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WP: Feinstein - Snyder Goes on Annual Spending Spree


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By John Feinstein

Special to washingtonpost.com

Tuesday, March 3, 2009; 2:18 PM

It really is a shame that Danny Snyder doesn't own a baseball team. Imagine what havoc he could wreak if he wasn't burdened by the National Football League's pesky salary cap.

Manny Ramirez wants $100 million over four years at the age of 37? Done. Just so long as Snyder gets to have his picture taken with Manny and uber-agent Scott Boras. After all, Boras is Snyder's kind of guy: he's got no conscience, will say absolutely anything to get his way and lives for power as much as for money.

Curt Schilling needs a team. Come on down to D.C., Curt! Snyder will pay you extra bucks for your blog and over-pay you just so he can tell people how much he paid for you.

How about swinging a trade with the Yankees for A-Rod? No sane team would touch Alex Rodriguez right now, especially with nine years left on his $275 million contract. Snyder wouldn't bat an eye. He'd lay off a few more people, trade his entire farm system and his three best pitchers for A-Rod and then tell everyone how cool it was having Madonna sit in the owner's box with him. She might even be allowed to speak to him during a game, unlike the current box denizens. Okay, maybe not speak but perhaps hammer out a couple of songs.

Snyder's latest March spending spree -- more than $180 million in contracts for three players -- can be looked at in several ways. What's most apparent is that he's an addict: not so much to spending money but to being able to stick his chest out and say, "I outspent all those other guys."


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I guess I missed the spending spree Snyder went on last year. I guess I also missed how he outspent everyone two years ago. Oh yeah, he didn't do any of those things. :rolleyes:

BTW, I find it funny how he suggests that Vinny won't be drafting the second coming of Tom Brady in the 6th round when a lot of fans here believe we already have.

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BTW, I find it funny how he suggests that Vinny won't be drafting the second coming of Tom Brady in the 6th round when a lot of fans here believe we already have.

Please don't tell me people think that Colt is the next TB :chair:

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I guess I missed the spending spree Snyder went on last year. I guess I also missed how he outspent everyone two years ago.

For Christ's sake! You CANNOT possibly be arguing that the reputation is undeserved??!!!

The only reason that we did not go on a huge spending spree is because we couldn't afford it or did not have the opportunities. Hell, we certainly TRIED to get Chad Johnson before the draft. We certainly DID trade a 2nd for Jason Taylor.

So what is your beef? The reputation is DESERVED! Or do you think Snyder deserves the reputation of having restraint? Come on. WAKE UP.

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For Christ's sake! You CANNOT possibly be arguing that the reputation is undeserved??!!!

The only reason that we did not go on a huge spending spree is because we couldn't afford it or did not have the opportunities. Hell, we certainly TRIED to get Chad Johnson before the draft. We certainly DID trade a 2nd for Jason Taylor.

So what is your beef? The reputation is DESERVED! Or do you think Snyder deserves the reputation of having restraint? Come on. WAKE UP.

Quoted for truth.

We were saved from ourselves last year.

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For Christ's sake! You CANNOT possibly be arguing that the reputation is undeserved??!!!

The only reason that we did not go on a huge spending spree is because we couldn't afford it or did not have the opportunities. Hell, we certainly TRIED to get Chad Johnson before the draft. We certainly DID trade a 2nd for Jason Taylor.

So what is your beef? The reputation is DESERVED! Or do you think Snyder deserves the reputation of having restraint? Come on. WAKE UP.

Shocker that this is from SnyderMustGo. :)

Just pointing out that Snyder, despite the reputation, does not go on spending sprees every year. And yes, his team did have the ability to spend money last year and chose to sit things out. And yes, they did look into trade opportunities to get WRs (not just Chad Johnson, but also Boldin and Williams as well) and no one was buying the offers. Anything wrong with that, especially when in hindsight that a stud receiver would have helped this offense?

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For Christ's sake! You CANNOT possibly be arguing that the reputation is undeserved??!!!

The only reason that we did not go on a huge spending spree is because we couldn't afford it or did not have the opportunities. Hell, we certainly TRIED to get Chad Johnson before the draft. We certainly DID trade a 2nd for Jason Taylor.

So what is your beef? The reputation is DESERVED! Or do you think Snyder deserves the reputation of having restraint? Come on. WAKE UP.

JT was a bad trade, but given the circumstances of Philip Daniels getting injured we needed DL help bad around training camp time.

Chad Johnson would have been better than Thomas/Kelly/Davis... last season and probably this season. We could have spent one of those pics on a linemen or LB.

Snyder has gone and signed some key FAs this season. Call it a spending spree if you want, but we are still under the cap. And for the record, Albert Haynesworth's deal is really 4-year 48 million... it will never be 100+ million... ever...

I don't care what Snyder reputation is. I don't think he overspent as bad as Bruce/Deion/Carrier, etc. I think he signed guys we really needed who are still in their prime and will be for a few seasons: Hall, AH, and Derrick Dockery

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Oh, so you thought a first and a third (minimum) for Chad Johnson was a good deal.


I think I saw you on Vinny's g-mail account.

Our First and Second round picks last year netted us three players:

Malcolm Kelly

Devin Thomas

Fred Davis

Would you take Chad Johnson or those three for last season or this season???

THat's what I thought. :hysterical:

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Our First and Second round picks last year netted us three players:

Malcolm Kelly

Devin Thomas

Fred Davis

Would you take Cahd Johnson or those three for last season or this season???

THat's what I thought. :hysterical:

Um, wrong.

Chad Johnson is over 30 and declining fast. The only thing more insane than the offer we made was that the Bengals declined it.

