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The Incredible Melting Man


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When I was about 4 (1986), my dad, my brother, and I watched a movie on tv. It was the scariest thing I saw in my life. I remember it was about a man who was in the hospital covered with bandages, then someone messed with the controls by his bed and he woke up looking like a jelly man. I then remembered he went through the hospital, killing nurses. Then I remember he killed some fisherman by pulling his head off and the last thing I remember was the head floating down a river.

Yeah, my dad probably shouldn't have let me watch that when I was 4. I remember being so scared at night that someone was going to come into my room and pull my head off.

ANYWAY, for years and years that movie is the scariest thing to me, but I never knew what it was called. I'd search for it on google, I'd ask people if they'd seen it, my dad couldn't remember the title....nothing. But today, after typing in "horror movie man pulls head off fisherman" I finally found out what it is! The Incredible Melting Man!!!!


Has anyone seen this before? I am stoked that I found this so I can show people what I have been talking about. You can watch it on youtube:)

Part 1:

Part 2:

There are more parts, so if you care you can look those up. I can't believe how vividly I remember this movie over any movie of my youth. I always thought it was called The JellyMan or had something to do with jelly.

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I remember this when it was first released. I never saw the actual movie but I remember seeing the trailers at the theaters and on TV and that was enough to scare the bejeebus out of me. At this point all I can remember of it is a shot of his face in the shadows in profile with stuff dripping off of it. That alone was enough to scare the crap out of me.

I suppose if I actually watched it now it would probably be more funny/campy than anything else but back then...:( :paranoid:

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I remember this when it was first released. I never saw the actual movie but I remember seeing the trailers at the theaters and on TV and that was enough to scare the bejeebus out of me. At this point all I can remember of it is a shot of his face in the shadows in profile with stuff dripping off of it. That alone was enough to scare the crap out of me.

I suppose if I actually watched it now it would probably be more funny/campy than anything else but back then...:( :paranoid:

Yayyy!! Someone knows what I'm talking about!

Dude....I would literally lie awake at night scared to death that the jelly man was going to come and rip my family's heads off. SCARYYY

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I saw this movie when it came out in the theatres. I was kinda young too.

It would be very cheesy to watch now. It was so low budget.

Things I remember from the movie:

The head in the stream

The model's tube top being pulled down.

The melting man's ear on a leaf found by the guy chasing him.


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I've never seen this Melting Man movie.

But i also had seen something from my childhood that stuck with me very vividly for years. I just recently found out that it was a television show from 1986 (i was also about 4 at the time), called Amazing Stories. The particular episode i remembered had Christopher Lloyd in it, and it was called "Go To The Head Of The Class". The thing that stuck out to me was that Christopher Lloyd was a high school teacher whose head came off somehow, and he ended up carrying it around for most of the episode. Pretty freaky **** for a 4 year old.

Prior to finding out what it was, i had been searching FOREVER to get the name of it. It's crazy when you think about something from your past like this, then do a little research and find out exactly what it is you remember.

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Then I remember he killed some fisherman by pulling his head off and the last thing I remember was the head floating down a river.


"That is one light head by the way."


"Quick, let's hide in one of your skin flaps!"

Some more quotes for your enjoyment: ;)

"So how many monsters movies end with a janitor scooping the monster into a garbage can?"

"Is there a CREDIBLE melting man?"

"Eewww, he just threw himself up!"

"Wow, it would really hurt to splash on seabreeze right about now."

"You know, he may not recover from this."

"Cape Kennedy was renamed Cape Ted Nelson, then quickly renamed Cape Kennedy again."

"Right now I'm learning that even though this movie is about 80 minutes long, it feels like Berlin Alexanderplatz."

"Have you noticed how not a single power plant in not a single movie has never been locked or inaccessible?"


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Prior to finding out what it was, i had been searching FOREVER to get the name of it. It's crazy when you think about something from your past like this, then do a little research and find out exactly what it is you remember.

I know, I was searching forever!!!! I was so excited :)

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Its amazing what childhood trauma can do in the long term. :)

I remember watching Project: UFO on TV when I was 4 back in '78. The Air Force would go around investigating UFO's and stuff. At the beginning of one episode there was a scene where a woman is washing dishes at night and she looks out the kitchen window and little alien is staring back. Scared me terribly. I had a fear of looking out windows at night because of it until about 10 years ago. About 5 years ago, I realized in my internet travels (when I came across the show) that it was from that, I had forgotten it.

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Its amazing what childhood trauma can do in the long term. :)

I remember watching Project: UFO on TV when I was 4 back in '78. The Air Force would go around investigating UFO's and stuff. At the beginning of one episode there was a scene where a woman is washing dishes at night and she looks out the kitchen window and little alien is staring back. Scared me terribly. I had a fear of looking out windows at night because of it until about 10 years ago. About 5 years ago, I realized in my internet travels (when I came across the show) that it was from that, I had forgotten it.

I know....my dad also used to watch Rescue 911 and Unsolved Mysteries every week...and I of course watched with him. I really don't know why he let me watch this stuff when i was so young. Anyway, there was an episode of Unsolved Mysteries where an guy broke into his ex's house using a BUTTER KNIFE and killed her family. Scared the helllllllll out of me.

Another episode of 911, some guy came in through the window of an upstairs bedroom and stabbed a woman.... I can remember each of these episodes vividly, and for years I was scared to go to sleep. I wasn't scared of monsters under the bed, oh no, I was scared of murderers coming to kill me. I would go into my parents' room and be shocked that they weren't scared, too. I'd ask them, "aren't you scared a murderer will come??"

What's funny was that when it would be raining outside, I would go to sleep easily...because I thought that murderers wouldn't come out when it rained. Maybe this is why I really like rain nowadays.

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I know, I was searching forever!!!! I was so excited :)

lol, very strange that both of the things we rememberd involved beheadings.

a guy with no head to a 4 year old must leave an incredible impression.

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Its amazing what childhood trauma can do in the long term. :)

it doesn't even have to be trauma that lead to long term effects. I started to question why I studied architecture and work in the construction industry a few years ago, and the one thing that I keep going back to is having to sit down in the family room after Saturday morning breakfast and watch "This Olde House" with my parents before me and my brother where allowed to watch cartoons.

I might need some therapy soon because I don't think it's healthy for a grown man to have Bob Vila and Norm Abrahm seared into his brain.

MissU ,I hope you get a good laugh out of the movie, I know I get a kick out of seeing what scared me silly as a kid, watching that stock scene in "The Incredable Hulk" tv show when he starts to change into the Hulk (I used to hide behind the couch when that came on, and when it was over, I'd go back to watching,LOL )

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