it back.'"

Does that mean something will happen? No. But when you create and push this sort of fear, it is sure to increase the chances that it will.

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I agree with you on the stuff found there man. Totally.

Though, I see just as scary stuff on demo underground, huff po, etc. too.

I don't think so. Not even close.

As an aside, I abhor the "both sides are the same" nonsense. Sometimes both sides are not the same. Right now, they are not the same. The wingnut fringe of the right is far larger and stronger and angrier and more catered to than is the wingnut fringe of the left. You have to have blinders on not to see it.

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I don't recall any left-wing protesters bringing firearms to anti-war rallies. There has been a desparate atmosphere created by the demogogues of fear that "we're losing our country" and "we may have to do something to 'take it back.'"

Does that mean something will happen? No. But when you create and push this sort of fear, it is sure to increase the chances that it will.

It's funny how Bush never got the same coverage as the Media darling Obama :doh:


EDIT: Scroll towards the bottom.

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I don't think so. Not even close.

As an aside, I abhor the "both sides are the same" nonsense. Sometimes both sides are not the same. Right now, they are not the same. The wingnut fringe of the right is far larger and stronger and angrier and more catered to than is the wingnut fringe of the left. You have to have blinders on not to see it.

I think your blinders misled you to this opinion. Are you really forgetting the last 8 years? Come on man! You are better than that!

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I don't recall any left-wing protesters bringing firearms to anti-war rallies. There has been a desparate atmosphere created by the demogogues of fear that "we're losing our country" and "we may have to do something to 'take it back.'"

Does that mean something will happen? No. But when you create and push this sort of fear, it is sure to increase the chances that it will.

But I do recall fire, vandalism, fights, etc.

We didnt see any of that in the 9/12 event

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I think your blinders misled you to this opinion. Are you really forgetting the last 8 years? Come on man! You are better than that!

I lived through the last eight years in the heart of San Francisco (where I am considered a rightwinger). Yes people hated Bush because of his invasion of Iraq, yes they wanted him out of office. But it wasn't anything like what I am seeing here.

You can believe what you want. I can't convince you otherwise.

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I lived through the last eight years in the heart of San Francisco (where I am considered a rightwinger). Yes people hated Bush because of his invasion of Iraq, yes they wanted him out of office. But it wasn't anything like what I am seeing here.

You can believe what you want. I can't convince you otherwise.

You did click the link from spec right?

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I dont think thats the point. Obviosly there was as much vitriol, threat and anger back then as now. The pictures kind of show it, dont they?

I haven't seen anything as bad as those Bush protesters. The worst I've seen (though I admit I haven't seen alot of the tea parties) was the "Tree of Liberty" sign where the guy was interviewed. I don't recall hearing anything about the constant death threats to Bush.

And for the lulz:


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I lived through the last eight years in the heart of San Francisco (where I am considered a rightwinger). Yes people hated Bush because of his invasion of Iraq, yes they wanted him out of office. But it wasn't anything like what I am seeing here.

Oh, the irony of this given the spittle of Pelosi. For those who don't know she represents the 8th district which is San Francisco.

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Wow, those pics tell it all.

extremism was just as rampant back then as now. Just the new target of it.

You want to know what was different?

Back then, when some a-hole anarchist bike messenger said or did something repulsive like in some of those pictures, mainstream liberals and leftists did not support it. Liberal talking heads did not endorse it on TV or the radio. I was sad about the war and I opposed it, but I did not get on this message board and start posting nonsense about "watering the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots." None of us liberals ever did, with the sole exception of Crazyhorse who only lasted about two weeks on here.

Well, look at how many fringe posters from the right we have, people who believe things that just aren't true, people who are so angry that they are barely coherent? A hell of a lot more, and you know it.

What percentage of the left was fringe back then during the Bush years? What percentage of the right is fringe right now, already, when Obama has been in office less than a year and has not started a war or passed hardly any legislation? That's the distinction.

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I think I'm going to give up now. I admit. I hate black people and that is why I don't like Obama. I'm racist. I think only white people should be in charge. I think we need a war between the right and the left, between the whites and blacks, send all the mexicans back to mexico. :doh:

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