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Lack of Sleep/Lack of food= you being a total grouch?


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I am EXACTLY the same way. In fact, I am infamous in my family for being incredibly irritable in the morning and when I haven't gotten much to eat.

It reminds me of a story. For a summer job back in my high school years, I worked at the same building as my mom, so we used to go there together. Well, one day I didn't get much sleep the night before, so I was irritable as usual. As we were driving there, I didn't want to talk to anyone, and my mom said to me, "My nose is stuffed. I think I'm coming down with something." For some reason, this pissed me off, and I snapped at her, "Man up and stop whining!"

She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

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The hunger/grumpiness thing can be quite an issue. My wife is notorious for this, and everyone who knows her, makes sure she gets fed to avoid her wrath.

I find it funny when the kids are this way. I've often found that when it's near mealtime and one of my kids is being nonsensically disagreable I'll ask "Are you hungry?" My son will always deny it. But then almost immediately after eating, or really during the meal, he'll suddenly become the sweet (non-maniacal) boy he normally is.

As for sleep, my wife can't get back to sleep if she's woken up in the middle of the night. I have no problem falling back asleep. Therefore, if our young daughter wakes up in the middle of the night, I'm always the one to attend to her. It was the same with my son when he was little. I need at least 6 hours, but don't always get that.

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This one was a double whammy for me growing up. I'd occasional take a nap after school and if I so happened to take that nap and get woken up, usually for dinner, I'd be annoyed/grouchy. Then upon noticing my annoyance towards being woken up, my dad would proceed to play 20 questions with me about how my day went, while i was trying to eat. Oh man, I would get pissed off about that combo and of course, he knew this. To combat that I'd give him the the shortest possible answer just to annoy him right back.

But normally, no, I can go on 4-5 hours of sleep during the week, and catch up on the weekend, and not be grouchy. As long as it's consecutive and I don't get woken up several times, that's fine for me. 4-5 hours of tossing/turning and don't bother coming near me, it wont be pleasant. The food thing doesn't get me much anymore unless its been several hours with nothing, but that rarely happens.

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I'm a gamer, I can function on very little sleep. Though the amount that constitutes "very little" is changing each year. Right now I need a solid 5 hours to function the next day any less and I become a bit on the zombie-fied side.

The food on the other hand. I have to eat atleast 6 times a day. If I dont get food I get very, very grouchy and shortly after that I get shaky, sweaty, disoriented, and lethargic (diabetes). :silly:

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My girlfriends use to slap me when I started snoring loud. And you know, when you're snoring you're in the REM stage of deep sleep. But waking me up out of that deep sleep had me sooooooo p'd off. I couldn't even go back to sleep because I was too upset about being woken up in the 1st place. So needless to say, not enough sleep leaves me pissed at the world for the entire day.

But after that first sip of coffee, and that first cigarrette (sp)......I tend to tolerate the world and people in it a little bit.

But be careful. Because not enough sleep that causes grouchiness leads to serious morning road rage!!!!!

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