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Questions for the Ticket Office - Now with Answers

Capt. Kaos

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I had a very nice conversation with a member of the ticket office this morning that enlightened me to a few of the issues they are dealing with and also that they are attempting a sweeping reform of how the ticket office operates. I was asked if I could get a list of the questions season ticket holders have concerning the guidelines together in a nice presentation, So........

I'm in the process of compiling a list of questions for the Ticket Office.

What is it that baffles you? What is that burning question? You have one question to be answered directly and honestly by the Ticket Office, What is it?

~~ can we please try to keep this from becoming a conspiracy theory *****fest ~~ I honestly get the impression the new TO is trying to change the perspective that most people have of them and this is a huge first step as far as I'm concerned ~~


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For me, the question is quite simple:

How does the seat upgrade process work?

Do I need to call? Or is it done automatically? Is this policy consistent among all ticket reps?

Already on this list!

I don't have a question but I think this is great for everybody.

Thanks Capt. Kaos!

No Problem, whatever i can do to help!

What is the approximate renewal rate this year (we know it's not 98%)?

If a new season ticket holder wants to eventually get green parking some day, what would he have to do?

How many names are on the season ticket list?

You know as well as I do that we may get an answer to 1 of of those 3 questions :silly:

Was Capt. Kaos able to get an upgrade?

No, an upgrade was not in the cards this morning. I'm still waiting like everyone else

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No, an upgrade was not in the cards this morning. I'm still waiting like everyone else

Did they explain, to your satisfaction, why someone over two months delinquent on their account was able to move three sections closer to the 50 yardline?

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No, an upgrade was not in the cards this morning. I'm still waiting like everyone else

I applaud your efforts, and hope the ticket office is sincere, but I just have a sneakin feeling we'll see someone else end up posting about calling and getting a sweet upgrade. LOL

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Did they explain, to your satisfaction, why someone over two months delinquent on their account was able to move three sections closer to the 50 yardline?

The individual that I spoke with is looking in to the matter and is going to get back to me as soon as they know something. I feel pretty confident that this wasnt a snow-job to try and appease me. I will certainly let everyone know what's up as soon as I get some concrete info.

I applaud your efforts, and hope the ticket office is sincere, but I just have a sneakin feeling we'll see someone else end up posting about calling and getting a sweet upgrade. LOL

I'm really hoping this isnt the case. Not only would it make me very upset as a STH, it would make me very upset as a person because that would mean that I was lied to and I wouldnt be very happy about that.

I am really hopeful that the person I am talking with is not blowing smoke and the TO is trying to get a more uniform approach to situations as well as taking customer service seriously.

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I'm really hoping this isnt the case. Not only would it make me very upset as a STH, it would make me very upset as a person because that would mean that I was lied to and I wouldnt be very happy about that.

I am really hopeful that the person I am talking with is not blowing smoke and the TO is trying to get a more uniform approach to situations as well as taking customer service seriously.

I actually have always thought it was less of being lied to or blowing smoke and more no one working there really knows the deal. In other words, it's more incompetence by the management of the TO than a conspiracy or lie of some kind.

They just kind of do what the moment demands.

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I actually have always thought it was less of being lied to or blowing smoke and more no one working there really knows the deal. In other words, it's more incompetence by the management of the TO than a conspiracy or lie of some kind.

They just kind of do what the moment demands.

That very well could be the case. Let's hope the new people in the TO have a better understanding of customer service and can right the ship.

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I actually have always thought it was less of being lied to or blowing smoke and more no one working there really knows the deal. In other words, it's more incompetence by the management of the TO than a conspiracy or lie of some kind.

They just kind of do what the moment demands.

Agree 100%

I truly believe that my upgrade, (moving down 16 rows in the existing section), was a fluke.

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I truly believe that my upgrade, (moving down 16 rows in the existing section), was a fluke.

Mine was too. I know that Capt. Kaos wasn't around back then, but I moved from section 418 row 28 to section 454 row 13 by a single lucky phone call to the ticket office. Then last year thanks to an ES thread I was able to scoop up green parking from Danny's Great Green Giveaway. Still not sure what that was about, but am just happy to have them.

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Agree 100%

I truly believe that my upgrade, (moving down 16 rows in the existing section), was a fluke.

Mine was too. I know that Capt. Kaos wasn't around back then, but I moved from section 418 row 28 to section 454 row 13 by a single lucky phone call to the ticket office. Then last year thanks to an ES thread I was able to scoop up green parking from Danny's Great Green Giveaway. Still not sure what that was about, but am just happy to have them.

These are 2 (3 if you count the great green giveaway, which I also took advantage of) examples of the inconsistencies of the TO which cause great frustration and hopefully are exactly what the new TO is working to correct.

**I'm an eternal optimist**

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;)The great green giveway of '08 sure was sweet. Glad I was on ES that day.:D

I would have been so pissed had I missed it b/c I had been on the upgrade waiting list hoping to get to green since 2003.

Wouldn't be surprised if parking upgrades are another bargaining tool to lure back non renewals.

I don't expect you to ask the TO about the parking situation Capt.

Good thread though.:cool2:

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Why doesn't everyone get upgraded automatically, shuffling down a few seats every year? Since only some people get upgraded every year, on what basis are they chosen? Is there anything I can do to make being upgraded more likely (such as calling the TO?)

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Why doesn't everyone get upgraded automatically, shuffling down a few seats every year? Since only some people get upgraded every year, on what basis are they chosen? Is there anything I can do to make being upgraded more likely (such as calling the TO?)

I think these questions have kind of been answered earlier in the thread. I believe upgrades are automatic, but they only do it once every three years or so - simply because they don't have the manpower (personpower?) to upgrade every fan in the upper deck every year. Yes, I think calling would increase the likelyhood of getting an upgrade.

Nice sig, btw, even if it is UA :silly:

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I think these questions have kind of been answered earlier in the thread. I believe upgrades are automatic, but they only do it once every three years or so - simply because they don't have the manpower (personpower?) to upgrade every fan in the upper deck every year. Yes, I think calling would increase the likelyhood of getting an upgrade.

Nice sig, btw, even if it is UA :silly:

That's not the kind of automatic I meant. I meant, why doesn't a computer simply upgrade people automatically as seats open up, rather than having a TO employee have to fill those seats by randomly selecting some lucky person?

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