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NY Times: To Pay for Healthcare, Obama looks to Taxes on Affluent


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  1. 1. Should DC get a vote in the House?

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It makes perfect sense. You are against a large portion of Americans having healthcare to the point where you are willing to pay double before you let somebody get something for nothing.

You guys think kidneys should go to the highest bidder.

Wow, I've always given you much more intelligence credit than what you've just displayed in your post.

1. I'm not against healthcare, that's funny you'd say that though

2. Other people in here are not against healthcare

3. I see people here discussing ACCESS to healthcare...which is totally different than simply "healthcare."

4. Kidneys to the highest bidder??? WTF are you talking about? Where did you even pull that from?

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You already pay for Octomom. Universal healthcare would be cheaper than what you are paying now.

So, since we already pay for Octomom, we should be okay with paying for more Octomom's?

Also, can you please elaborate how you are asserting current payment for Octomom would be reduced with universal healthcare? Like, how universal healthcare would affect her specific case? I ask because you seem to be basing your argument on unsubstantiated evidence regading octomom.

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You already pay for Octomom. Universal healthcare would be cheaper than what you are paying now.

not true. costs would be out of control for universal heathcare and the incentive to innovate new technology and medicine will be lost. Disease will increase and health will decrease as a result and the government will have a program with a spiraling cost. The government will be forced to create new laws aimed to control the spiraling costs by focusing on preventative health. These preventative health laws will invade your personal privacy and your government will try to control what you are putting into your bodies or what choices are available to you. Imagine the "Fat Police" arresting people for drinking a beer or eating a hamburger.....

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So, since we already pay for Octomom, we should be okay with paying for more Octomom's?

This is exactly what I was getting at with my analogy. You would be paying less (half of what we pay now on average!) under universal coverage assuming we run it anything like all the other countries that already have it.

But Republicans don't care about paying less. They're more concerned about someone benefitting from paying less.

In other words, Republicans would repeatedly punch themselves in the nuts in the interest of attempting to make sure (and failing) somebody doesn't get something for nothing.

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If you are one of the few that are happy with your healthcare you will be able to keep it, the big bad evil Government is just going to try and make it cheaper for you.

From what I understand the wealthy would be taxed the same % they were under Reagan. Bush catered to the wealthy and look at where it got us.

Those of us who are well off, will continue to be so.

Those of us whom pay for the skank with 9-10 kids on welfare, will continue to do so, just like we always have and always will.

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I love threads like this. People have no compassion for anyone but themselves when it comes down to it.

'this is a Christian nation', yea ****ing right.

The wealthiest 1% should be paying more taxes than than the lower to middle class families.

Why don't people believe in helping out your fellow citizens. But no, our immediate thought is that the government just wants our money. Im not sure why people believe that private healthcare companies care more about you than the government but whatever.

Stupid stupid people.

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This is exactly what I was getting at with my analogy. You would be paying less under universal coverage assuming we run it anything like all the other countries that already have it.

But Republicans don't care about paying less. They're more concerned about someone benefitting from paying less.

In other words, Republicans would repeatedly punch themselves in the nuts in the interest of attempting to make sure (and failing) somebody doesn't get something for nothing.

You been getting punched in the nuts a lot lately? You seem to be stuck on that "clever" analogy lately.

I don't care if people get something for nothing...I care if I am continually paying for people to get that something for nothing. whether it is mortgage or health care.

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I love threads like this. People have no compassion for anyone but themselves when it comes down to it.

'this is a Christian nation', yea ****ing right.

The wealthiest 1% should be paying more taxes than than the lower to middle class families.

Why don't people believe in helping out your fellow citizens. But no, our immediate thought is that the government just wants our money. Im not sure why people believe that private healthcare companies care more about you than the government but whatever.

Stupid stupid people.

The wealthiest 1% ARE paying more taxes. A lot more taxes.

How much of YOUR money are you willing to pony up for someone making less than you? Of course you support it if you don't have to PAY for it...it is easy to be generous with other people's money.

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Of course we need to address skyrocketing costs, but that's a long-term thing, not a start. From what I understand right now we have a short-term problem with thousands of people loosing their jobs, and thus loosing their health insurance.

I hope these people that are losing their jobs go back to school to become a medical doctor. We need more doctors that is why the price of healthcare is soo high. There is a higher demand for healthcare than there is a supply. More doctors equals more supply. More supply brings prices down. Lower prices for healthcare benefits consumers of healthcare. Compeition creates lower prices....look at every industry that has ever existed to prove this correct. Learn a to read a supply and demand curve.

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I love threads like this. People have no compassion for anyone but themselves when it comes down to it.

'this is a Christian nation', yea ****ing right.

The wealthiest 1% should be paying more taxes than than the lower to middle class families.

