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redskins sign Dave Rayner


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Great........yet another retread. I find it incredibly hard to believe that somehow the Skins have had woes at both kicking positions for years now, yet other teams manage to sign decent free-agents at the positions.

Incredible fail for the Skins not to have solidified such important positions by now.

Remember.... we did have Akers in our camp.

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Meh, kickers only go in the later rounds anyway. 5th round and later has player that don't have as high a percentage of having a successful NFL career anyway. I wouldn't mind us taking a kicker in the 5th this year if we've addressed some of our other needs earlier in the draft and in FA. Plus, there is apparently a large selection of quality kickers in the draft this year.

There is a reason this guy has been cut 5 times in 5 years or whatever it is. Competition is good, but it wouldn't be terrible to have a 3 way competition with this guy, Suisham, and a late round pick.:2cents:

Nah, I didn't have too much of a problem with Brooks last year cause I despised Frost, but after Brooks didn't last long, I saw it as a wasted pick. I think that kickers, like most other rookies, need time to develop a level of comfort. And unfortunately, I'm not willing to let them grow into their role while causing us to lose games. They can do that for the Cowboys.

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I can understand the problems at K and P...Indy had a problem there for a while and they didn't win one until they finally signed the kicker from NE.

Philly's kicker was bad here in DC then found his rhythm in Philly.

Its about them finding their groove and being reliable under pressure.

I get that, TS, and agree with you. But honestly, hasn't it been long enough? When did we last have an above-average kicker with at least SOME longevity?

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While i think competition is great. This dude isn't the answer. He only has played one full season that being in Green Bay in 06. His percentage is not that good unless your counting extra points. And in the few games he has played since then it looks like on kickoffs that his leg isn't quite as strong as it was earlier in his career. Career long field goal of 54 yards. But i guess it can't hurt to give him a shot.

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Nah, I didn't have too much of a problem with Brooks last year cause I despised Frost, but after Brooks didn't last long, I saw it as a wasted pick. I think that kickers, like most other rookies, need time to develop a level of comfort. And unfortunately, I'm not willing to let them grow into their role while causing us to lose games. They can do that for the Cowboys.

And the solution is to go get a guy who, outside of one game, punted just as poorly? At least Brooks might have improved as the season wore on, whereas Plackemeier ain't learning any new tricks anymore if you get my jive. It's ridiculous when people don't have patience with rookies. :2cents:

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And the solution is to go get a guy who, outside of one game, punted just as poorly? At least Brooks might have improved as the season wore on, whereas Plackemeier ain't learning any new tricks anymore if you get my jive. It's ridiculous when people don't have patience with rookies. :2cents:

Its a difference between having patience with rookie WRs or a rookie QB who's a highly scouted and recruited guy who people say may be the next Larry Fitzgerald.

Its another thing to have patience with a rookie who seems to be scaired of everything NFL, even though he was tutored by Ray Guy. I'm not saying that we've found the solution yet.

The way the league works is that punters and kickers get rotated around the league until they hit a stride and then they stay with that team.

What makes Brooks so much better than Plackemeier? Both were Ray Guy award winners who've had horrible careers. Both guys have the talent, but need it to be developed. They're talented enough that they're going to keep getting jobs, but I'm not going to be as patient with a guy we can replace for $400K as I am gonna be with a guy who has first round talent.

Sorry if that disappoints you.

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What makes Brooks so much better than Plackemeier? Both were Ray Guy award winners who've had horrible careers. Both guys have the talent, but need it to be developed. They're talented enough that they're going to keep getting jobs, but I'm not going to be as patient with a guy we can replace for $400K as I am gonna be with a guy who has first round talent.

Sorry if that disappoints you.

He's not. That was my point. Plackemeier is just an older, less coachable version of Brooks with less upside.

