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O's Foreign Failures: New Prez Flunking Global Tests


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Interesting read.


AMERICA'S enemies smell blood and it's type "O."

All new administrations stumble a bit as they seek their footing. But President Obama's foreign-policy botches have set new records for instant incompetence.

Contrary to left-wing myths, I wasn't a fan of the Bush administration. (I called for Donald Rumsfeld to get the boot in mid-2001.) But fair's fair. Despite his many faults, Bush sought to do good. Obama just wants to look good.

Vice President Dick Cheney was arrogant. Vice President Joe Biden is arrogant and stupid. Take your pick.

Don't worry about the new administration's ideology. Worry about its terrifying naivete.

Consider a sampling of the goofs O and his crew have made in just two months:

China: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (you know that gal married to the Saudi hireling) crawled to Beijing to tell the party bosses that human rights don't matter. Our "relationship" is more important than freedom and human dignity.

Beijing's response? A staged military confrontation with an unarmed US Navy vessel; continued screw-America currency cheating; a renewed crackdown on dissidents and, yesterday, a call for a new global currency to replace the dollar.

Thanks, Hill. You're a sweetheart.

Pakistan: With viral corruption throughout and Islamist fanatics sweeping half of its territory, Pakistan's coming apart. Its Dem-adored prez tries to ban opposition parties and gut the judiciary. It has nukes and seethes with hatred of America. And Islamabad controls our primary supply route into Afghanistan, using it as an extortion tool.

Obama's response? Billions in new aid for Pak pols to pocket. We'd be better off handing the money to AIG to pay out more bonuses.

Afghanistan: Obama's Vietnam. Am I the only American who remembers that candidate Obama had a plan to capture Osama bin Laden and fix our previous "mistakes" in Afghanistan? President Obama doesn't have a clue.

Iran: Obama tried to reach out, to talk. After all, talking got him to the White House. But America-bashing is what keeps Iran's leaders in office, it's their political essence. After 30 years of fierce hostility, hasn't anyone figured out that the senior mullahs need us as an enemy? Without the Great Satan America to blame, they'd have some real explaining to do to their homies. So O got the left-hand finger.

He wanted to chat with the Taliban, too. They told him he could stick it where the sun don't shine.

North Korea: Obama wanted a fresh start. North Korea's response? Threats of war with South Korea and the kidnapping of two American journalists. And the renewed pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, along with rocket tests.

Cuba: Obama would like to liberalize our relationship. The Castro boys told him to kiss off. They need an enemy, too. (Dear Mr. President: It's not always about us or how evil America is.)

Venezuela: Guess who else needs an enemy?

Mexico: The good news: Obama knows where it is on a map and recognizes that Mexico's government faces a narco-insurgency that threatens our country, too. His first action? Cave to the Teamsters, violate a lawful treaty on cross-border trucking, reignite fading anti-Americanism and undercut President Felipe Calderon.

Poland: Obama's stance on our bravest ally on the European continent? The Russians are more important than you are. He's sending the same message to Ukraine and Georgia.

Russia: Bolshie Biden, the commuting commissar, knows he's the man who can turn Russia into our best pal. After "Friend of Bill" Strobe Talbott tried and failed disastrously. And after poor W saw into Putin's soul, only to get his butt handed to him. "Uncle Joe" Biden has nothing to learn from past failures, though: He's got a re-set button.

Moscow's response to the Obama administration's bid for a new start? It threatens NATO members it once occupied and continues to back Iran's nuclear program. Plus, it bribes Kyrgystan to kick us off the critical-to-Afghanistan Manas airbase (then offers to help replace that supply lifeline, giving Russia a choke-hold on our troops).

Next, the Kremlin threatens massive re-armament and demands the abandonment of the dollar as the international reserve currency.

Obama's response? Push that re-set button again. And again.

At what point does naivete become cowardice?

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Ralph Peters doesn't seem to understand how foreign relations or diplomacy work. Besides simplifying actions and he fails to provide proper context for the actions. He doesn't understand the difference and/or importance of rhetoric and seems to have only a basic understanding of our relationships with a lot of these states.

