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Need dog advice


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Hoping the resident dog experts can help me decide whether it's the right time for the family to get a dog.

Let me give you some background information into my current situation before I ask specific questions.

My wife and I are expecting our first child in September. :) We are currently living in Korea for due my military duty and planning to move back to the States (Virginia) in June. We plan to move into an apartment that is about 1400 sq ft and plan to live with my 6 yr old cat, who is staying with my mother while I'm in Korea. Until our child is about two to three years old, my wife plans to be a full-time stay-at-home mom and after that she plans to go back to school.

My wife raised two dogs (mixed breeds) while she was a teenager and I raised three cats. I was raised around several dogs when I was very young (when my family lived with my grandmother for a few years), but I was too young to be of much help in taking care of them.

My wife and I planned on raising a dog when we moved back to the states and decided to raise a golden retriever after considering various factors, such as temperament, trainability, compatibility with children and cats, and looks. Since the decision, however, we found out that we'll be having a baby in September and we were wondering if and how we should adjust our plans about the puppy. So I was hoping for some advice.

Question 1) Will it be appropriate to raise a golden retriever puppy along with a new born baby?

We are considering getting the GR puppy fairly soon after the baby (within a few months, although obviously nothing is set in stone). Although we will be very busy with the baby, we figured that this is the time when one of us will be able to stay home full time. That way, while the puppy is young, there will be someone at the house full time. Also, we are hoping that by raising the baby and the puppy together, both of them will have a easier time adjusting to each other. Some of the articles I have read, however, advise against getting a GR puppy for a family with an infant or a toddler as they may be too playful for the baby's safety. Advice?

Question 2) Will an apartment be an acceptable living environment for a Golden Retriever?

I read that Golden Retrievers have relatively mild indoor energy as long as they are properly exercised outdoors. The apartment we will be moving into has a common ground and a dog park about half a mile away. I plan on walking the dog (to the park or within the grounds) once before I go to work and once after I get back. Our apartment also has a balcony we can use for house training while the puppy is still young and needs to go frequently. Will walks twice a day be enough for a Golden Retriever's exercise requirements? Or is it unrealistic to expect to give a Golden Retriever the play and space it needs without a yard?

Question 3) Given our circumstances, should we consider an adult retriever instead of a puppy? Or delay adding a dog to the family?

Our clear preference would be to raise a puppy to adulthood as we would like to have strong bond with the dog and also have the entire family bond with the dog from puppyhood. However, is it unrealistic to expect a puppy to happily fit into a household given our situation? We don't want to put a puppy into a situation where we are expecting and asking too much from the puppy. Would it be better to consider a fully grown dog or delay adding a dog altogether?

I would really appreciate some advice and guidance before we make a decision about adding another member to our family. Thanks to all who reply.

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An apt will be small for a Goldie, but will do if you stay up on exersize.

Get an adult or non puppy, especially if you are expecting. it would be having two kids if you had a child and a puppy.

Golden Retrievers are one of the best dogs to raise around children because of their demeanor. They are a very gentle dog and very intelligent.

Although, you are in Korea and closer to one of the best breeds of dog in the world. You are near the island of Jindo, and that is where the Jindo comes from. its an ancient breed of dog and one of the most fascinating dogs in the world. It can find its way home from over several hundred miles away by scent, can remember over 3000 faces, and has incredible comprehension skills and memory. They can also climb 8 foot fences to protect their territory. Great dog. I rescued one, and she is the sweetest thing around ANYONE, especially children. Very smart dog. They, much like any dog needs space, but as long as you keep up an exercize regiment, it will keep the dog happy. Any dog you get really. Alos, Jindo's do not bark. They were silent Emperial temple guard dogs. No barking is key, and something i look for in dogs now.

Hope any of that helps.

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ok, I don't want to sound mean, but I would highly advise that you wait for this dog. My backgroud:- 5 yrs as a police K9 officer and over 10 yrs of dog training experience. Along with growing up on a farm and raising all sorts of dogs. I'm not saying I'm a know it all, but I do feel that I have some room to speak here.