BTW, if you want to replace him with a $400k punter, you could replace him with himself! http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/player?statsId=8945

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I'm so old, I at first thought we signed the old Bengal OL-man


I was thinking Cory Raymer :)

don't know much about him professionally, but my girlfriend went to college with him at michigan state, and was friends with him. apparently he's a pretty nice guy. she'll be very excited about the signing.

sorry, that's all i got.

Better look out man...

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I believe his name was John Hall. The problem though was that he kept getting injured.

Oh no.........say it ain't so!

Hall was O.K., but just slightly better than average, TS. His constant injuries definitely were a problem. So what did he give us, like ONE decent year before he became a liability? If anything, Hall is the perfect example of the kicking woes in Washington I'm referring to.

While teams like Detriot (Hansen), NE (during the Viniateri run), Indy (with the idiot kicker run), Cincy (Graham), GB (Longwell before the trade), Tampa (Grammatica) and many others seem to have had success finding long-term, reliable kickers who managed to stay healthy, the Redskins haven't had a guy we could count on since, dare I say, Mosely.

So 'Zona just stumbled upon Rackers and da Bears got lucky with Gould? No. I believe they seriously evaluated the position and didn't put one hand over their eyes, turn in the direction of a dart board and throw, hoping to hit a bullseye. The re-treads we pick up had seriously shaky stats when we got them. Seems Raynor is no exception.

Anyway.......sorry this really shouldn't be directed at you.......but I'm frustrated to see our team consistently suck at a position I'd bet money you and I could kick better than the guys currently on the roster. Ok, maybe a slight exaggeration........but only SLIGHT!

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Sidenote, does anyone know what Brooks is up to these days? Any chance the skins will bring him back to compete for a spot again? Has any other team shown any interest in him?

Don't get me wrong he was atrocious when he was playing here, but like alot of people in this thread have said, kickers vary so much year to year and once they hit their stride become great. What if he just needed some NFL experience under his belt to calm down a bit?

I'm pleading ingnorance on this, but in the back of my mind I have this sinking feeling were gonna see him on another team in like 2 or 3 years playing amazingly.

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Sidenote, does anyone know what Brooks is up to these days? Any chance the skins will bring him back to compete for a spot again? Has any other team shown any interest in him?

Don't get me wrong he was atrocious when he was playing here, but like alot of people in this thread have said, kickers vary so much year to year and once they hit their stride become great. What if he just needed some NFL experience under his belt to calm down a bit?

I'm pleading ingnorance on this, but in the back of my mind I have this sinking feeling were gonna see him on another team in like 2 or 3 years playing amazingly.

He's a Packer now.
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I agree with some others. Kickers often don't succeed until after a few seasons in the NFL. The thing I like about Rayner is that he seems to have a strong leg and Suisham doesn't. You can't teach strength but hopefully you can get him to become more accurate.

It's also good that Suisham will have competition during training camp as opposed to having none last year, which I found to be ridiculous for a guy who hasn't proven anything.

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Rayner has a strong leg and he consistently gets the ball between the uprights. Kicking field goals in a non-game situation usually makes a good impression work out for FG/Kickers. I am sure most of them look good.

His kick-off technique is interesting because he twist his body to get more hang time but he seems to be relax and he has the correct form.

But, what will he look like in a real game situation? Sean needs some competition!!

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I don't know why anyone would get too excited about a career 71% kicker - look at his stats - how do we even sign this guy - he is about 65% from 40 or more yards!!

I guess it is competition - it does not tell me that the Redskins are serious about replacing Suisham unless he absolutely stinks in preseason and Rayner lights it up ??

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I can understand the problems at K and P...Indy had a problem there for a while and they didn't win one until they finally signed the kicker from NE.

Philly's kicker was bad here in DC then found his rhythm in Philly.

Its about them finding their groove and being reliable under pressure.

Nick Lowery bounced around to atleast seven teams before he settled with the Chiefs. I mention him, because he went to St. Albans and I think we had him very early in his career, not sure he made the team though.

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