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Stay Tuned: Next week's QB Drama


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My sources tell me next week the Washington Redskins are looking thru rosters for potential quarter back cuts. "We want to bring in a qb to battle for the 3rd qb spot" a Redskins spoksman said. " Even though we really like Colt Brennan we felt a need to mess with his head too like we did with Jason and Todd. We didn't want Colt feel like he was left out!

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Hey, many were saying Campbell needs to have an open competition, that no spot should be guaranteed, so they shouldn't have a problem with us bringing in competition for Colt. I mean, if he's good he'll win anyways, right?

"Leftwich, 29, worked out for the club and is seen solely as a possible younger and cheaper replacement to veterans No. 2 Todd Collins, 37. The Redskins informed Leftwich that he would not be competing with Jason Campbell during their meeting with him, according to NFL sources, and made it clear that if signed, he would be there to play only if Campbell was injured or was ineffective during a start."


Redskins Confirm Leftwich Visit

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My sources tell me next week the Washington Redskins are looking thru rosters for potential quarter back cuts. "We want to bring in a qb to battle for the 3rd qb spot" a Redskins spoksman said. " Even though we really like Colt Brennan we felt a need to mess with his head too like we did with Jason and Todd. We didn't want Colt feel like he was left out!
This is a joke, right?
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At this point they just need to have an Open QB competition in camp. Bring Byron in and have him and Collins battle for #3. Colt should be #2, but if given the shot might beat out JC, but he won't get that shot. Jason is good, but Colt can move quickly and make quick decisions. It really should come down to who can read coverage, Jason didn't do very good last year throwing into double and triple coverage, meanwhile Cooley's open down the middle. Oops.

I am not anti-Campbell at all, but he didn't read defenses quickly or very well last year, even though he was really successful in the first part of the season.

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My sources tell me that Jason Campbell was upset that we went looking for another Quarterback that he tried to kick Vinny Cerrato in the testicles. He then found out that it was too late and Vinny Cerrato had sacrificed his testicles to Dan Snyder awhile ago.

Oh wait! Those weren't sources, that was me making crap up. Oh wow! Maybe I could be a Sports Reporter.

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