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Tue Apr 14 2009 08:44:54 ET

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”

Perry continued: "Millions of Texans are tired of Washington, DC trying to come down here to tell us how to run Texas."

Click on link for rest of article

Also, here's a link to the actual resolution:


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Wake up call to what? That republicans are playing the same tired game of accusing liberals of stealing everyones liberty? Oh no not that. Next they'll accuse liberals of being socialists. What a surprise that will be.

Drudge always tends to be overly dramatic with his headlines.

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Why do republicans always have to paint themselves as patriots and tie themselves to history? Is there anyone that has so much as glanced at a history book that would confuse the republican party with our founding fathers. And if so, which founding fathers would that be? There were many opinions between them and much disagreement.

I'm not saying democrats are any closer to the original intent but everything with the right has to be tied to something almost ironic. Hannity greets his callers with "you are a great american" after solely finding out that they support the right wing. Levin talks about Liberty all day long even if the issue at hand has absolutely nothing to do with individual liberty at all. The minutemen. Liberty University. The list goes on and on. It's sickening how the GOP tries to paint itself as all that is good and american in the universe. Hell they even call small towns, "real america" as if the rest of us are frauds for not choosing to live in the middle of nowhere. It's disgusting.

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They didn't seem so pissed when a Texan was doing it.

Bingo. I don't doubt the sincerity of some of the legislators, but there wasn't a peep out of Rick Perry about the record deficits and expansion of the federal government under Dubya. He is a shameless opportunist who is jumping on the "limited government/states rights" bandwagon now that his party no longer controls Washington.

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Why do republicans always have to paint themselves as patriots and tie themselves to history? Is there anyone that has so much as glanced at a history book that would confuse the republican party with our founding fathers. And if so, which founding fathers would that be? There were many opinions between them and much disagreement.

You're right that the founding fathers had many differing opinions between them. But one thing that most agreed with was a concept of limited Federal government and strong State government, at least more so than now. When Republicans (rightly) emulate this strongly held belief of the founding fathers they should be praised for it.

Have they always pushed for limited government? No. Are they doing so now? Yes. I'll take people pushing for limited government 50% of the time (when they are out of power) over 0% any day, while waiting for a party that pushes for it 100% of the time.

I'm not saying democrats are any closer to the original intent...

Good, because you would be mistaken if you did.

...but everything with the right has to be tied to something almost ironic. Hannity greets his callers with "you are a great american" after solely finding out that they support the right wing. Levin talks about Liberty all day long even if the issue at hand has absolutely nothing to do with individual liberty at all. The minutemen. Liberty University. The list goes on and on.

So what if Hannity greets his listeners that way? Of course its flattery. Nobody on the Left does this? And what's wrong with talking about liberty?

It's sickening how the GOP tries to paint itself as all that is good and american in the universe. Hell they even call small towns, "real america" as if the rest of us are frauds for not choosing to live in the middle of nowhere. It's disgusting.

I've got news for you, both sides do this. Does it sicken you as much when Democrats do it?

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I am sure those states will have no problem sending back the excess federal funding (dollars beyond what their citizens pay in federal tax) they get each year.

Indiana is one of the few tax surplus states. They could survive without any federal funding.

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Does that include Federal Transportation Funds? If so, why not just lower the drinking age (that's tied to them) and make a killing?

It would be really easy. If the Federal Government wasn't providing all of these (unconstitutional) programs, they could seriously reduce the federal tax. Individual States could then raise their taxes to meet whatever funding they needed to provide whatever programs they deemed necessary.

Of course, this doesn't work if the Federal Government decides to tax anyways.

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It would be really easy. If the Federal Government wasn't providing all of these (unconstitutional) programs, they could seriously reduce the federal tax. Individual States could then raise their taxes to meet whatever funding they needed to provide whatever programs they deemed necessary.

Of course, this doesn't work if the Federal Government decides to tax anyways.

Which programs are unconstitutional and how and why are they so?

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You're right that the founding fathers had many differing opinions between them. But one thing that most agreed with was a concept of limited Federal government and strong State government, at least more so than now. When Republicans (rightly) emulate this strongly held belief of the founding fathers they should be praised for it.

Have they always pushed for limited government? No. Are they doing so now? Yes. I'll take people pushing for limited government 50% of the time (when they are out of power) over 0% any day, while waiting for a party that pushes for it 100% of the time.

The type of limited government the founding fathers supported doesn't look anything like the kind the GOP supports. You really think the kind of limited government the founders were worried about was education and social security? I haven't seen any evidence at all supporting that. I know limited corporate power was a big idea back then that was considered not needed in the consitution solely because the states already limited them with sunsets on their charters and no personhood. I know they wouldn't favor the drug war and the militarization of the police department. I know for damn sure they'd be spinning at the concept of less freedom for security. All things the GOP finds itself at odds with the founders on.

So yes they were for "limited government" but what they supported doesn't look anything like the kind of limited government the GOP pushes. Claiming they are the same thing because they both represent limits is nonsense.

So what if Hannity greets his listeners that way? Of course its flattery. Nobody on the Left does this? And what's wrong with talking about liberty?
So what? He's plainly defining "great american" with "right winger". And there is a big damn problem with talking about "liberty" when you are plainly attempting to redefine the term to mean "right winger" In both cases the words are being applied taking political leaning into consideration exclusively.
I've got news for you, both sides do this. Does it sicken you as much when Democrats do it?
I don't think I've heard it from a democrat. I'm sure there are examples but the small town = real america is a staple of republican talking points. It was pointed out several times in the last election. I have a big problem with being defined as less moral and less american because I don't live in the middle of no where.
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Honestly, here's what it sounds like:

"I'm really mad my party doesnt control the federal government anymore, so I'm gonna assert my state's 10th Amendment rights... whatever those are."

This statement makes you sound very dismissive to the Consitution and the Bill of Rights.

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