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US Forest service issues "Christmas Tree" tags...not holiday tree tags


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Not grumpy. Just tired of the same bull.

"OMG, that store clerk said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" - they are discriminating against Christians and tearing down our traditions blah blah blah"


ok, please show me where I said that in this thread, or any other. Becuase that is not at all the point of this thread. In a previous thread, I believe the one about my state capital and the athiest sign, there was talk about how the government is supporting religion (not just christians) by either having an xmas tree up, or printing "In God We Trust" on money, or say, "One nation under God" in the pledge of allegience...so again, I was curious if it bothered those same people if the government was spending money to print the tags w/ religous content.(those aren't free)

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you must really include a lot of people in "we"....anyway, I don't see your answer, but I did see a funny cartoon of the grinch. :D

maybe you guys should celebrate, I get the feeling "you all" are grumpy...

I do speak for a lot when i say we.

As your conclusion indicates, you seem to lump us all in with the loonies who do want to ruin your day and steal your Christmas pudding.

Your original question is a hair splitter, one that isn't going to bother anyone save the militant. It is small and inconsequential, and you know it is, but you still seem to want to use it to try and stir up something, be it debate or what, I'm not sure. the debate I would have is "why should anyone care?"

But I'll give it an honest answer. I am an atheist, and I don't care because it's a CHRISTMAS tree, and it should say MERRY CHRISTMAS on it.

If it was a menorah, I guess it should be different.

I tell you what. there's a fair number of atheists on this board.

If ANY of them are part of these small groups that actively try to cause friction, will they please speak up?

I've never seen them in any other religious or anti religious thread on this site. I've seen folks who discuss not believing in God, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone here really hold contempt for those who do believe, and really want to stick it to them over Christmas.

But maybe they really ARE in every shadow.

I guess we'll find out.

Live and let live. That is what it's all about.


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OH BS with that live and let live crap. as soon as there is a christian thread made athiests come in there and talk **** just as much as christians do. this whole "we just live and let live" crap is just that. it is you standing on a soapbox trying to speak like you are some sort of person who is above all of us petty arguing masses.

thats crap bang and just because you choose not to see that athiests are just as antagonistic as christians doesnt make it the truth.

and "I speak for a lot" is pretty ****y too...

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Costing me money?

On the contrary, it sounds like the Federal Government are profiteering on the backs of Christian's devout beliefs by selling regular trees and claiming they have some special religious meaning and significance.

well I am definitely not "devout" and I have never believed that the Christmas tree has "special religious meaning and significance". But I can tell you that the 2 hour hike through the mountains w/ my 2 buddies and my 2 dogs was hella fun. (I'll try to add some pics later)...and my house smell so darn good, like a fresh pine mountain morning. And I must say that the cool white lights look pretty...my cat really enjoys the ornaments I placed at the bottom....the only thing missing is presents. I live alone, no kids...so I guess I'll be wrapping dog bones or something.:silly:

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I do speak for a lot when i say we.

As your conclusion indicates, you seem to lump us all in with the loonies who do want to ruin your day and steal your Christmas pudding.

who the hell made Christmas pudding and didn't give me any?? ******* MUTHER ****ERS>....give me back my puddding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OH BS with that live and let live crap. as soon as there is a christian thread made athiests come in there and talk **** just as much as christians do. this whole "we just live and let live" crap is just that. it is you standing on a soapbox trying to speak like you are some sort of person who is above all of us petty arguing masses.

thats crap bang and just because you choose not to see that athiests are just as antagonistic as christians doesnt make it the truth.

and "I speak for a lot" is pretty ****y too...

It is ****y, Mike, and i get ****y because I'm quite confident that my claim is backed up by the behavior of the overwhelming majority of we atheists.

Obviously there's going to be the militant few, but they are a vast minority.

Most of us do indeed want to simply be left alone and out of all the crap.

And yeah, if that mjeans I feel as though I would like to stay above the arguinhg fray, sue me for being tired of the same old crap.

This thread was started with a chip on it's shoulder, and now the answers have been given.

I didn't see any atheists starting any threads about the evils of Christmas, no I see Christians starting threads about this stuff. This thread could be viewed as a challenge to atheists to be stupid and petty, and thankfully it doesn't seem as if any have taken the bait.

Yes. Live and let live. I can guarantee you this, I would have said none of this had this shoulder-poke of a thread not been made. It simply isn't something I go around obsessing over. If it gives you peace, so be it, it's not something I concern myself over.

