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Rush Limbaugh on Sonia Sotomayor Nomination "Reverse Racist"


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My wife, a Puerto Rican, has voted GOP in 4 of 5 Presidential elections, the only exception being Al Gore in 2000. She is a fairly die-hard conservative. Far more conservative than I am.

Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, today, did more to push her towards the left than anything I've said in 12 years of marriage.

Be veeery careful when talking **** about latinas. :)

See that right there is flat out ignorance on your wife's part. Oh no she is another latina woman so they gotta stick together? How about she looks past the skin color and gender and realize she is being attacked for her politics and your wife should make her decision based on politics as well. Its like all the black people that voted for Obama just because he was black. Who cares what his politics are right? Black people gotta stick together and all. Just flat out ignorance. The same way people get torn down because of race and sex, people get propped up for the same reasons. Anyone think she would have a chance of getting the nomination if she was an old white guy with the same politics? And the fact that people are saying the republicans are going to look bad for opposing her because she is a latina female just further shows the ignorance of this country. Anyone who opposes her is a racist and a sexist right?

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See that right there is flat out ignorance on your wife's part. Oh no she is another latina woman so they gotta stick together? How about she looks past the skin color and gender and realize she is being attacked for her politics and your wife should make her decision based on politics as well. Its like all the black people that voted for Obama just because he was black. Who cares what his politics are right? Black people gotta stick together and all. Just flat out ignorance. The same way people get torn down because of race and sex, people get propped up for the same reasons. Anyone think she would have a chance of getting the nomination if she was an old white guy with the same politics? And the fact that people are saying the republicans are going to look bad for opposing her because she is a latina female just further shows the ignorance of this country. Anyone who opposes her is a racist and a sexist right?

Do you know what Hannity said about her?

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Do you know what Hannity said about her?

If someone came out and called her every racist name in the book it should not matter one bit as far as your wifes support for her goes. The person that says that should be the one your wife goes against (not the entire party) and she should definitely not go support another person just because of their race. It is just flat out ignorance. I would never vote for Rush if he ran for office. He is an idiot. That being said, I am not a democrat because I think Rush is a piece of trash either. I take each person one at a time and look at what they support. Race or sex does not matter nor should it.

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Which is it guy?

Should what they say not matter if they are only attacking her politics or should it not matter if they call her every racist name in the book?

Look up four posts. Lots of people are starting to come to the conclusion that the GOP is heavily influenced by these people. What they say does matter, whether you like it or not.

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If someone came out and called her every racist name in the book it should not matter one bit as far as your wifes support for her goes. The person that says that should be the one your wife goes against (not the entire party) and she should definitely not go support another person just because of their race. It is just flat out ignorance. I would never vote for Rush if he ran for office. He is an idiot. That being said, I am not a democrat because I think Rush is a piece of trash either. I take each person one at a time and look at what they support. Race or sex does not matter nor should it.

But race and gender do matter. So does socio-economic background. So does religion. It informs one's decisions. Your personal history shapes how you see the world.

You accuse black people of being ignorant by "voting for one of their own." But how is that different than white people voting for McCain? You make a huge assumption about blacks and latinas that racial solidarity is how they vote.

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Which is it guy?

Should what they say not matter if they are only attacking her politics or should it not matter if they call her every racist name in the book?

Look up four posts. Lots of people are starting to come to the conclusion that the GOP is heavily influenced by these people. What they say does matter, whether you like it or not.

It only matters if it matters to you and it shouldnt matter to you. You should be forming your own opinion of her based on her politics not based on Rush being a moron. Your wife should be doing the same. She is the one being appointed not Rush. Why should his opinion of her have any influence on anyone elses? You cannot agree with someone just because you disagree with someone else. That is what is wrong with this stupid two party system. We get stuck picking someone because we dont like someone else not because we necessarily agree with that person.

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Yeah there is reverse racism and the white guys who complain about it get smeared and told to shut up, smile and the bear the burden of centuries unfairness by those they aren't related to other than lacking of a gorgeous permanent tan (like me) and not having the rhythm gene. :rolleyes:

Heck whats ironic is seeing and hearing well to do liberal whites bash other whites wanting fairness while the liberals claim they are color blind.

poooooooooor white males, they have it so hard in this country. look how little they've acheived and all the oppression they have withstood. it's truly heartbreaking.

extra sympathy points for throwing in a racist stereotype and tieing it to genetics. :applause:

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It only matters if it matters to you and it shouldnt matter to you. You should be forming your own opinion of her based on her politics not based on Rush being a moron. Your wife should be doing the same. She is the one being appointed not Rush. Why should his opinion of her have any influence on anyone elses? You cannot agree with someone just because you disagree with someone else. That is what is wrong with this stupid two party system. We get stuck picking someone because we dont like someone else not because we necessarily agree with that person.

Sorry, but a party's platform matters to voters. It's philosophy matters. If someone thinks people like Limbaugh and Hannity are significant influences on a party's philosophy, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that is the case, what they say matters.

And this is the issue. The future of the GOP. Who's hands is it in?

