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It killed me when I just read in an earlier thread that the Eagles have more talent than us. I mean, really now... we swept them last year. How does any fan, any SKINS fan, really think that the Eagles are better than us. Our offense performs at nearly, or at least equally, the same level of theirs, and our defense is miles ahead. Do you think the Eagles are better than us?

And before we say that our offense isn't as good as theirs, our defense didn't score us any points last year against them.

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Thier O line and Qb is better than ours. Other than that I think we have them beat. The trouble is thats what you need in the NFL. True we swept them twice but if I remember the second game McNabb was off. Plus look at what they did to other teams. They would beat them while we would squeak by or we would lose. IMO the NFCE teams always play better when they face each other. The rivalries just bring that out.

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I truly believe that they really lost some key members of a defense that was pretty decent (the skins was better and upgraded big time) and added some major offensive weapons.

Their offense is better than our offense. Our defense is a LOT better than their defense and offense. I think that will be the deciding factor. We will be able to score on them, they will have trouble scoring on us.

I think the Giants will be the only team to truly fear in NFC east this season. I think we will split with the Giants, each team taking their win respectively at home.

Despite their great draft day hype, I don't see the Eagles as scary, I think we will sweep them again.

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I think the Giants will be the only team to truly fear in NFC east this season. I think we will split with the Giants, each team taking their win respectively at home.

That's conditional on how their receivers do. Without Plax last year, the Giants looked barely average. I think our defense will be much better equipped to handle the Giants' offense upfront and in the secondary. They only way they can beat us is for their d-line to beat up on our o-line, but I think when it comes down to it, we can score more points than them.

I'm pretty sure the Cowboys won't be that good next year.

The Eagles seem more poised to be a good football team, and their o-line is upgraded, but so is our d-line. That's probably a wash. We beat them twice last year, and I doubt they'll strike gold with two breakout rookies in two years, so Maclin probably won't be too much of a factor. McCoy will be helpful, but we can probably contain.

I'm not dumb enough to say we'll sweep our entire division next year, but I don't think anything is out of the question. It seems more like all the NFC East teams are on an equal footing going into next year.

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Their QB and OL is a little better than the Skins. We will see how their rookies pan out at RB and WR but the Skins defense is why better and has been for some time now. So no, they are not better than the Skins!!!



I think McNabb will start to decline this year. I see a lot of balls skipping in between receivers, and no legs to carry him to safety.

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It killed me when I just read in an earlier thread that the Eagles have more talent than us. I mean, really now... we swept them last year. How does any fan, any SKINS fan, really think that the Eagles are better than us. Our offense performs at nearly, or at least equally, the same level of theirs, and our defense is miles ahead. Do you think the Eagles are better than us?

And before we say that our offense isn't as good as theirs, our defense didn't score us any points last year against them.

I think the skins have a lot of talent starting, but the Eagles are deeper and built with more talent. That said I still think the skins can beat them when healthy, but a few injuries for both teams and things start to favor them. Better team and more talent aren't necessarily the same thing.

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It's just a guess, but some might be going on the fact that their offense and defense were both ranked higher than ours last season, and they also made the playoffs.:whoknows:


I'll never understand how some people can't seem to look at things objectively. We beat Philly twice, but they were a better team than we were last year. No question about it.

We match up well with them and did a great job in those two games, but that doesn't automatically make us a better team. This year? Who knows?

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Thier O line and Qb is better than ours. Other than that I think we have them beat. The trouble is thats what you need in the NFL. True we swept them twice but if I remember the second game McNabb was off. Plus look at what they did to other teams. They would beat them while we would squeak by or we would lose. IMO the NFCE teams always play better when they face each other. The rivalries just bring that out.

Their offensive line is better than ours? I take issue with that. Last year their offensive line was better. They added a good tackle and we added a good guard. Other than that, we got healthy. Portis gained more yardage than Westbrook. How is their offensive line better than ours?

