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PFT.com: Did Vick make it rain on his first day as a free man?

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Did Vick make it rain on his first day as a free man?

Posted by Mike Florio on July 23, 2009 12:45 PM ET

At key strategic moments during last night's Green Day concert (i.e., when they played songs with which I'm not familiar), I'd check the PFT e-mail via my Sprint device.

One message that caught my attention came from Jason McIntyre, proprietor of The Big Lead.

Per McIntyre, who cites multiple unnamed sources, quarterback Mike Vick spent his first night out of federal custody at a Virginia Beach strip club with NBA star Allen Iverson.

We didn't know what to make of it at first. Would Vick truly be that stupid?

Apart from the fact that he needs to be extremely careful about what he does prior to his meeting with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who has grown all too familiar with players who "likeded the scrip clubs," the terms of Vick's three-year probation undoubtedly prevent him from drinking alcohol -- and potentially forbid him from even visiting an establishment that serves it.

Thus, we admit that we were inclined to pull an ESPN, and ignore it. But with papers like the Atlanta Journal-Constitution mentioning it and a flood of readers sending e-mails about it, we had to explore this one.

So we dusted off our own "real journalist" disguise (it's actually one of those Halloween masks with the thin elastic band in the back that always breaks), and we've learned that Vick strongly denies attending a strip club on Monday night -- and that others around him corroborate that fact.


Personally, I'd hope the Vick is smarter than this, and realizes that even though going to a strip club doesn't make you evil, it doesn't help his public perception. I guess we'll find out in due time whether or not Vick was partying it up.

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the terms of Vick's three-year probation undoubtedly prevent him from drinking alcohol -- and potentially forbid him from even visiting an establishment that serves it.

Really! That sucks!

But hopefully he was able to fight off the urge atleast until he gets his life/career straightened out.

He life is going to be closely followed by the media, he needs to be smarter than that.

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Lawyer denies Vick spent first free night at Va. Beach strip club

July 23, 2009

CBSSports.com wire reports

RICHMOND, Va. -- A lawyer for Michael Vick says the quarterback did not spend his first night of freedom at a Virginia Beach strip club.

Attorney Larry Woodward says Thursday that Vick was not in Virginia Beach on Monday night and has not been to any strip club.

• Vick meets with new NFLPA boss

Woodward says reports of such activity are "absolutely, categorically false."

Vick was released from federal custody Monday after a 23-month sentence for a dogfighting conspiracy.

The blog thebiglead.com quoted a DJ, who refused to be identified, who said Vick was at the strip club with NBA free agent Allen Iverson. Leon Rose, Iverson's agent, said Iverson hasn't seen Vick since his release.

Vick is expected to meet soon with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell in hopes of getting his league suspension lifted.

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Why can't Vick be around alcohol? Did I miss an alcohol-related charge that he was found guilty of?

I don't remember hearing about that either. If that was part of it then I can see the conern. If not, I understand him going there. The dude was locked up in prision for 2 years. Let him enjoy a night at a strip club lol

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I don't remember hearing about that either. If that was part of it then I can see the conern. If not, I understand him going there. The dude was locked up in prision for 2 years. Let him enjoy a night at a strip club lol

That's what I'm thinking.

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Thus, we admit that we were inclined to pull an ESPN, and ignore it. But with papers like the Atlanta Journal-Constitution mentioning it and a flood of readers sending e-mails about it, we had to explore this one.

Right...like someone had to twist Florio's arm to get him to investigate a rumor. ESPN ignores rumors spewing forth from attention whores citing multiple unnamed sources for a reason: credibility. Something PFT may have heard of once but certainly doesn't practice.

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this is dumb move by Vick if true, he has probably had a bunch of strippers or just hoes at his house since he got home, no need to go out so you can show off your cash by throwing 1's at a bunch of strippers, he can do that crap at home. :chair::doh:

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