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Rookie Class Coming Right Along; Finally!


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i like that in the last few weeks we are seeing the rooks contribute more and more. its been said that wr is one of the hardest positions to tranisition from college to pros. besides jackson and royal, name another rookie wr that is having a good year. avery had a few good games in the middle of the season but i haven't heard anything about him since. hardy, sweed, nelson, and manningham (all wr's we were interested in) have contributed little to their teams. i think thomas and kelly will both play much larger roles next season and could be our #2 and #3 wrs. horton has been a pleasant surprise since the new orleans game and has should good playmaking ability. moore and tyron are turning into solid special teams players and could see some more pt next year on defense.

another year in this system should bode well for all our rookies and i look forward to seeing them contribute next season!

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If Moss, Thomas, Kelly, ARE and another young guy are our receivers, then you must believe that one of the rookies, Thomas or Kelly, is going to step into the No. 1 receiver position within the next two seasons. Moss and ARE are really best suited to the No. 2 receiver position, a la Wes Welker. Otherwise, it might be interesting for us to try to land Houshmanzadeh (still can't spell it). Imagine Housh as our No. 1 and possession receiver, with Moss, Thomas/Kelly and Cooley on the field. Of course, we must devote this year's draft primarily to the OLine.

I believe it only because they have to. ARE is not a starting #2 WR. Never was. He was forced into that situation because of the Brandon Lloyd catastrophe.

If we go into the season next year with Moss/ARE as the #1 and #2, then we're done. Sunk like the Titanic.

Either Thomas or Kelly HAS to win that spot. It's up for grabs. May the best player win. Because, with their talent, a Moss and Thomas/Kelly 1-2, with ARE in the slot, you at least have size and speed on the field. Right now, they have speed in Moss, and nothing really special in ARE. No size at all.

btw, just to amplify your point, they TRIED to get Chad Johnson (forget for a moment the 2 #1s) so they could have Johnson/Moss on the outside, with ARE in the slot, Cooley at TE, and that would have been somewhat potent.

It didn't work. Rookies failed to contribute.

So now, next year, they HAVE to. No question. They are not going to change the WR corps at all, I don't think, because they have to concentrate on the lines. Which means that the rooks have to step up and win the job.

I wouldn't mind seing Thomas, Kelly and Moss on the field with Cooley and Portis. That's a ton of size and speed. ARE is the odd man out, but eh, oh well.

But the Rooks need to WIN the jobs. Nothing will be given to them. They have to earn it.

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Good thread, crush. I agree to a point. I think part of our rookie class' limited production comes from Zorn's distrust of them, period. Hopefully next year he sees more in them and starts giving them some snaps, because talent-wise I think we have some keepers.

The FO gets bashed here and elsewhere relentlessly, though not without some reason. I still think we have to give them some more time, and some more credit for this year's emphasis on the draft. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they CONTINUE this policy and build wisely for the future instead of the impulsive decisions they've made in the past.

Of the rookies, the two I'm going to be following closely next year are Sleepy and Rino. They've seen almost no action this year. They're an unknown quantity, but as I said earlier, I think they have talent to be good players. Time will tell.

Well done, amigo.

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There is no doubt that our Rookies ought to have performed much better than this. Nobody expected Randy Moss from 2007, but never the less, our Rookie WRs and TE have NO Receiving TDs. That is unacceptable.

This can be attributed to the fact that we have a very disciplined HC when it comes to Rookies, however. Our Rookies are VERY physically talented, and each one of them brings something unique. Thomas is extraordinarily talented, Kelly is hella Tall, and Davis is pretty athletic for a big Guy, and him being behind Cooley will only increase his potential.

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Recievers always seem to take a year or 2 to develop, and all of them showed "signs." However we need some beef up front to turn out well, nowhere in your post do you speak of the OLineman Rinehart, we need this guy to pan out at guard bigtime. Kendall is on his last leg and Thomas is catching him fast.

Why are so many down on Kendall? I thought him to be our best O lineman this year.

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hopefully we pick up some young linemen talent. Free agency or draft, i dont care. As long as theyre young with STUD potential. We got Deangelo Hall from free agency, it's probably one of the best pickup's we've seen in years! As for the rookies, let's hope next year Malcolm and Devin will be that big downfield/end zone threat that we know they are and (granted if theyre here) Santana and Randle El can play more slants and boot leg playaction plays more where theyre more effective.

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