Why don't people believe in helping out your fellow citizens. But no, our immediate thought is that the government just wants our money. Im not sure why people believe that private healthcare companies care more about you than the government but whatever.

Stupid stupid people.

People who made something of themselves should be paying for those who didnt? Are you really that stupid? Why the heck should I work my butt off for something when someone else is going to reap the benefits for not doing anything? I want to be one of the people who collect my check and not do anything for it!

I agree the richest 1% should pay the most taxes but it should be an equal percentage as what everyone pays. Therefore, they would pay more based on their income but you cant tax them more heavily for making more money. That is ridiculous. People should help one another because they want to not because they are forced to.

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The wealthiest 1% ARE paying more taxes. A lot more taxes.

How much of YOUR money are you willing to pony up for someone making less than you? Of course you support it if you don't have to PAY for it...it is easy to be generous with other people's money.

This is correct the top 5% pay 70% of all taxes the government collects. HOLY SMOKES!!!

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The wealthiest 1% ARE paying more taxes. A lot more taxes.

How much of YOUR money are you willing to pony up for someone making less than you? Of course you support it if you don't have to PAY for it...it is easy to be generous with other people's money.

I will pay for it. So will the majority of my family. I'm happy to.

And where does he get off spending your $$$? Same place you get off spending $800 billion for Iraq. Obama won the election in part based on his assertion that healthcare is a right, not a priveledge.

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People who made something of themselves should be paying for those who didnt? Are you really that stupid? Why the heck should I work my butt off for something when someone else is going to reap the benefits for not doing anything? I want to be one of the people who collect my check and not do anything for it!

I agree the richest 1% should pay the most taxes but it should be an equal percentage as what everyone pays. Therefore, they would pay more based on their income but you cant tax them more heavily for making more money. That is ridiculous. People should help one another because they want to not because they are forced to.

Imagine how many more businesses could be started by top 5% if they didnt have to pay soo much in taxes? Imagine how many more charities they could start with the money? Imagine how many jobs would be created as a result? How many people would benefit? Instead the government gets bigger and federal government employees sit in their cubes and read the internet all day!!!

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I will pay for it. So will the majority of my family. I'm happy to.

And where does he get off spending your $$$? Same place you get off spending $800 billion for Iraq. Obama won the election in part based on his assertion that healthcare is a right, not a priveledge.

I think ALL of your family should pay for it. Why wouldn't they if it is a right? Why wouldn't EVERYONE pay for it if it is a "right"?

Obama won the election because he convinced a bunch of people that he would give them stuff at no cost to themselves....and now he is delivering. The American dream....something for nothing.

So let me ask you this...are we supposed to be in favor of this because it is the right thing to do?(you know the whole it is their right thing) or because it is beneficial to us?

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People should help one another because they want to not because they are forced to.

LOL....Paying taxes should be an option??? Are YOU really that stupid???

Have you tried supporting yourself on unemployment??? I have, it's not fun, trust me.... You do also understand that we've now got well over 5million people unemployed, many of them qualified individuals. This is a time of crisis, not a time to be self centered.

I wouldn't say your stupid......Ignorant? Yes

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I love threads like this. People have no compassion for anyone but themselves when it comes down to it.

'this is a Christian nation', yea ****ing right.

The wealthiest 1% should be paying more taxes than than the lower to middle class families.

Why don't people believe in helping out your fellow citizens. But no, our immediate thought is that the government just wants our money. Im not sure why people believe that private healthcare companies care more about you than the government but whatever.

Stupid stupid people.

Cattle farmers in Texas dont give a crap that you like to eat a nice juicy steak. He cares about selling his cattle for money to feed his family and make him/themselves better off.

Scientists who develop technology for new drugs that will hopefully cure a disease dont care about the people with the disease they want to create the drug so they can get paid for it.

Football players don't play football because they think you like to watch football. They play to make money for themselves and their family.

All of this is happening around you not because of good intention, but out of greed. Greed is good. It keeps our society advancing and developing. The government gets in the way of all of this.

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F it

I think Republicans should propose the following, and it is actually in their best interests to

100 percent tax on incomes over 500k for lawyers, doctors, actors, directors, pro athletes, wall street guys, and CEOs

Despite this being only producing 1.3 trillion in revenue, according to this http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123561551065378405.html?mod=djemEditorialPage, it would be in the best interests of Republicans, politically, to push for it

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There is no point in providing data to idealogically rigid Republicans like yourself.

So I'll post it for the folks who didn't make up their minds before looking at any data:


We pay more than double per capita for healthcare than folks in the United Kingdom and have a lower life expectancy.

If folks are going to make the argument that their coverage is not good enough, surely we can find some middle ground.

How many people are in the UK? What was that? Less than the state of California? EVERTHING is more expensive for us, other than housing.
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