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Sky News:Mexico Blames US Over Drug Crime And Murders


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:doh: alright, we'll keep playing your hypothetical game.

What if they turn to crime to support their drug habits even though drugs will be cheaper now that they are no longer on the black market? We prosecute them and lock them up, just like anyone else who commits a violent crime.

That is an unbelieveable waste of money when you could be sending these same people to college with financial aid. Cheaper drugs, more people will get them, more people will go off when they're out, and we will lose control of our country.

For the record, Afghanistan is the largest producer of opium in the world. Your really believe terrorists have nothing to do with that? You believe legalizing the drug will change any of that?

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Well it's simple, the legalization of heroin and coke would 1)create more teenage addicts,2) the addicts will drive their parents to the point of kicking them out, 3)the kids will have no where to go, 4)a.they will go to recovery house paid for by the tax payers or b. become homeless, 5)claim to have recovered, 6) the parents take them back, 7) wash, rinse, repeat 8)the parents won't want them back 9) they end up in a foster home another program paid for by tax payers 10) start at point 1 or let them become homeless drug addicts without any guidance.

Could you at least state this as hypothesis rather than stating this to be a fact? anyways, drugs would still be illegal for minors just like alcohol and tobacco are today (though alcohol should be reduced to 18, damn it!)

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That is an unbelieveable waste of money when you could be sending these same people to college with financial aid. Cheaper drugs, more people will get them, more people will go off when they're out, and we will lose control of our country.

But wasting money prosecuting victimless criminals is better, right? These people chose to ruin their lives, that's not my problem.

For the record, Afghanistan is the largest producer of opium in the world. Your really believe terrorists have nothing to do with that? You believe legalizing the drug will change any of that?

part of the reason why I used that as the example, but went overboard with it to show the ridiculousness of the hypotheticals.

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:doh: alright, we'll keep playing your hypothetical game.

What if they turn to crime to support their drug habits even though drugs will be cheaper now that they are no longer on the black market? We prosecute them and lock them up, just like anyone else who commits a violent crime.

My hypotheticals are reasonable. Yours are completely made up.

We KNOW that hard drugs produce addicts that aren't capable of function in society. We KNOW those people do things, like violent crime, to then feed their addiction.

The only thing we don't know is how the number of addicts will go if we legalize hard drugs. You want to say it won't go up. Fine, but unless you can show me some data to support that, I'll mantain that it is at best a coin flip situation.

Your hypothetical is equally true for both of us. Unless, you can show data otherwise I believe it is AS LIKELY that terrorist would become involved in a legal drug market. Take that money to build/buy nukes, and then nuke DC.

The end result of your solution is there no real other option. You end up right where you started (prisons full of people breaking the laws) with no where else to go easily (and terrorists in control of the legal drug market and buying nukes).

I want to go back to a point that I've now several times in this thread.

I'm not saying that there isn't a problem. There is. We have to do something. The first step to me is to fight the drug war well. The fact of the matter is it has been fought awfully. We know we've created an essentially unpunishable group of people because they are happy in jail and can run their criminal enterprises from in there or continue to be involved with them.

We need to change that.

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Could you at least state this as hypothesis rather than stating this to be a fact? anyways, drugs would still be illegal for minors just like alcohol and tobacco are today (though alcohol should be reduced to 18, damn it!)

It doesn't matter what the law or age limit is. If people want something they are going to get it whether we like it or not. The only way to stop it is to wipe the drugs from the face of the earth, ala polio. No good comes from them, and taxing them won't cover the cost.

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It doesn't matter what the law or age limit is. If people want something they are going to get it whether we like it or not.

so that's different from the current situation how?

The only way to stop it is to wipe the drugs from the face of the earth, ala polio. No good comes from them, and taxing them won't cover the cost.

good luck with that.

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But wasting money prosecuting victimless criminals is better, right? These people chose to ruin their lives, that's not my problem.

part of the reason why I used that as the example, but went overboard with it to show the ridiculousness of the hypotheticals.

This "not your problem" non-sense is your problem. You just don't know it yet. And I don't beleive you're going to understand what I'm trying to tell you because you're too concerned with how this issue affects you as opposed to how it affects other people.

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Could you at least state this as hypothesis rather than stating this to be a fact? anyways, drugs would still be illegal for minors just like alcohol and tobacco are today (though alcohol should be reduced to 18, damn it!)

I will say this is a fact based on personal experience by kicking back and watching my parents try to help two foster kids. Haven't you ever heard of shoulder tapping? I don't care if you are 12, you can still get your hands on some booze if you want it.

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This "not your problem" non-sense is your problem. You just don't know it yet. And I don't beleive you're going to understand what I'm trying to tell you because you're too concerned with how this issue affects you as opposed to how it affects other people.

I'm not worried only about how it affects me, if I were then I wouldn't give a damn about drug laws, now, would I? I certainly don't plan on using them.

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so that's different from the current situation how?

good luck with that.

Thanks, we need all the luck we can get right now. You should think about what your typing more concerning how other people interpret what you're thinking. I don't read minds, I read posts. I don't want to say you sound like you're 19, because I'm 20.

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I'm not worried only about how it affects me, if I were then I wouldn't give a damn about drug laws, now, would I? I certainly don't plan on using them.

You might care about which is great, my guess is that you have never lived it, in any way shape or form.

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You might care about which is great, my guess is that you have never lived it, in any way shape or form.