Does he really expect after one meeting that the new administration can make China change decades old policy of manipulating there currency? Is he that naive or stupid?

I don't agree with our unconditional aid to Pakistan but if he doesn't realize the need to prevent Pakistan from collapsing into chaos then he is pretty hopeless.

He doesn't even provide a specific criticism for Afghanistan, he just says its Obama's Vietnam and says he doesn't have a clue, he provides no facts hell he doesn't even provide what Obama is doing wrong. Come on now.

He fails to understand the diplomatic process in Iran, did he really expect resounding results right off the bat, diplomacy takes time and Peters apparently just doesn't understand that it is a gradual process.

The list goes on and on as he fails to understand context, basic international relations, and misrepresents and oversimplifies situations to the point that they are ridiculously misconstrued.

How about if Peters puts forth an alternative plan for each of these "blunders". He puts forth no substance of his own while he dishonestly puts forth Obama's actions.

EDIT: There are plenty of things to criticize within Obama's foreign policy, however, this guy is a clown who can't put together a coherent argument or honest representation of Obama's policy.

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Well, tell me...and I'm not trying to be coy cause I honestly haven't been paying that close attention...are these items in this article wrong?

A right wing columnist is just spraying :pooh:

Our reputation around the world has never been lower, Obama starts to clean up the mess, and partisan hackjobs like this guy chime in that Obama is a failure because in 70 whole days he hasn't mananged to convince the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians and the Venezuelians and even the crazy North Koreans to disband their militaries and join NATO. :laugh:

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A right wing columnist is just spraying :pooh:

Our reputation around the world has never been lower, Obama starts to clean up the mess, and partisan hackjobs like this guy chime in that Obama is a failure because in 70 whole days he hasn't mananged to convince the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians and the Venezuelians and even the crazy North Koreans to disband their militaries and join NATO. :laugh:

Yeah, I kinda figured this would be one of those threads where liberals accuse conservatives of a hack piece and conservatives say "no, this is legit"

Seems to happen a lot around here...no?


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One of the beautiful things about the US is that we can change leadership every four years quickly and without bloodshed. That doesnt happen in most countries. And the result is that they dont understand how, or why, we do it that way, are wary of the quick changes in policy direction and feel the need to bow up every time it happens.

I dont give a **** if other countries like us. And it's wayyyyyy to soon to begin grading Obama on the Foreign Policy piece.

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Ralph Peters doesn't seem to understand how foreign relations or diplomacy work. Besides simplifying actions and he fails to provide proper context for the actions. He doesn't understand the difference and/or importance of rhetoric and seems to have only a basic understanding of our relationships with a lot of these states.

Does he really expect after one meeting that the new administration can make China change decades old policy of manipulating there currency? Is he that naive or stupid?

I don't agree with our unconditional aid to Pakistan but if he doesn't realize the need to prevent Pakistan from collapsing into chaos then he is pretty hopeless.

He doesn't even provide a specific criticism for Afghanistan, he just says its Obama's Vietnam and says he doesn't have a clue, he provides no facts hell he doesn't even provide what Obama is doing wrong. Come on now.

He fails to understand the diplomatic process in Iran, did he really expect resounding results right off the bat, diplomacy takes time and Peters apparently just doesn't understand that it is a gradual process.

The list goes on and on as he fails to understand context, basic international relations, and misrepresents and oversimplifies situations to the point that they are ridiculously misconstrued.

How about if Peters puts forth an alternative plan for each of these "blunders". He puts forth no substance of his own while he dishonestly puts forth Obama's actions.

EDIT: There are plenty of things to criticize within Obama's foreign policy, however, this guy is a clown who can't put together a coherent argument or honest representation of Obama's policy.

The video to Iran was pittyful. To Iranians it looked like Obama was graveling to them for forgivness. It was not a good video.

Well something has to be done with Pakistan their Intel agencey is very corupt. I was reading an aritcle today that some spies were assisting the Taliban on cordinated attacks against the US within Afghanistan. That is not good.

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Yeah, I kinda figured this would be one of those threads where liberals accuse conservatives of a hack piece and conservatives say "no, this is legit"

Seems to happen a lot around here...no?


It does.