However, I hope it's clear by my first post that i don't take this thread so seriously, either. I meant to play back with some fun.


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oh Bang....just so ya know...one of my employees is a huge Cowboy fan. So during our staff meetings, I play your cartoons. It's pretty funny. She only has ever laughed at the Plexico one....wonder why?

Well shame on her! She above all should be able to see what a joke her team is.


My partner on the podcast is a Cowboys fan. It works, I guess.


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It is ****y, Mike, and i get ****y because I'm quite confident that my claim is backed up by the behavior of the overwhelming majority of we atheists.

Obviously there's going to be the militant few, but they are a vast minority.

Most of us do indeed want to simply be left alone and out of all the crap.

And yeah, if that mjeans I feel as though I would like to stay above the arguinhg fray, sue me for being tired of the same old crap.

This thread was started with a chip on it's shoulder, and now the answers have been given.

I didn't see any atheists starting any threads about the evils of Christmas, no I see Christians starting threads about this junk.

Yes. Live and let live. I can guarantee you this, I would have said none of this had this shoulder-poke of a thread not been made. It simply isn't something I go around obsessing over. If it gives you peace, so be it, it's not something I concern myself over.


If you are trying to be sincere here then cool. But what I see is someone who is trying to say that it is in fact Christians who do all of the antagonizing and wrongdoings and the athiests just want to "live and let live". well thats complete and total crap to me. They arent a vast minority, and the case of the cross on top of Mt Soledad in San Diego is just one example but a prime one.

its always easy to speak for others when you feel you have something important to say. it is also very easy to overstep your boundaries and not actually be speaking for others.

I dont think LJ started this thread with a chip on her shoulder but to ask a serious question. Maybe it was you in fact who had the chip because you are "tired of the same old crap".

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well I am definitely not "devout" and I have never believed that the Christmas tree has "special religious meaning and significance".

It was a (very small) joke.

My (in no way serious) point was the Feds exploiting religion for profit is not a violation of the establishment clause I'd be concerned about.

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This thread was started with a chip on it's shoulder, and now the answers have been given.

Well I'm glad you have esp so you can see into my brain and my intentions of a thread. I have not said anything negative, that would be you. Well, I guess I did get a lil testy about the pudding....

but really, I think you are the one w/ a chip on your shoulder Bang. I asked a simple question, based off of posts I've read and you are flipping out.

I didn't see any atheists starting any threads about the evils of Christmas, no I see Christians starting threads about this stuff. This thread could be viewed as a challenge to atheists to be stupid and petty, and thankfully it doesn't seem as if any have taken the bait.

This was no ploy, wow, you really think there is some conspiracy to "show how the athiests are crazy..." dude, chill on that one.

Yes. Live and let live. I can guarantee you this, I would have said none of this had this shoulder-poke of a thread not been made. It simply isn't something I go around obsessing over. If it gives you peace, so be it, it's not something I concern myself over.


wtf is a shoulder poke of a thread? Are we not allowe to ask questions anymore. You are the one all pissy. I'm in great mood actually. And I was in a great mood when I created the thread. I seriously had no idea that you were going to get your panties in such a bunch over a darn question. Couldn't you have just said, "nope, doesn't bother me a bit.." and move along? No, you had to add sarcasm, and a jerk tone. That's on you...not me. I'm still smiling.:D

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It was a (very small) joke.

My (in no way serious) point was the Feds exploiting religion for profit is not a violation of the establishment clause I'd be concerned about.

I must have got your , very small, joke cause it did make me laugh, but I do appreciate you clearing up your the tone that you meant it by.

:cheers: <--- that is hot buttered rum btw, a great drink for the cold winter nights. I suggest it to anyone.

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If you are trying to be sincere here then cool. But what I see is someone who is trying to say that it is in fact Christians who do all of the antagonizing and wrongdoings and the athiests just want to "live and let live". well thats complete and total crap to me. They arent a vast minority, and the case of the cross on top of Mt Soledad in San Diego is just one example but a prime one.

its always easy to speak for others when you feel you have something important to say. it is also very easy to overstep your boundaries and not actually be speaking for others.

I dont think LJ started this thread with a chip on her shoulder but to ask a serious question. Maybe it was you in fact who had the chip because you are "tired of the same old crap".

I would seriously wonder how you could not see such a petty concern as a serious question. I think LJ has shown pretty clearly she's having some lighthearted fun here. there might be a question below it, but overall it's a petty situation, and I think everyone realizes it, including her.