I don't think much of our three picks -- any competent GM would have drafted at least one linemen -- and I still would take them over CJ.

And what's hilarious is you defending Snyder/Vinny by bashing the three picks they made.

That's what I thought.

Now go get your shinebox.

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Oh and BTW, is there some truth to the phrase "the first impression is your last," so I guess that means whatever it is Snyder does, he will always be seen as an affluent owner with marquee obsessions.

Yeah...by fans. I hold the media to a higher standard, since they are paid to be accurate and inform it's audience of facts, to not hide behind the "first impression" mantra as an excuse to regurgitate stuff from 8+ years ago.

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Yeah...by fans. I hold the media to a higher standard, since they are paid to be accurate and inform it's audience of facts, to not hide behind the "first impression" mantra as an excuse to regurgitate stuff from 8+ years ago.

Even the media is not without it's annual hypocrism. The fans, I pay no mind to because too many of us endure the pleasure of playing GMs in front of a computer monitor.

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Um, wrong.

Chad Johnson is over 30 and declining fast. The only thing more insane than the offer we made was that the Bengals declined it.

I don't think much of our three picks -- any competent GM would have drafted at least one linemen -- and I still would take them over CJ.

And what's hilarious is you defending Snyder/Vinny by bashing the three picks they made.

That's what I thought.

Now go get your shinebox.

Great Comeback. "Um, Wrong"

You would refuse Chad Johnson last season and take three players that barely saw the field? Last season and probably this season I take Chad Johnson. Down the road that remains to be seen. However our first and THIRD picks last season were for Thomas/Davis and Reinhardt. I don't think Thomas will make an impact and Chad R. may never see much playing time. Terrible picks, I would have taken a linemen as well. The linemen they targeted Philip Merling was off the board and reason for trading down, but still...

I will bash Vinny more than anyone on this site. If you want to challenge me to a Vinny bashing contest let's go. I already saw the Vinny e-mail account and that is a nice piece of work, but I don't think he belongs in the NFL or college or anywhere near the sport of football or any sport for that mattter.

Snyder I've bashed and I think he slightly overpaid for some of the players this season, but def in the past when he first became owner. I agree with the signings this season. Probably could have been had for a few million less, but the fact that we are so under the cap now... you can't take the contract numbers at face value because they are worth so much less in reality.

I don't have a shinebox, so I'll use yours...

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I guess I missed the spending spree Snyder went on last year. I guess I also missed how he outspent everyone two years ago. Oh yeah, he didn't do any of those things. :rolleyes:

You must have missed the nixed trade that would have sent Ocho Cinco here for first round draft picks. We got saved on that one. Snyder cannot be trusted.

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I think this article is more or less spot on.

I don't have any problem with the Haynesworth signing, and the contract is clearly not $100M in the end. I think Hall and Dockery are good calls as well. And it's not bad to splurge every now and then on FA. As other threads in the past have pointed out, the year-in, year-out successful teams like New England and the Pats rarely make these kind of acquisitions. But I have no problem with it sometimes. When it becomes the preferred means for obtaining players, there's a problem -- and that's the way it's been for almost a decade.

What I agree with in this article is are a couple things that are pointed out. First, we do sacrifice depth by signing a few superstars, and that always comes to really hurt us down the road when injuries start to pile up. Also, I think Feinstein is right on when he points out that we go after known quanities in FA rather than take chances on the draft because Vinny is simply awful at assessing personnel. It takes real skill to see potential for greatness in guys in lower rounds of the draft, and Vinny does not have that. Snyder certainly doesn't. Instead, they'll (over)pay for guys who may or do produce and for guys who sometimes are a total bust. I know it's too early to look at the 07 draft, but early projections are showing that it may be a near-total bust. That will set us back years. 9 out of 10 guys not producing is disaster. 7 or 8 out of 10 ain't good either.

Look, it's become quite clear that Dan and Vinny just don't know what they are doing. They are afraid of the draft, as stated above, and there are several examples from the past as well. I love Zorn and I think JC can succeed in the WCO, but it's clearly not a perfect match. Why did they decide to install a WCO when JC is clearly much better suited to a more vertical game? These oversights are not minor.

Those of you who say that last year we didn't overspend and may a huge splash are correct, but only in name. We tried to give way too much to get Ocho Cinco. So often that is forgotten around these parts.

I've always disliked Snyder, but more for being a meddling owner with no football knowledge but lots of power. Now, I'm starting to really believe that he really only cares about money first. Take for example the JT signing -- sure, we needed a DE after the injuries last training camp, but if he and Vinny had really sat down to think about it, they'd realize that JT was a poor fit within the Blache scheme. But the prospect of signing a guy who'd sell lots of jerseys and would make a splash sort of became more important than the fact that he simply did not fit into our system. Details can be troublesome things sometimes.


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We could just prove all the haters wrong. But you don't do that in the offseason. Not much you can do about articles like these until you start winning.

Ladies and Gentlemen....I give you some of the truest words that have ever been posted here. :D

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Oh and BTW, is there some truth to the phrase "the first impression is your last," so I guess that means whatever it is Snyder does, he will always be seen as an affluent owner with marquee obsessions.

More like there is only truth to that statement when you're talking about people who have no ability to look at the whole picture, and would rather make it easier on themselves since their first impressions required absolutely no thought or reflection.

In a word, ignorance is bliss to them.

I find it funny that those trying to argue that Snyder has gone on an "annual spending spree", when faced with the fact that he hasn't done so in quite some time, need to use the " he's willing to trade draft picks" argument instead. They're not the same thing. :silly:

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