You've got people like Limbaugh and Hannity and Cheney and Steele who want the party to be small and pure. Those people are doing their damnedest to alienate people like Ridge and Powell and yes, my wife (btw, I didn't say she was switching her vote yet. But she is seriously ticked.) If they succeed, why wouldn't that be a factor in forming an opinion?

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Replace the bold words with:


Michael Moore/Olberman/etc.

Democratic Party

Democratic Party

In that order and you've just found yourself the modern American, two-party political equation. It's a never-ending pissing contest and both sides do it. Don't pretend like it's only "those damn libruhls."

I never said the other side doesn't engage in the dirty pool being played. I just don't care for the stretch of "Rush said this so the GOP (by extension) is on board.". The party hasn't said one word about the nomination. I get your point tho'

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I never said the other side doesn't engage in the dirty pool being played. I just don't care for the stretch of "Rush said this so the GOP (by extension) is on board.". The party hasn't said one word about the nomination. I get your point tho'

Cool :cheers:

There's always a minority on each side that follows the gospel of the extremists...unfortunately they're the loudest and get the most attention.

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Sorry, but a party's platform matters to voters. It's philosophy matters. If someone thinks people like Limbaugh and Hannity are significant influences on a party's philosophy, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that is the case, what they say matters.

And this is the issue. The future of the GOP. Who's hands is it in?

You've got people like Limbaugh and Hannity and Cheney and Steele who want the party to be small and pure. Those people are doing their damnedest to alienate people like Ridge and Powell and yes, my wife (btw, I didn't say she was switching her vote yet. But she is seriously ticked.) If they succeed, why wouldn't that be a factor in forming an opinion?

Again it matters because people make it matter. These people are empowered by people making decisions based on their opinions. Every politician is different. Yes most follow party platform but not in everything they do. So yes, Rush may have some impact on the overall party platform but that doesnt mean he impacts an individual running for office. That individual has individual views on issues. Maybe they agree with 80% of the platform but you should still take them on what they present not what the party presents because that other 20% is different. And in this case, the individual in question is of the opposite party so Rush's push to change the Republican platform has absolutely nothing to do with this persons qualifications or beliefs. That person should be judged solely on her qualifications and what she plans to do once appointed. To support her because Rush is an idiot is just as ignorant as some of the things he says.

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But race and gender do matter. So does socio-economic background. So does religion. It informs one's decisions. Your personal history shapes how you see the world.

You accuse black people of being ignorant by "voting for one of their own." But how is that different than white people voting for McCain? You make a huge assumption about blacks and latinas that racial solidarity is how they vote.

great post. its a damn shame that people assume this of minority voters, as if they only see the world based on race and nothing more.

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Cool :cheers:

There's always a minority on each side that follows the gospel of the extremists...unfortunately they're the loudest and get the most attention.

And this is exactly my point that others in the party should not be judged based on these extremists nor should the opposite party gain support because of these idiots. Each person should be judged individually based on their own merits not based on the party they belong to or what others have to say about them. People need to form their own opinions. Unfortunately, this two party system has the majority of voters towing party lines. Elections are decided by the few swing votes in the middle. We need to get rid of these stupid parties and have individuals run on their own merit and nothing else. I dont see it happening unfortunately.

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I just don't care for the stretch of "Rush said this so the GOP (by extension) is on board."

I guess I missed the thread where a bunch of people on this board got together and claimed that. It certainly didn't happen in this thread.

There's no question that over 14 million people per week listen to Rush, a portion of them fanatically. They represent a chunk of predominantly GOP voters. But aside from a few off-hand comments by individuals, this pervasive top-down "Rush=GOP=Rush=GOP" perception you're claiming to see doesn't actually seem to exist around here.

He is influential over the hard-core side of the party, but any idiot can see that many more moderate GOP voices are opposed to the nature of his message (and hopefully a lot of its content too, although sadly GOP moderates haven't ventured that far). So it's plainly obvious that overall, "Rush=GOP" isn't true. The equation looks more like a set of inequalities describing various individuals' influence over the more extreme demographic of the party, with Limbaugh on the fat side of the ">" sign most of the time:

Limbaugh > Powell

Limbaugh > Steele

Limbaugh ? Ridge (We'll see how this plays out)

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Again it matters because people make it matter. These people are empowered by people making decisions based on their opinions. Every politician is different. Yes most follow party platform but not in everything they do. So yes, Rush may have some impact on the overall party platform but that doesnt mean he impacts an individual running for office. That individual has individual views on issues. Maybe they agree with 80% of the platform but you should still take them on what they present not what the party presents because that other 20% is different. And in this case, the individual in question is of the opposite party so Rush's push to change the Republican platform has absolutely nothing to do with this persons qualifications or beliefs. That person should be judged solely on her qualifications and what she plans to do once appointed. To support her because Rush is an idiot is just as ignorant as some of the things he says.

Where did I say my wife supports her or doesn't support her?

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great post. its a damn shame that people assume this of minority voters, as if they only see the world based on race and nothing more.

