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Dexter @ my moms office this morning

The Wicked Wop

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Thought I would share. My mom works at a local management firm and Dexter was in the office last week doing some business and needed to return this week. I told my mom I needed some pictures as proof, and Dexter was kind enough and agreed. He took this and multiple other pictures with the staff. Anyway just thought I would share.



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weird dexter story ...

about a month ago my real good friend went to see a flick and he saw Dex sitting on a bench right outside the doors to the theater ...he looked kind of pissed, so despite being a HUGE fan of Dex he let him be.

A chick he was with came over and chilled with him while he was sitting there. My buddy eventually went in and got a seat and Dex and his lady came in right after them and sat down.

After a minute, Dex got up ... AND NEVER CAME BACK TO HIS SEAT...lol.

The chick hung around for like 30 min and finally left as well.

we love dex, so we just laughed and made up excuses for why he would have just crept like that ...lol

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BTW ES leg humpers, that girl isn't that hot.

^^ I was thinking the same thing but to each his own, beauty/the beholder yada yada...not saying the chic is a dog or anything, she's cool.. but a 10 and the way some are slobbering all over themselves I'm not seeing. oh well.

Cool Dex agreed to the photo op. Man we need a Dexter skilled player on this team now.

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