Campbell, the receivers, and the entire offensive line was in a new system last year, the Eagles had the same system for 10 years in a row. Don't ya think maybe that they should have scored more points than they did? Especially against us? We IMPROVED the #4 ranked defense, and now the Eagles are suppose to score MORE points against us? Pleeze. They couldn't seem to score last year, now they are going to score more because they drafted a couple of rookies. Pleeze. Rookies can't find the bathroom much less the ball.

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I truly believe that they really lost some key members of a defense that was pretty decent (the skins was better and upgraded big time) and added some major offensive weapons.

Just to set the record straight: Philly's defense ranked better than Wash's in pts/game, yds/game, 3rd%, INTs, Fumble recoveries & scoring.

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Their offensive line is better than ours? I take issue with that. Last year their offensive line was better. They added a good tackle and we added a good guard. Other than that, we got healthy. Portis gained more yardage than Westbrook. How is their offensive line better than ours?

In the second game, philly had their 3rd string guard in, and both tackles were playing hurt (skins weren't only team who had unhealthy OL). Shawn Andrews, philly's best o-lineman is back this season along with two new tackles and MaxJean Giles. The skins are contemplating starting a tackle that is 70# overweight, hasn't played football in years and was cut by bad teams.

As proven by last year, the Eagles can lose both games to the skins and still be better than them.

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Their offensive line is better than ours? I take issue with that. Last year their offensive line was better. They added a good tackle and we added a good guard. Other than that, we got healthy. Portis gained more yardage than Westbrook. How is their offensive line better than ours?

Campbell, the receivers, and the entire offensive line was in a new system last year, the Eagles had the same system for 10 years in a row. Don't ya think maybe that they should have scored more points than they did? Especially against us? We IMPROVED the #4 ranked defense, and now the Eagles are suppose to score MORE points against us? Pleeze. They couldn't seem to score last year, now they are going to score more because they drafted a couple of rookies. Pleeze. Rookies can't find the bathroom much less the ball.

I never said they were going to score more points against us. I said that they could roll over teams that we were in dogfights with. Westbrook was hurt since we played them in the first game. He sat out a few games. Either that or he wasn't much of a factor and you saw alot of Buckhalter. As far as the O line ours is old. There is alot more potential for injuries and just wearing out. That being said this year remains to be seen. I don't know who will be better this year. All I know is JC spent alot of time on the ground. And while I don't watch much Eagles ball I don't remember McNabb being sacked that often. Plus the running game for the O line wasn't changed. They still used Gibbs system. If you read my post I said that IMO the only thing that the Eagles were better than us with is the O line and QB. Other than that I like our team over the Eagles. But the O line and QB are two fundamental pieces. And as far as Campbell and the system he proved early that he and the offense could get it done (6-2). They just couldn't finish.

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I think everyone is expecting their two rookies to make the difference for their offense. I don't think that's going to happen. As has been said before, usually, it takes at least a year or two for WRs to begin showing their true colors. They hit gold last season with Desean Jackson, I wouldn't expect it to happen again. LeSean McCoy might fill in well behind Westbrook, but people are acting like when (not if) Westbrook is injured, there won't be any drop off. Again, that's a huge expectation and it would be like hitting gold again.

Having said that, their tackles might have actually dropped off a little. Jason Peters should fill in well, but their other tackle spot might not even be a wash. They added another New England starting CB to their list, but Asante Samuels wasn't as good in Philly as he was on the Pats and I would bet Hobbs won't be as good there either.

Meanwhile, the Skins have added Albert Haynesworth, by all accounts (media and otherwise) the most dominating defensive player in pro-football. Everyone seems to lose that fact and instead think about his contract. Even if the Redskins over-paid for the guy, it doesn't change the fact that he's THE MOST DOMINATING DEFENSIVE PLAYER IN PRO-FOOTBALL. I don't get how people are completely over-looking that fact. I'd love for someone to try and prove that the Eagles addition of Ellis Hobbs keeps them better than the Skins defensive additions of Haynesworth and Orakpo. I can't see how that's even remotely logical. The two defenses were separated by .4 points per game and 14 yards per game last season. Haynesworth will help out far more than Hobbs as the #2 CB.