Our resident conservatives post a lot of hack stuff. :D

If the column was an indepth critique of a specific foreign policy situation, it would get a more reasoned response. Many of us horrible liberals had no problem criticizing the new Administration for how it handled the British "gift" fiasco.

This piece is not of that caliber. It's just a hit job, courtesy of our resident partisan hitjobber, hokie4redskins. It is getting the response it deserves.

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Bingo. Its tough to get any real feel about the implications of his FP for a few years

So far though

Is it possible that you and hokie4redskins are the same person but you suffer from multiple personality disorder?

Its like you two have the same principles and viewpoints, but you, i.e. the good, cheerful, and honest personality, argue succinctly and intelligently. However, every so often your evil personality comes out, hokie4redskins. Is that possible? ;)

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A right wing columnist is just spraying :pooh:

Our reputation around the world has never been lower, Obama starts to clean up the mess, and partisan hackjobs like this guy chime in that Obama is a failure because in 70 whole days he hasn't mananged to convince the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians and the Venezuelians and even the crazy North Koreans to disband their militaries and join NATO. :laugh:

He is right about the Russians and the Mannas situation. Obama should have talked to the Kyrgastan parilment a little more in detail in trying to get reprive to keep the base, instead of trying to say well we won't put are missele base in Poland if you let us still use Mannas. Obama got Punked in that situation by ol Putty Putt.

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You're assuming people who would contest it are still reading hokie's threads. ;)

And yet you've posted in this thread four times already. But by all means, please continue adding nothing to thread with ad hominem logic.


Ah yes, the trusty "too early to tell" argument. While somewhat true, the early trends are indeed disturbing. I have a feeling we'll be hearing "man, it's only been four years, give him time" around 2012.

Edit: Five times and counting.

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Out of curiosity -- is this the same Ralph Peters who strongly supported the Iraq invasion and claimed that the "mainstream media" was unanimously rooting for Iraq to fail -- before abruptly turning 180 degrees and concluding that Arab societies are suddenly completely incompatible with democracy?

The same Ralph Peters who said The Surge was a foolish gambit that was coming too late to make any difference, only to abruptly turn 180 degrees and pretend to criticize others who opposed it just like him?

The same Ralph Peters who is now agitating for a complete military pullout from Afghanistan? Who referred to the idea of conquering and then rebuilding nations who attack us as "the great American fallacy," as if it has had nothing to do with the past 60+ years of post-WWII American prosperity?

The Ralph Peters described above seems to have trouble making up his mind.

So next month, let's all keep an eye out for Ralph's inevitable commentary piece on DailyKos exalting Obama's foreign policy. He's quite the reliable narrator.

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And yet you've posted in this thread four times already. But by all means, please continue adding nothing to thread with ad hominem logic.


Ah yes, the trusty "too early to tell" argument. While somewhat true, the early trends are indeed disturbing. I have a feeling we'll be hearing "man, it's only been four years, give him time" around 2012.

Edit: Five times and counting.

Six times!

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He is right about the Russians and the Mannas situation. Obama should have talked to the Kyrgastan parilment a little more in detail in trying to get reprive to keep the base, instead of trying to say well we won't put are missele base in Poland if you let us still use Mannas. Obama got Punked in that situation by ol Putty Putt.

As usual, it wasn't that simple.

The Russians offered Kyrg 2.3 billion in aid so they could use the base as leverage. We were paying $55 mil in rent for that base. Should we have paid 2.3 billion also?


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As usual, it wasn't that simple.

The Russians offered Kyrg 2.3 billion in aid so they could use the base as leverage. We were paying $55 mil in rent for that base. Should we have paid 2.3 billion also?


Yes we should have instead of throwing all of that money away on some of the stupid pet projects in the stimulus bill they could have thrown 2.3 billion in to keeping Mannas. It was very critical to keep that base. Now we are going to get bent over by the Puttey Putte.

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Yes we should have instead of throwing all of that money away on some of the stupid pet projects in the stimulus bill they could have thrown 2.3 billion in to keeping Mannas. It was very critical to keep that base. Now we are going to get bent over by the Putty Putt.

I'd love to hear how Russia is going to "bend us over" anytime soon.

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