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Blache getting creative?


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I read a few pieces today about Orakpo vs. Samuels. That means we have him sometimes rushing off of the weak side, not just lining up as a Strong OLB or Strong side DE...

Does Blache have the talent to start rotating people around and getting exotic at the D-Line? If so, wahoo, watch out NFC East...

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I've gotten that sense too ever since we took Orakpo and there was this talk of having him rotate with OLB and DE. It seems to me that he wants to do an organized chaos 3-4 type of defense alot like in the style Rex Ryan did with Baltimore. I think we do have the talent for it. My only concern is getting Rak to learn and understand the defensive playbook down to the letter as a rookie playing 2 positions. Well that and being so thin at legit linebackers. If one goes down we are screwed. in that scenerio you may have to play 3 safeties with Landry accounting for one of the linbacker spots while Horton and Daughtry play over top.

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Yeah apparently whenever Orakpo is at DE, he's on the weak-side with Carter opposite. And the play with Haynesworth at DE, lots of stunts being worked in, should be an interesting year.

Yep, with the perception that Orakpo will be essentially unblockable, that teams will just have to avoid him.

If he is getting shut down, shift him in one and let Haynesworth crush the line in giving Orakpo a clean shot up field.

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Nice. This is what I like to hear. Our D-Line was too predictable last year. It didn't seem hard for other o-lines to find a protection package that worked against us, then just settle into it. All part of not getting pressure from the front four.

I remember when we picked up JT, people were talking about maybe lining him up next to andre and overloading one side... nothing like that happened. Glad to see that 'Rak and the rest encourage this kind of play.

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also read they had phillip daniels at dt and haynesworth at de on a down.

i love that blache is thinking outside the box

I have to admit, I've never been much of a Blache fan and have disrespected him/questioned his intelligence on these forums in the past, but he has slowly won me over and I am becoming more and more impressed. I support him in what he's doing and hope to see one of the best defenses in the NFL this year!


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I think that Blache was an absolute magician last year to get what he got out of that defensive group. With 0 pass rush, they still managed to end the year 4th in yards. Not bad.

He's a terrific coach. And now that he has some toys, I think that he's going to unleash the hounds. The defense he coordinated in Chicao was pretty disruptive.

Side note: Saw London Fletcher on Redskins Nation, and he downplayed last year's defensive ranking, saying that there were 2 disruptive/dominant defenses in the NFL last year, the Steelers and the Ravens. That's it. He said that everybody else who was competent was grouped together. And he thinks that this year they can move up to that same Steelers/Ravens level.

They do that, and the 'Skins will win the NFC East no matter what the offense does.

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I have to admit, I've never been much of a Blache fan and have disrespected him/questioned his intelligence on these forums in the past, but he has slowly won me over and I am becoming more and more impressed. I support him in what he's doing and hope to see one of the best defenses in the NFL this year!


If we ever get our act together enough to win a Super Bowl (or even get there) ....If Greg Blache ever gets serious national exposure look out. He's a star on camera. It's must see TV. I think he's as good a coodinator as there is the league too. In fact if Zorn is let go at any point in the next few years, I hope Blache would be given serious consideration for the head job.

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In fact if Zorn is let go at any point in the next few years, I hope Blache would be given serious consideration for the head job.

Heaven forbid that happens, but if it should I would think Dan Snyder would attempt to get one of the big name hall of fame caliber coaches that is taking a breather from the league right now, such as Mike Shanahan. (Especially if he decides to do what he has to in order to draft Sam Bradford.)

At any rate, I don't think it will because I've got a good gut feeling about Jim Zorn that he will be a highly successful NFL coach for the Redskins. I get the feeling he will be our next version of Joe Gibbs for this decade (2010s). That's what my gut is telling me and I'm sticking to it.

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Heaven forbid that happens, but if it should I would think Dan Snyder would attempt to get one of the big name hall of fame caliber coaches that is taking a breather from the league right now, such as Mike Shanahan. (Especially if he decides to do what he has to in order to draft Sam Bradford.)

At any rate, I don't think it will because I've got a good gut feeling about Jim Zorn that he will be a highly successful NFL coach for the Redskins. I get the feeling he will be our next version of Joe Gibbs for this decade (2010s). That's what my gut is telling me and I'm sticking to it.

I think you are more or less right on. Zorn has the essentials to be a great coach as long as he calls plays in a style that keeps teams adjusting. I got a little annoyed last year with the vanilla offensive playcalling. He is an innovator and I think if he uses that in his playcalling we will be a major force to be reckoned with.

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I still don't trust Blanche to use the talent on the d-line correctly. His defenses have never been sack or turnover machines even with good pass rushers (like in Chicago). Perhaps he's finally willing to alter his scheme but I'll believe it once the regular season starts, not till then.

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I still don't trust Blanche to use the talent on the d-line correctly. His defenses have never been sack or turnover machines even with good pass rushers (like in Chicago). Perhaps he's finally willing to alter his scheme but I'll believe it once the regular season starts, not till then.

This is incorrect.

Blache's D in Chicago caught more interceptions than it allowed total touchdowns in 2001. And it notched 48 sacks. 37 turnovers. 5 touchdowns.

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Haynesworth has such a presence that you can utilize Orakpo in all sorts of ways

You'll see Orakpo blitz from the SAM position. You will also see him in some cases lined up as a LB on 3rd down and blitz from that spot

Haynesworth at DE on 3rd down, or hell first down just to change up

There are many groupings that can be done with this d-line, thanks to the versatility and skill of them, and just the freakish presence of Haynesworth

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I dont know, but I was reading one twitter update last week that went along the lines of the my statement and it kind of made me excited.

" I was almost brought to tears at one skins defensive play. It started with Orakpo taking the spot at DT, and haynesworth lining up a DE. The two ran a stunt, with haynesworth first cutting diagnal and taking on the tackle and guard, and Orakpo coming aroun with a free shot at the QB".

Not completly accurate, but something along those lines. I would love to see more of this type of stuff from Blache.

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