Because of the trends in history and the lack of minority representation, this is the case in a lot of ways. Do you really think that all of the inner city blacks that came out and voted for Obama that had never voted before came out because they thought his politics were so wonderful? They came out and voted because they wanted to see a black man in power. There were whites that voted against him because they didnt want to see a black man in power. In both cases, they are ignorant fools. How can you not make this assumption considering the numbers of black voters that came out that have never voted before? He carried something like 95% of the black vote. Did that many blacks identify with his politics?

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Where did I say my wife supports her or doesn't support her?

I was speaking more hypothetically because you said his comments were ticking her off and pushing her the other way. The discussion was meant to be more in general even though your wife was the specific example. Sorry if you felt I made an assumption. It was not intentional!

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88% of blacks voted for Kerry.


...so I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of black voters did, in fact, identify with Obama's politics.

Yea I agree that most blacks vote democrat (most poor people vote democrat too because they get free handouts if they do) but he picked up an additional 7% of the black vote since 2004 and a major increase in sheer numbers of minorities that had never voted before period. He would not have gotten past the primaries if he was not a black man period. (Keep in mind Im one of the few Republicans who is actually relatively happy with the job he is doing so dont think I hate the guy or anything. Im really just trying to state facts as I see them).

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Race or sex does not matter nor should it.

First, race does matter. In fact, you noted that people voted for and against Obama because of his race.

Second, race should matter under certain circumstances. Obama purportedly picked Sotomayor, at least in part, because she had experience as a trial judge. Many judges appointed to the Supreme Court are not trial judges. So, you could say that trial judges constitute a "minority," at least when it comes to Supreme Court nominees. Putting a member of that minority group on the bench is good because it adds to the court's wealth of experience and gives it a needed perspective.

Similarly, putting a woman and a minority on the bench adds to the court's wealth of experience and perspective. Her gender and race should not, by themselves, propel her onto the bench, but I think one can honestly consider those factors in the total mix of information. Likewise, if the bench consisted of nine 80 year old black women, I would argue that the President should at least consider adding some white men to the bench.

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Predicto: you should be, as a guy of your age & experience, ashamed of yourself to conflate what Rush says with being the same as something straight from the mouth of an elected Republican or of the party. The GOP has done to date nothing to rebuke Sotomayor and you freaking know it. I really think you're better then that. I'm hoping to see it. I hope you wake up tomorrow with the resolve to be more honest, to yourself and to your friends on this board.

Sorry, but that is not what I said. I said the "Right" has taken its orders from General Rush, not the Republican Party. I specifically referred to the message boards of freerepublic.com and foxnews. These message board are not the habitat of the typical Republican, much less the leaders of the GOP. They are the habitat of the wingnut fringe, the haters, the "movement conservatives." And yes - Rush Limbaugh is their leader, no doubt about it.

I think that the GOP in general has acted with restraint so far, and I commend them for that.

Please don't call me out personally without first reading my posts carefully.

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Where are you getting the idea that she is not qualified? :whoknows:

Here are some ideas as to why??

Sotomayor: from a Sotomayor speech to a Hispanic group: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Says Taylor

She has been overturned 80% of the time. That's a sign.

here is another quote as to her opinions on the supreme court making poilicy rather than enforcing it.

Sotomayor: All of the legal defense funds out there, they're looking for people with Court of Appeals experience because it is -- Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, and I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don't make law, I know. (laughing) Okay, I know. I know. I'm not promoting it and I'm not advocating it. I'm -- you know. (laughing)

The main issue I have is her comment about hispanic women being better suited than a white male. Race, color sex, none of that should matter when being tried by a judge. It shouldn't even come into play. It should be about the law and the contitution. However, she has stated and made it clear that it does matter, which IMO disqualifies her automatically from the postition.

The secondary issue that she believes in policy making from the bench is really scary! That's not the supreme courts job.

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First, race does matter. In fact, you noted that people voted for and against Obama because of his race.

Second, race should matter under certain circumstances. Obama purportedly picked Sotomayor, at least in part, because she had experience as a trial judge. Many judges appointed to the Supreme Court are not trial judges. So, you could say that trial judges constitute a "minority," at least when it comes to Supreme Court nominees. Putting a member of that minority group on the bench is good because it adds to the court's wealth of experience and gives it a needed perspective.

Similarly, putting a woman and a minority on the bench adds to the court's wealth of experience and perspective. Her gender and race should not, by themselves, propel her onto the bench, but I think one can honestly consider those factors in the total mix of information. Likewise, if the bench consisted of nine 80 year old black women, I would argue that the President should at least consider adding some white men to the bench.

Race or sex does not matter in the sense of a persons qualifications or political opinions. If someone is pro-choice, does it matter if they are a man or woman? All that matters is they are pro-choice. I agree that different backgrounds LEAD to different ideas but its the idea you should be concerned with not the background that caused that person to form that idea.

Your statement about trial judges being a minority has nothing to do with the content of the discussion. We are talking about race and sex as determining factors for a political position (both positive and negative effects). Diversifying professional experience is always important so picking a trial judge makes sense. Picking a latina judge because she is latina makes no sense at all.

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