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The last muscle car - Sexy as a swollen porn star on meth, twice as useless


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1991 VW Cabriolet Convertable

dude, thats a chic car. you gotta get with it!!

Top comes down, seats 4, reliable, super easy to park in the tightest spaces. It's the perfect car for someone who lives in San Francisco, where it rarely rains, never gets below freezing, and parking can be horrific. Her name is "Gretchen" and I love her.

ps - I have a huge masculine package in my pants already. I don't need to go out and buy a shiny metal one to compensate. :silly:

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Top comes down, seats 4, reliable, super easy to park in the tightest spaces. It's the perfect car for someone who lives in San Francisco, where it rarely rains, never gets below freezing, and parking can be horrific. Her name is "Gretchen" and I love her.

ps - I have a huge masculine package in my pants already. I don't need to go out and buy a shiny metal one to compensate. :silly:

and all the "boys" in SF just love it. :silly:

you dont need to explain your "package" to me buddy.

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What's the deal with Fiat these days? I pay only casual attention to the automobile industry, and Fiat was totally off my radar until I heard about Obama's shotgun marriage edict between them and Chrysler.

Fiat's had a sketchy reputation in America in the past, and I can't remember the last time I've seen their nameplate on a car around here. Are they doing good things these days? Anybody know?

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What's the deal with Fiat these days? I pay only casual attention to the automobile industry, and Fiat was totally off my radar until I heard about Obama's shotgun marriage edict between them and Chrysler.

Fiat's had a sketchy reputation in America in the past, and I can't remember the last time I've seen their nameplate on a car around here. Are they doing good things these days? Anybody know?

Fiat is Italy's largest car company. And IIRC, they are partially owned by the government

They're huge in Italy. See, Italians are actually loyal to their brands, and will buy them no matter what to support Italian jobs. Just like the Germans and Japanese.

The American auto industry has no such luck. Quite the opposite actually, they're often a victim of guilty white self-loathing americans. Refer to the op. :silly:

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Here's a link to a gallery of all the Fiat brand autos:


I don't know if I've seen a single one of those models in the U.S. Do they even market them in the U.S.?

I don't think there is any plan to start importing them or building them in the U.S. I think, simply put, that the gov't is just trying to wed the two so they can gain strength thru the marriage. It's a quick marriage of financial convenience in my mind.

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Who gives a damn about the "look" these days? You really think remaking the Camaro is the kind of forward thinking that is going to save GM?

GM still thinks that they can put out an impractical poorly designed mediocrity with a masculine look, put out a million ads with a Bob Seger soundtrack, and get back into contention.

How many of you actually would buy this car, today, in this economy? Anyone? Why? What would you use it for?

Now look out the window. How many well-made, practical Toyotas and Hondas and Nissans do you see people driving? A billion? A zillion? Wonder why that is?

It's because people can talk about the look of a car all they want, but when push comes to shove, 90% buy based on price, practicality, reliability and gas mileage.

this is dumb for a number of reasons:

1. 90% of the cars in GM's lineup are not the Camaro. Picking on one product aimed at a niche market and then generalizing about GM as a whole is not valid. GM offers plenty of smaller, more efficient vehicles, too. if they refused to build them, that would be one thing, but they do build them, along with other more vanity-focused cars. yes, not everyone views their car from a totally 100% utilitarian viewpoint, and there's nothing wrong with ALSO producing a product for these people, in addition to other products.

2. in general, the sports car lineups are doing pretty well financially compared to the rest of the company. Chrysler's SRT division, for example, is the only division actually turning a profit. but you would have them all fired, and those cars discontinued, because in your opinion nobody wants those cars. brilliant!

3. meddling with the end product of chrysler and GM is completely missing the point, and is a rash knee jerk reaction to the situation. their current financial dire straights have nothing to do with the cars they're offering, believe it or not. the hardships they face today -- which are, make no mistake, due to their own selfishness and shortsightedness -- are due to decisions they made decades back that had nothing to do with cars.

see this:



and besides, i think the new camaro looks cool, and might consider buying one (although really i think the challenger is way cooler :) )

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this is dumb for a number of reasons:

meddling with the end product of chrysler and GM is completely missing the point, and is a rash knee jerk reaction to the situation. their current financial dire straights have nothing to do with the cars they're offering, believe it or not. the hardships they face today -- which are, make no mistake, due to their own selfishness and shortsightedness -- are due to decisions they made decades back that had nothing to do with cars.

You are completely on point w/your post. While it was unprecedented to fire Wagoner (which I don't have an issue with) it's quite another thing for Washington to think they can run an auto company. It's sad, in that GM and Ford are actually now bringing to market some cars that are not really very far behind foreign rivals (as others have mentioned in the thread) but the gov't actually running GM and any car company has almost certain disaster written all over it. Hopefully it's just a needed temporary stance on the government's part. Time will tell, it's all ugly in the short term though for the American auto industry. And I agree with you whole-heartedly, this was a disaster that was decades in unfolding and for that I have zero sympathy. They'll be teaching GM and Chrysler's tale of woe for years to come in business school.

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I can vouch for that, zoony, the Chevy Malibu is a sweet ride. We rented one during a trip last year for a week. V6, leather interior. It was money.

The Malibu is a nice car. It was one of my top choices when I was looking 6 months ago. As someone who has only owned Japanese cars (except for a Wrangler for 2 years in college) I wanted to get something from GM this time. I keep seeing it in the top 10 sold lists for the past couple of months. It should be a solid seller for GM in 2009.

I went with the Cadillac CTS instead. Honestly this car is as well built, quieter, and rides better than any of my previous Japanese cars (most of which were towards the higher end and not the low end Corolla type cars).

As for the Camaro, not my cup of tea. But not bad looking.

It seems to me GM's problems are due largely to the gas prices of last year. GM and Ford are both very tied to the success of their pickup and Ute sales. Putting so much up into that segment is where they failed in my opinion. Tha

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to bad the production model won't look nearly as good as that demo/photo op car in the picture.

the car in the photo is the production model.

To all the American car haters/economy car lovers/general malcontents who have been spewing their vitriol in this thread: Face it, there are some people who prefer looks and style over economy and "sensibility" and are willing to trade a few mpg's or a few thousand bucks for something a little more flashy and powerful. Buy whatever you want and can afford. Sitting around lecturing anybody on it is stupid. That goes the same way for the Camaro's advocates too. Some folks just don't feel the need to spend extra. In the long run, who really cares?

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How many of you actually would buy this car, today, in this economy? Anyone? Why? What would you use it for?

Now look out the window. How many well-made, practical Toyotas and Hondas and Nissans do you see people driving? A billion? A zillion? Wonder why that is?

You sound pretty heated about domestics Predicto, it's ok.

If I didn't already have a new Jeep and there wasn't a year long waiting list, I would get a new Camaro in a heartbeat. I'm 26, single, no kids, have my own place, and a good job. Why not get one?

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