You're right, I haven't lived it. that was a choice. I know people and could've gotten drugs if I wanted, but it was my choice to avoid them. If other people decide to make the other choice, well its just that, a choice.

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You're right, I haven't lived it. that was a choice. I know people and could've gotten drugs if I wanted, but it was my choice to avoid them. If other people decide to make the other choice, well its just that, a choice.

And you will just sit back, care about the cause and watch?

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I never said we should stop locking people up. What I said is that our attention should be more on stopping the drugs from getting into the country in the first place instead of focusing on the little people, wasting money and time hoping these "incentives" will change anything. There is more money being made maintaining the problem instead of solving it, and it's costing people lives.

You can lock up a million drug users, and a thousand drug dealers, but there will still be a thousand million more. And the majority of these hard drugs, (ie, cocaine, crack, herorin) are not made in this country. Instead of the people pushing the drugs into this country getting chased around, broke, uneducated Americans are taking the foot in the ass instead.

Trust me, it is real.

that scene is the beginning of this song, on his CD

...the beginning of Immortal Technique's Peruvian Cocaine


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You should think about what your typing more concerning how other people interpret what you're thinking. I don't read minds, I read posts. I don't want to say you sound like you're 19, because I'm 20.

I know exactly what I'm typing, and I am fully aware of the image it puts off. If people choose to look at me differently because of my thoughts on the topic, well that's up to them. We all have our ideas, and if people are gonna judge me, may as well be on my ideas.

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You're right, I haven't lived it. that was a choice. I know people and could've gotten drugs if I wanted, but it was my choice to avoid them. If other people decide to make the other choice, well its just that, a choice.

That other choice affects other people whether they have a choice in the matter or not.

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These drugs cripple peoples minds and cause people to become unproductive members of society willing to break any law to get their fix. That's not even counting the health care costs from the amount of damage these drugs do on the body. You don't accept these drugs being on the streets, and there's a reason they're illegal in the first place.

Look up old patent medicines from the 19th and very early 20th century so you can see what I'm talking about. There were an unprecedented number of people hooked on these drugs and it was killing them, not helping them, killing them.

How dangerous are the prescription medications that you put in your body? Ephedra was natural and WAS a fat burner, but that's the problem it's NATURAL. You can't patent a plant and make $$$. There was FEW recorded deaths on Ephedra, but they hyped it up to be horrible, because a plant will never be recognized as a cure. Look how many people died off of Viox they paid out 970 million dollars in damages, but how much did they make off of it. This is similar to the Ford Pinto, you needed a 6 or 60? dollar part and your bumper wouldn't spark up, but they didn't want to spend the extra money and found out if they just paid damages they would make more money in the long run. A black law.

If I find a cure for cancer [a tree leaf] and offer it to everyone for a dollar and it will cure their cancer--do you think the USA would allow this to happen? Nope. The government makes so much money off of prescription drugs why even cure a disease? Seriously answer me that question. Magic Johnson no longer has AIDS, because of $$$ [watch south park], but seriously he probably paid someone a large amount of money and voila no more AIDS. If everything was cured we would only need an emergency room and what would happen to all these charities? I personally think these charities are bogus, you donate them money every year, so why would the top guys want to find a cure?

The reason pot is illegal is because companies were afraid that hemp would ruin their profits. If you read that blog you can see that the "pot god", who made pot illegal, because his friend has money in the timber industry made it illegal because of hemp and the fact that it was not popular with whites. It was made illegal, because hispanics and blacks smoked it. Also, marijuana competed with prescription drugs. It is PROVEN that marijuana slows down cancer cell growth and helps anorexic women break their lifestyles. Hemp would put the cotton industry, oil industry [after awhile], and the timber industry in serious trouble. Hemp regrows like 5 times a year, a tree takes 30 this doesn't make sense. Now you would need timber for cabinets and other things, but imagine all the trees we would save with hemp paper.

If you are questioning my logic--think about this. Go to a hollistic doctor and see if your insurance will cover it. You can get treated with natural remedies, but guess who is not profiting. The government. Essentially I am a customer of the doctor and if he doesn't agree with what I have I will find another "store". If I tell the doctor I need an antibiotic and he says I don't he will still side with me, because you have to make the customer happen. Granted I can't go doctor im in pain give me oxycoton, but I hope you can see what I am saying.

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I know exactly what I'm typing, and I am fully aware of the image it puts off. If people choose to look at me differently because of my thoughts on the topic, well that's up to them. We all have our ideas, and if people are gonna judge me, may as well be on my ideas.

All the ideas in the world ain't gonna change nothing. If you really care about the issue, don't worry about how I judge you, and think about how to really fix the source of the problem. The source is across the border and on other continents, and won't be solved by just learning to live with it.

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What do you do if drug use goes through the roof, and you end up with a good chunk of a generation that is essentially non-productive due to cocaine and heroin addiction?

Not saying that hard drugs should be made legal, but there are things now you could do to get a high and people choose to do it. Huffing, robotripping, paint, etc. If every drug was made legal would a lot more people do them? I mean lets face it, if you want a drug you can find it. Would making it easier to find mean more people would do it? People have their morals, if every drug was legal would I try a lot of them? Nope. Kids could technically have sex, if they wanted to, but a lot choose not to, because of their morals. We could get high in 10 different ways right now, but we don't. Would making hard drugs legal make more or less people do them?

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