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What to do with Bugel?


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You guys are the same people screaming "you can't fire Joe Gibb, he is a legend" Bugel has produced the worst Oline in the league for the past two seasons. This team can't block the run or pass block worth a crap. You guys need to take the blinders off, the game has passed him by. Zorn needs to go out and find an offensive line coach that can coach his style of playcaling.


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your pulling out a stat as backup when said stat is something that RARELY happens. how many times does a starting back go for 200+, much less a backup.

now if 200 yard games were commonplace, then i wouldnt have a problem with that example.

122 yards may not be a lot, but 122 would be good for 10th place on season average. the jets are 9th for the season with 128 yards per game, and the raiders are 10th with 119 yards per game. but ill give you that is lower than our season average since we are 8th with 131 yards per game.

so for offense, thats not really that bad. but then look at who is was against. the eagles are 5th in the league in yards rushing allowed. 92 yards per game. so putting up 122 on them isn't bad since it is 30 yards more than theyve been allowing for the season. thats what? 30% or so more than their average. and the first time we played them, we put up 200 yards on them when they were only allowing 53 or 73 a game.

way to settle...thanks,, you're exactly why this team sucks.. pay attention to what you reply too, we aren't talking about the Eagles D we are talking about our Oline coach..When was the last time we had a 200 yard rusher let alone a back up that gets 200 yards.. If Bugel was still an unbelievable coach that you make him out to be then maybe you would think after 15 games he could put some icing on the **** players we have..its called coaching, watch films and correct mistakes..

Look at this who is the first name on the list? how many times has he been sacked? Don't sit here and try to justify this guys work when its gone downhill, the OP asked what to do with Bugel. my :2cents:

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I figure Buges is done. Bugel should stay only if Jim Zorn wants him too.

Jim Zorn should be able to pick his entire staff on offense and defense. If Jim would like someone else as OL coach then that is Jim's right.

My gut says Buges retires. He came back to help Gibbs and stayed on to help the rookie.

He's said that he doesn't plan on retiring anytime soon.

I think he's an extremely good coach, and probably one of the best, if not the best offensive line coach in the league. Just look at his track record, and look how he's able to make mediocre players respectable. I'm not knowledgeable to be able to compare and contrast him with other OL coaches, but I'll just say that Heyer probably wouldn't be a prospective starter on this team if Bugel wasn't here.

Time for him to enjoy the rest of his life and retire to some golf course or fishing lake. I love Buges, but he has done all he can, and it's time to perhaps try to lure Russ Grimm away from Az. Joe Bugel needs to take a hint from Joe Gibbs, and spend the rest of his time with family. The loss of his daughter was HUGE this year, and I think he just needs to step away from the game.

Why are you making the decision for him? Maybe he likes coaching?

way to settle...thanks,, you're exactly why this team sucks.. pay attention to what you reply too, we aren't talking about the Eagles D we are talking about our Oline coach..When was the last time we had a 200 yard rusher let alone a back up that gets 200 yards.. If Bugel was still an unbelievable coach that you make him out to be then maybe you would think after 15 games he could put some icing on the **** players we have..its called coaching, watch films and correct mistakes..

Look at this who is the first name on the list? how many times has he been sacked? Don't sit here and try to justify this guys work when its gone downhill, the OP asked what to do with Bugel. my :2cents:

You have absurd expectations, and are even more ridiculous to think that teams/units can't have bad years. Campbell should actually be 4th on the list btw (though it's still terrible).EDIT: Oh, nevermind. That's just the NFC.

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How can things like technique, hand placement and footwork pass by JB? It can't and hasn't. Look at the improvements with Heyer from when he was picked up as a FA. Look at the attitude they got after he came back and the line had to unlearn what spurrier had left on the field. He got everyone to give a crap again and bang heads. Remember in camp Thomas has half assing it that first year and he gave him the "I don't care who you are or how much you make, you will be cut" speech.

Game has passed him by... That is a moronic statement.

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Ok - everyone loves Joe Bugel. But, let's look at his position pragmatically. Zorn wanted to keep the Gibbs running game in place in year one for continuity. For next year it is time to convert from the Midwest Offense to the WCO. Is Bugel capable of teaching the OL new WCO running concepts?

Is Bugel too wedded to his veteran players? Bugel cut his teeth on the power running game and obviously preferred to have Jansen play over Heyer. A Rookie OL may be more open to change and can be selected based upon their pass protection skills rather than run blocking ability.

Will Bugel even want to return if his boys are cut or demoted?

I'd love for Bugel to return if: 1) he can teach a running game better suited to the WCO, 2) he shows he's willing to allow rookies or at least younger players to become starters (rather than be on the practice squad to be picked up by other teams). Note that prior to Bugel the Skins had their third round OG pick start in year 1.

How much of the blame for the OL performance falls on Bugel? Did he tell Zorn and Vinny that they really need new talent for the OL or did he tell them that the Skins could get the job done with existing talent? I suspect the latter.

What do you think Bugel will want to do?

Love the buges, but honestly hope he retiers this year!! The O-line was the cause of MOST of the problems this year. The O-Line needs a change, and when it dose get changed, maybee it wouldnt hurt to get a new O-Line coach, he cant coach forever unfortunatly. If we change the players and not the buges, he would probably retier the next year anyway, and that is bad for the chemistry!!

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Bugel should be allowed to leave on his terms and if he's not ready then he stays. The O-line and the running game were great early on, they just got older very fast and probably faster than anyone anticipated. The running should stay the same as well. With a young O-line, Bugel can coach them to dominance. :helmet:

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Don't be a bird brain. This team has given up the most sack in the league this year. The line needs to be revamped and the coach needs to be let go. Bugel has served this team well and it's time for him to hang it up!

Right on. The bottom line is accountability. The O-Line has failed this season. The players haven't executed. Buges has not got the job done. Sherman Smith hasn't gotten it done. JZ has not got it done. #$!@ flows down hill. Sherman Smith, SEE YA! Buges, you are a king and have served this franchise with pride and honor. JZ, you need to hold people accountable. If we had some two-year O-line coach, that guy would be gone before the skins return from San Fran.

The major problem with this team is scoring points. If the skins average 21pts/gm with this #4 defense, we are not having this conversation.

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