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Poll: Is winning the be all and end all?

Gibbs Hog Heaven

What do you think of the new site?  

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This cropped up in the midst of a discussion as to what we'd do with the current QB this time next year if he had an average personal season, but the Redskins had a double figure win season mainly down to the defense; and I thought it interesting to broaden out the theme into a general Redskins football poll as to what people want for their buck.

I personally think we deserve better than average play just "doing enough", but I'd be curious what others think, not least those that actually attend games.

Now, if I can just figure out how to put up a poll..... patience kids.


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Unless there's an absolutely crushing offense like the Pats or Colts have, and few others, good defense is how to win a lot of game late in the season and into the post-season. Besides, a smothering defense like the Steelers, Ravens or ours is entertaining in it's own right. Speaking of the Pats, I'm sure most of the fans would rather have seen a defense to shut down the Giants and an offense just good enough to beat them. Winning is it's own entertainment.

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I'm a fan of Jason, but was not a fan of the offense, even when we were winning. I knew it would bite us in the ass.

I was a fan of BOTH during that early 4 week stretch lol...we averaged over 25 points per game in that stretch, Jason had over 100 QB rating, he had yet to throw an INT, his 4th quarter stats were absolutely off the charts, Portis was well on his way to having almost 1,000 yards in the first 8 games alone, we were finishing the end of games by taking chances with the offense instead of just running Portis 3 times, punting, and hoping the defense could hold onto the lead...hell, I was LOVING the offense and JC lol :yes:...

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For me personally my favorite type of games to watch are defensive battles. I love hard nose football. I believe great defenses win championships, and with the added parts to our defense i think we have a good chance to make the playoffs. I think we will see alot more turnovers and and QB pressure out our defense this season. I am very excited and cant wait for september!!

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I would like the skins to be a balanced football team.

You HAVE to be able to score points on offense if you want to be dominant. It's just too difficult to shut down a high powered offense the entire game. You have to be able to respond offensively.

Further, what's the point of getting turnovers and good field position to have the offense kick field goals or go three and out? It's demoralizing to the defense and doesn't punish the other team for their mistakes.

No that can go either way, what's the point of a dominant offense if the defense can't slow down the other team once in a while?

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Defense is more exciting to me than offense to be honest. So if we win with defense I'd be happy.

I'd be happy either way, but I'd rather have a dominant defense and average offense than the other way around.

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Options 1 and 3 are essentially the same thing, aren't they?

:doh: In my haste with the poll, they've turned out that way. My bad.

I was more aiming to give the option on 3 that were that desperate for a championship, we'll take whatever means to secure it, but after that, we'd like it opened out into entertaining, offensive football.


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Winning is entertaining. You cant tell me that you dont wake up on Monday happy after a win.

Naturally you feel a whole heap better after a win than a defeat, but I'd rather be entertained getting the win, as opposed to what we have now and relying on the D to more often than not pull us through. I'd be more so if I was paying my hard earned bucks to see it live.

Never bought into the "A win is a win" thing, no matter how it comes. I heard that a lot at the beginning of last season for example, when concerns were being voiced over the lack of points on the board, and low and behold, it caught up with us.

Interesting to see how people perceive things.


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Here's the thing. If you win by defense and your QB was merely average or worse, why not improve the QB position a little so the defense doesn't have to be perfect.

ravens have been trying that for some time... who knows what might have been in their situation if they kept dilfer.

ill take winning ugly over losing pretty. how about this, have a monster run game, helps the d, hides a weak or young qb... would you really be mad/disappointed if this team won a SB and qb was avg??? i sure wouldnt.

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Getting that "W" is what matters...There's going to be a problem a two on every team but as long as the team in whole is winning, the problems can be ironed out either as we go along or sometimes at a later date.

eli and TC were doomed in early 2007... until they started winning and won the SB. winning is a cure-all, at least until next year.

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