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College Football Week 1


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Since I don't have a team (GMU has no football team :( ) I go with either the underdogs (Boise State for example), teams I like to watch (Texas Tech last year) or teams I just like for some reason (Penn State just 'cause I think JoPa's cool).

Here are the things I want to happen this week that would screw up the B©S and actually may happen (numbers are AP rankings; the ones ESPN use):

-Boise St. (14) beats Oregon (16)

-BYU (20) over Oklahoma (3); probably not, but this would foul up the B©S :evilg:

-And if Memphis can win at home vs. Ole Miss (8) that'd be nice; ditto Nevada beating Notre Dame (23)


EDIT: For those of us with Comcast, we get ESPN360 now :):):)

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It's probably better that you don't have a college football team that you're emotionally attached to. It's too much heartache. Yeah, you win ten games, but sometimes the joy of the ten wins don't surmount the pain of the one loss. But the cool thing is when your team is perfect through the first 7 games, then you start to think "this could happen."

College football is my ***** lover.

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I'm with you ACW, there's no college team I'm really attatched to since Towson doesn't really count. I grew up as an FSU fan because when I was little I thought their logo kinda looked like the Redskins (hey! it kinda does). But I haven't really followed them that much lately. A bunch of my friends from hs went to WVU, so I sorta followed them. I kinda like Notre Dame since they're the catholic university and I'm half Irish. So I pretty much just watch college football to watch it. As long as Florida doesn't win it all, I'll be happy.

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I'm with you ACW, there's no college team I'm really attatched to since Towson doesn't really count. I grew up as an FSU fan because when I was little I thought their logo kinda looked like the Redskins (hey! it kinda does). But I haven't really followed them that much lately. A bunch of my friends from hs went to WVU, so I sorta followed them. I kinda like Notre Dame since they're the catholic university and I'm half Irish. So I pretty much just watch college football to watch it. As long as Florida doesn't win it all, I'll be happy.
This too. I am so sick of the media fawning over Tebow :doh:
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This too. I am so sick of the media fawning over Tebow :doh:

Exactly, is he good, yes, but I don't need to hear about it 24/7. If all you watch is ESPN you would think college football consists of Florida, Notre Dame, USC, Texas, and Oklahoma.

Maybe this will be the year I find a favorite college team....

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Well then you can follow UCF!!! My Alma Mater and the new biggest school in Florida!

still gonna be a couple of years for us to be any good though...actually if im not mistaken we had the worst offense in the NCAA last year. oh well....paid enough money to them to make me a fan :)

Go Knights!

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Well then you can follow UCF!!! My Alma Mater and the new biggest school in Florida!

still gonna be a couple of years for us to be any good though...actually if im not mistaken we had the worst offense in the NCAA last year. oh well....paid enough money to them to make me a fan :)

Go Knights!

I did play with them last year in NCAA 09 and they won the SEC a few times lol

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Exactly, is he good, yes, but I don't need to hear about it 24/7. If all you watch is ESPN you would think college football consists of Florida, Notre Dame, USC, Texas, and Oklahoma.

Maybe this will be the year I find a favorite college team....

The reason I want Notre Dame to lose: they're not good enough for the coverage they get (the network pays THEM for the PRIVILEGE of broadcasting its games? :bsflag:).
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The reason I want Notre Dame to lose: they're not good enough for the coverage they get (the network pays THEM for the PRIVILEGE of broadcasting its games? :bsflag:).

I do see what you mean there. Alot of what Notre Dame has now is because of its past. Since I've been watching CF, I haven't seen much success from Notre Dame.

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I'm extremely nervous about this college football season.

I'm a Hurricane fan, and their first four games are near impossible...

I'm also a Syracuse fan (due to location) and I'm actually encouraged by Coach Marrone and his staff. I went to a couple clinics with them this year and they look like they have things on the right track, but I'm not sure if this year is the year...

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Penn State doesn't get a test up until Ohio State in November. That's really the only tough game we have. Though Iowa has been our kryptonite in years past. But if we get past them its smooth sailing up until the Overrated State game.
Taking my name :thumbsup:
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LSU has got Washington week 1. Talk about a program that has completely fallen apart. 0-12 last year, although they got screwed out of a win with the unsportsmanlike celebration. Making up for their weak out of conference schedule, LSU plays Georgia, Bama and Ole Miss on the road and also play Florida every year. LSU added a home and home with WVU in a few years.

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I hate weak OOCs. Just like basketball, a team with a week OOC should be punished.

Of course, you do get the cool things like Appy State beating Michigan :evilg:

It would be nice for all teams to have tough OOC schedules, but it is the nature of the BCS beast. Also, sometimes colleges schedule another college far in advance, so a team might have weakened since it was scheduled. I wish that LSU would play more big time teams OOC, but at the same time, their SOS will be near the top without a tough OOC.

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It would be nice for all teams to have tough OOC schedules, but it is the nature of the BCS beast. Also, sometimes colleges schedule another college far in advance, so a team might have weakened since it was scheduled. I wish that LSU would play more big time teams OOC, but at the same time, their SOS will be near the top without a tough OOC.

Well, lets look at PSU.

Their OOC schedule this year is:




Eastern Illinois

How far in advance would one have to schedule for those teams to have been relevant? I'll even acknowledge that the Syracuse game could have been.

PSU's refusal to schedule Pitt or WVU makes their OOC look even worse, these days.

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It would be nice for all teams to have tough OOC schedules, but it is the nature of the BCS beast. Also, sometimes colleges schedule another college far in advance, so a team might have weakened since it was scheduled. I wish that LSU would play more big time teams OOC, but at the same time, their SOS will be near the top without a tough OOC.
True enough, but I mean playing teams from weak conferences (and not even the GOOD teams like Boise St.). I give credit to Ole' Miss for traveling to Memphis and for Oregon for going to Boise St.
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