On offense, the Skins have stayed pat, hoping their young guys from last year will step up. They've added Dockery to the offensive line, but other than that here's to hoping the motivation bug will bite all the right guys on the O side of the ball. The thing I like that they've done has been trying to find guys that are versatile, very fast and quick, and can be playmakers in spurts. I'd expect one of the tryout/draft pick receivers to take Thrashes place, making the Skins faster, and taller at WR. It also seems like Devin Thomas (who has been at the facility working out almost the entire off-season) certainly looks like he might be ready to take his game to the next level which would launch the offense into the next tier. Just having two WRs who are threats would be an enormous difference, let alone if Fred Davis plays more and someone can take over the RT spot (Bridges or Williams or even a very improved Heyer).

Either way, the Skins beat the Eagles twice last season (and the Superbowl loser Cardinals) and I'd expect more of the same this season. To me the Eagles have based all their improvement and hopes on rookies (a lot like we did last season), while the Redskins have picked up a couple vets, have the benefit of Hall for a full season, and a bunch of 2nd year offensive players no longer learning to be NFL players. That's the biggest reason the Skins will be better than the Eagles this season.

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That's conditional on how their receivers do. Without Plax last year, the Giants looked barely average. I think our defense will be much better equipped to handle the Giants' offense upfront and in the secondary. They only way they can beat us is for their d-line to beat up on our o-line, but I think when it comes down to it, we can score more points than them.

I'm pretty sure the Cowboys won't be that good next year.

The Eagles seem more poised to be a good football team, and their o-line is upgraded, but so is our d-line. That's probably a wash. We beat them twice last year, and I doubt they'll strike gold with two breakout rookies in two years, so Maclin probably won't be too much of a factor. McCoy will be helpful, but we can probably contain.

I'm not dumb enough to say we'll sweep our entire division next year, but I don't think anything is out of the question. It seems more like all the NFC East teams are on an equal footing going into next year.

It is conditional on their receivers but I think Macklin will be decent but that even with those receivers, no matter how upgraded our Oline is, their D line is much better. But our D should dominate them, and put lil Eli on his butt. I think those factors will make us split the games with them this season.

Just to set the record straight: Philly's defense ranked better than Wash's in pts/game, yds/game, 3rd%, INTs, Fumble recoveries & scoring.

Yeah I knew this statistically, to clarify I meant theirs vs ours in the 2 games we played.

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I would say that in terms of personnel, both teams are even. Their strengths basically cancel each other out. I think though, that the Skins somehow manage to always make a few more plays than the Eagles which is why they come on top in the end.

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In the second game, philly had their 3rd string guard in, and both tackles were playing hurt (skins weren't only team who had unhealthy OL). Shawn Andrews, philly's best o-lineman is back this season along with two new tackles and MaxJean Giles. The skins are contemplating starting a tackle that is 70# overweight, hasn't played football in years and was cut by bad teams.

As proven by last year, the Eagles can lose both games to the skins and still be better than them.

Great! He can have fun playing with Albert Haynesworth.

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I never said they were going to score more points against us. I said that they could roll over teams that we were in dogfights with. Westbrook was hurt since we played them in the first game. He sat out a few games. .

Imagine that. Westbrook or McNabb injured. The team is through.

Unfortunately for the Eagles, either or both McNabb and Westbrook get injured constantly. Yet every year, these are the 2 saviors who are going to take that team to the Superbowl.

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I think everyone is expecting their two rookies to make the difference for their offense. I don't think that's going to happen. As has been said before, usually, it takes at least a year or two for WRs to begin showing their true colors. They hit gold last season with Desean Jackson, I wouldn't expect it to happen again. LeSean McCoy might fill in well behind Westbrook, but people are acting like when (not if) Westbrook is injured, there won't be any drop off. Again, that's a huge expectation and it would be like hitting gold again.

I agree with you, and I think people that think those two will pan off as regular offensive contributors early in the season are as crazy as those skins fans who think WIlliams is going to be a good RT this year.

Having said that, their tackles might have actually dropped off a little. Jason Peters should fill in well, but their other tackle spot might not even be a wash. They added another New England starting CB to their list, but Asante Samuels wasn't as good in Philly as he was on the Pats and I would bet Hobbs won't be as good there either.