I don't worry about speaking for others if i feel what I have to say has merit. I really don't. If there was someone who disagrees, well , obviously it's not them I'm speaking for.

it is a vast minority. Unfortunately, the militants are always the loudest, and they get the news.

That is why you read about protests over crosses on Mount whatever, because the alternative headline "Local Atheist Does Nothing To Antagonize Anyone" doesn't sell papers.

Squeaky Wheel syndrome. Those loons represent the majority of us as Fred Phelps represents the majority of you.


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Well I'm glad you have esp so you can see into my brain and my intentions of a thread. I have not said anything negative, that would be you. Well, I guess I did get a lil testy about the pudding....

but really, I think you are the one w/ a chip on your shoulder Bang. I asked a simple question, based off of posts I've read and you are flipping out.

This was no ploy, wow, you really think there is some conspiracy to "show how the athiests are crazy..." dude, chill on that one.

wtf is a shoulder poke of a thread? Are we not allowe to ask questions anymore. You are the one all pissy. I'm in great mood actually. And I was in a great mood when I created the thread. I seriously had no idea that you were going to get your panties in such a bunch over a darn question. Couldn't you have just said, "nope, doesn't bother me a bit.." and move along? No, you had to add sarcasm, and a jerk tone. That's on you...not me. I'm still smiling.:D

Come on LJ, do you really think that these little tags is a serious concern for anyone other than the lunatic fringes?

Honestly, it's a petty situation, and asking if any of us are going to get upset over it is not showing much respect for someone's ability to tell the difference. That is why I initially played around with the Grinch post.


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ok once AGAIN...I will state that no where in this thread did I say, complain or whatever, that athiests were trying to antagonize anyone, or that they were stealing my christmas. I honestly and sincerely wanted to know how people felt. I find it interesting, because I've never talked to so many 'non believers' as I do on ES.

I equate it to when I was in highschool and a lot of my friends were Morman. I was honestly curious about the religion becuase growing up all I heard was that it was a crazy cult. So I would ask them stuff all the time, debate and such. We never fought, even though we would disagree. They fully understood that when I asked them something, it wasn't becuase I was trying to be an *******, but I sincerely wanted to know.

Maybe it's because you can't "hear" tone on here, mabye because there are some(many?) who post threads TO start an argument, or antagonize. But again, that was not my intention.

ok...now about that pudding....

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Come on LJ, do you really think that these little tags is a serious concern for anyone other than the lunatic fringes?

Honestly, it's a petty situation, and asking if any of us are going to get upset over it is not showing much respect for someone's ability to tell the difference. That is why I initially played around with the Grinch post.


I can see what you are saying, IF it was the "little tree tag" ONLY. But when you add it to the other church/state issues, such as the pledge, the money, the capital displays, and so on...it was just one MORE example I wanted to bring up. Seriously...

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Look, I'm as big of an ACLU guy as there is on this board. I oppose school-sponsored prayers in public schools, I think creches belong on church lawns or private property and not at City Hall, I generally agree with the ACLU about the Mount Soledad controversy (sorry Mike), I think the "under God" part never should have been added to the Pledge of Allegance in the 1950s, etc.

That doesn't mean that I want to take away anyone else's holiday, nor does it mean that I oppose the general recognition of Christmas by the government (as opposed to the endorsement of it).

I don't give a damn that your Christmas tree said "Christmas tree" on the label, and I don't know of a single civil libertarian who would care, one bit.

And as I look out my window in wicked anti-religous San Francisco and see the large lighted up Christmas tree in front of City Hall... well for some reason I don't see any protestors in front of it. Ever.

The idea that someone is stealing Christmas or oppressing Christians in this country is just so ludicrous, and yes, Bang is right, it's always Christians who start these threads and howl about how unfairly they are being treated.

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Bang is right, it's always Christians who start these threads and howl about how unfairly they are being treated.

once again, I'm waiting for someone to quote me, especially in this thread, that I mention ANYTHING about "How unfairly they(Christains) are being treated."

PLEASE show me where I have posted that. Otherwise, :stfu:and stop mis representing me. thank you!

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once again, I'm waiting for someone to quote me, especially in this thread, that I mention ANYTHING about "How unfairly they(Christains) are being treated."

PLEASE show me where I have posted that. Otherwise, :stfu:and stop mis representing me. thank you!

its funny that he comes in antagonizing with a statement like that but yet it trying to say it is christians that always are antagonizing. :rolleyes:

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