Think of a few things. Your wife, even as a stay at home mom, will be a new mom. She, and you, will want to devote most of your time/energy to your brand new baby, not a puppy. Even an adult Golden Retriever will need a lot of attention. I know many GR who are very active in late adulthood. I'm typically against apartment living w/ a dog, unless you have a small and low energy dog (regardless of how many times you can take them for a walk).

I don't see any safety issues, so my thinking comes from the perspective of what is best for the dog? Will the dog get enough attention? Will the dog be trained in obedience? (always recommend obedience training classes, even for an experienced dog owner).

Here is what I would say. Wait to make a decision until your kid is at least 6 months old. At that time, really evaluate your schedule and how you will be able to fit a dog (puppy or adult) into that schedule. Dogs are people pleasers, they want to be loved. They, especially puppies, need a ton of attention. When they don't get that attention, they can misbehave, which leads to the owner disciplining the dog. When in all reality, if the person was being a good owner from the start, could have avoided the negative behavior.

I'm glad you are putting so much thought into this. There are tons of dogs in the human societies because people got themselves into a situation that they didn't think would happen.

My last suggestion, when you do get a dog (cause I do support you being a dog owner at some point), please visit your local human society. Many will let you take the dogs for a walk, or even some will do a home test. They will let you take the dog for a few days/week to see if it is a compatable fit before you actually adopt.

Good luck and feel free to PM me if you like.

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First of all congrat's to the proud expecting parents!:cheers:

Although it would be great for a baby to grow up with a pup, you can't always control a pup. You are better off with a young 1 to 3 year old dog who have trained prior to the babies arrival. The dog and baby will have a great bound and the dog will be protective of the baby. :)

The apartment will be fine as long as walks are consistent and not short.

My last suggestion, when you do get a dog (cause I do support you being a dog owner at some point), please visit your local human society. Many will let you take the dogs for a walk, or even some will do a home test. They will let you take the dog for a few days/week to see if it is a compatable fit before you actually adopt.
This is the best advice anyone could give you. I've had three rescued dogs who have been wonderful.

I grew up with a pure bred Golden. She was awesome but don't get your heart set on a pure bred, muts are the best!

Good luck with all :)

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So I was watching Dogs 101 the other week with the girlfriend and they did a thing about retrievers and apparently they have a habit of biting, but aside from that they are spectacular dogs. I never really knew that.

The apartment would probably be too small for a big dog, but my father and stepmother had two akitas around when they had their two kids. Awesome dogs.

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I have four rescue dogs. Best dogs in the world, all of them are mix breeds, except for the Jindo. One is a Great Dane/Pit mix, one is a St. Bernard/Pit mix, one is a Rodie/beagle mix..... yeah odd mixes to say the least, but funny as hell in their own right.

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I'd definitely go with a grown dog, as opposed to a puppy. Puppies are a handful and if they aren't housebroken, that's a lot to deal with a newborn and a cat as well.

I volunteer with a group called A Forever Home in Chantilly, they get all kinds of dogs year round, everything from puppies to dogs in their later stages. If you need help finding a dog, check out www.aforeverhome.org and look around. You can see pictures of the dogs, as well as contact the volunteers who are fostering them to gauge how well the dog would fit your family/living situation.

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I agree, for the most part, with the other posters here. My best advice would be to either:

a) wait until your baby is a little older before bringing home a dog (your wife is planning to stay home for at least a couple of years, anyway)


B) if you guys have your hearts set on bringing home a dog soon, look into getting an older one

And definitely consider adopting or rescuing rather than buying from a breeder. My chihuahua/miniature pinscher/something else mutt from the Fairfax Animal Shelter is awesome :D

And about having a dog in an apartment - I don't see a major problem with it, as long as walks are consistent and he/she gets sufficient playtime. And 1400 square feet isn't exactly a tiny apartment...

Congratulations on the pregnancy and good luck with your decision! :)

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