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CNN: Man sentenced after leaving water bottles for immigrants


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For you to question my faith because you don't agree with my opinion is not only ignorant but very telling.

I tend to agree with Destino on this one.

What does God care for our man-made borders delineating one country from another? I never saw any passages about God creating the USA and Mexico, or any nation at all. Heaven and Earth I see, and as far as my non-believing eyes can see, "Earth" covers everywhere equally. What does he care for our laws that have nothing to do with his laws?

Human life is human life, and as far as this atheist can tell, all of these humans are just as much his children as you are, even our enemies. Isn't this the argument against abortion? All life is sacred? One could definitely get the impression that only applies to American life. How does this paradox work?

Advocating for allowing someone to die in the desert because they're trying to make a better life for themselves is pretty barbaric, if you ask me. I can't see how a religion that preaches Love thy Neighbor can abide by it. You don't have to assist them like this person did, but I'd be a little careful about how justified I think it is, especially if I firmly believe that I'm going to have to answer for it one day. Is it also believed that God isn't going to care about the malice in your heart towards his other kids, or is it believed He views American Christians as superior to Mexican Christians?

I don't want illegals in my country either. But I could not just let a person die for this crime.

And I'm going to Hell. Go figure.


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Just Libertarians.......Thats why I am not one

I don't think Libertarians support the trampling of US National Sovereignty. I suspect they tend to follow the dictates of the US Constitution and the Framers thoughts (e.g. No entangling alliances, friendship for all, let's amend the Constitution or Laws when need requires rather than ignore it).

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The right thing to do is to CRACK down on the coyote smugglers dropping them off in dead zones.

The right thing to do is to crack down on the companies profiting from this crap.

Definitely agree with this. We need to come down hard on these coyotes and the jerks knowingly employing illegals in this country, I don't care what state you're a governor, senator, representative of.

KH brings up a good point too though, that just throwing them back over the line is an exercise in futility b/c it can be an absurdly long process and they'll just come back over again and again and again.

We need to quash their incentive for coming over IMO...that's why I think it's so important to crack down on people at the top of the chain first.

Because we keep finding people who've been living on death row for 10 years, who turn out to be not guilty? :whoknows:

Okay, total sidenote not related to the subject of this thread, but I'm wondering how many people we put on death row these days with all the advances in forensics/DNA/etc. who are actually innocent as compared to the people we put away years ago on less scientific, more circumstantial evidence. I'd be willing to bet there are less innocent people put on death row these days... Anyway, not that that really has anything to do with the price of rice in China, but it's something I've been curious about lately...especially with a lighter load this summer enabling me to watch more of my favorite forensic shows...

Oh good one, pull the christian card. Like that hasn't been used before. :doh:

None. And being called out on my christianity by you is purely laughable!!

faith when it's convenient 81artmonk? can't say I'm surprised. I've pointed out your similarity to the Pharisee before. I'll do it again now. Compassion for those that agree with you "none" for the rest.
judge not lest ye be judged!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha ha ha:doh:
Says the guy who decided for everyone who does and doesn't deserve compassion. hahahaha? fail.

By the way, thank-you for this exchange :hysterical: God love ES...and Pharisees!

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I'll just throw in that I love Biblical references to the Pharisees... it's like reading about Jesus pwning everything that's wrong and corrupt with organized religion vs. everything that's right. If this turns into a Pharisees metaphor, I'm pretty sure I know which side is right.

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I'll just throw in that I love Biblical references to the Pharisees... it's like reading about Jesus pwning everything that's wrong and corrupt with organized religion vs. everything that's right. If this turns into a Pharisees metaphor, I'm pretty sure I know which side is right.

Don't know why, (maybe the fact that I don't know :pooh: about the Pharisees), but I'm remembering the line from 2010

"[The President] invoked Lincoln. Whenever they're going to get us into some serious ***, they always use Lincoln."

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