They added two tackles (Andrews & Peters), got Shawn Andrews & MJG back, and a very good upgrade at FB. If you say Asante Samuel wasn't that good last year, you obviously didn't watch many games besides the NFCCG. He almost singlehandedly won the two playoff games.

Meanwhile, the Skins have added Albert Haynesworth, by all accounts (media and otherwise) the most dominating defensive player in pro-football.

AH is a major stud, I agree.

On offense, the Skins have stayed pat, hoping their young guys from last year will step up. They've added Dockery to the offensive line, but other than that here's to hoping the motivation bug will bite all the right guys on the O side of the ball.

It might come together, but the wishing/hoping that's being done on the right side of the line should be a huge cause for concern for the skins' fans.

Either way, the Skins beat the Eagles twice last season (and the Superbowl loser Cardinals) and I'd expect more of the same this season. To me the Eagles have based all their improvement and hopes on rookies (a lot like we did last season), while the Redskins have picked up a couple vets, have the benefit of Hall for a full season, and a bunch of 2nd year offensive players no longer learning to be NFL players. That's the biggest reason the Skins will be better than the Eagles this season.

Like I said above, anyone that knows anything about football is not expecting another Desean Jackson out of Maclin. He & Mccoy will get on the field, but Maclin especially will most likely do it as a returner. The Eagles, IMO, don't have to rely on rookies, as they were extremely close to making the SB. Upgrades @ RG, LT, RT, FB and KR, along with McNabb, WB, & Curtis/Jackson does not look to me like they're relying on rookies.

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We beat them twice last year so until they come out and beat us. I'm going to say yes we're the better team. Do they have better players? Maybe, but I still think we are the better team.

I think we both upgraded this season. We obviously went more defensive and they went offensive. But I think our defense is better than their offense and that will determine who wins both games.

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the skins beat the cowboys twice years ago in a year when the boys won the super bowl. the skins won 4 games that year, if memory serves me correctly.

that does not make the skins the better overall team.

i dont think the skins are that far behind, if at all, currently.

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They added two tackles (Andrews & Peters), got Shawn Andrews & MJG back, and a very good upgrade at FB. If you say Asante Samuel wasn't that good last year, you obviously didn't watch many games besides the NFCCG. He almost singlehandedly won the two playoff games.
You're right, I completely forgot that Andrews had signed with the team. I agree they have upgraded in the age and wear and tare of their line, but I don't know how much of an upgrade you can consider going from Jon Runyan to Jason Peters. Peters is younger, but better, maybe.

I don't think Stacy Andrews is an upgrade, he comes from the Bengals who have had offensive line problems the past two seasons. Their two QBs (Palmer was injured) were sacked a total of 40 times, more than the Skins offensive line gave up. Even if he was the bright spot on that line, it wouldn't have been hard. On the other hand, Philly only gave up 23 sacks last season so I don't consider it an upgrade by talent, only age.

Like I said above, anyone that knows anything about football is not expecting another Desean Jackson out of Maclin. He & Mccoy will get on the field, but Maclin especially will most likely do it as a returner. The Eagles, IMO, don't have to rely on rookies, as they were extremely close to making the SB. Upgrades @ RG, LT, RT, FB and KR, along with McNabb, WB, & Curtis/Jackson does not look to me like they're relying on rookies.

I never said they had to rely on their rookies, but I guess I wasn't specific enough in my meaning. I don't think they've upgraded their offense (other than the tackle spots) as much as some people would like to believe. They have, as far as their skill positions go, drafted two rookies that people are assuming are going to be their difference makers.

Also, I never said Asante Samuels "wasn't any good", I said he wasn't as good as he had been in New England. I think the same will happen with Hobbs. However, that doesn't mean their pass defense won't improve. I think it might, but is Hobbs better than Sheldon Brown? Their stats weren't much different last season, and Hobbs is an inch shorter (5'9"). Besides that, Philly's pass defense was good last season, not an area they needed much improvement in, so I don't think they've upgraded by talent, again by age alone. I'm not even trying to put down the pickup, I'm just saying that to me, it's a wash.

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